Papers by Abdullahi Abdulkarim

Journal of Global Economics and Business, 2021
This paper delves into the recent development in African integration and the nexus between such d... more This paper delves into the recent development in African integration and the nexus between such development of the Africa continental free trade area and the belt and road initiative. It analyses structure through which the belt and road initiative may facilitate the effective implementation of the African Continental Free Trade Area (ACFTA). Using the library literature findings show that the belt and road initiative is a cutting edge that will provide infrastructure and investment which in turn facilitates specialization of African countries in some specific vital areas based on comparative advantage and allows for wider freedom and chances of African countries to trade among themselves and continue to be relevant in the international markets. The paper concludes that, Africa has had relations in the past and will not make a mistake of repetition of such relations that were colonially oriented and exploitative in nature. Africa and China have discovered a great opportunity of mutual trust and mutual benefits in their cooperation process and are committed to harnessing such benefits. The paper recommends massive industrial takeoff and aggressive technological build-up of African continent to aid in the realization of the objectives of the ACFTA among other things.

Journal of Critical Care, 2021
COVID-19 je pandemija 21. veka. Spada u grupu zoonoza i uz rokovana je virusom koronavirus 2 (sev... more COVID-19 je pandemija 21. veka. Spada u grupu zoonoza i uz rokovana je virusom koronavirus 2 (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2)) koji izaziva bolest ko ronavirusa-COVID-19 (Corona Virus Disease-19). Virus je predhodno bio poznat kao 2019 novel coronavirus. Nespeci fični i najčešći klinički, a i radiološki nalaz je pneumonija koja je zbog predhodnog naziva virusa nazvana novel coronavi rus-infected pneumonia (NCIP). Pneumonija je bilateralna, periferne lokalizacije i bazalne distribucije. Za sada nema spe cifičnog tretmana niti vakcine za sprečavanje COVID-19, sve mere se sastoje u suportivnoj terapiji. Klinička slika varira u težini od asimtomatske do blage forme bolesti, preko težih oblika koji se mogu završiti smrtnim ishodom. U zavisnosti od stadijuma COVID-19 zavise i nalazi dobijeni primenom radioloških metoda. Oko polovine bolesnika ima normalan CT nalaz u prva dva dana od početka bolesti. Međutim, po java patoloških nalaza dostiže svoj maksimum između 9. i 13. dana. Prvo se uočavaju zone opacifikacije po tipu "mlečnog stakla", zatim sledi nalaz izgleda "crazy paving", a potom ra z voj konsolidacije. Sa poboljšanjem bolesti javljaju se zone fi b roze, a promene se povlače za mesec dana i kasnije. Ehosono grafija ima značajno mesto kod praćenja i vođenja teških bo le snika u intezivnim negama, a posebno kod praćenja stanja na plućima.

Journal of Critical Care, 2021
COVID-19 je pandemija 21. veka. Spada u grupu zoonoza i uz rokovana je virusom koronavirus 2 (sev... more COVID-19 je pandemija 21. veka. Spada u grupu zoonoza i uz rokovana je virusom koronavirus 2 (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2)) koji izaziva bolest ko ronavirusa-COVID-19 (Corona Virus Disease-19). Virus je predhodno bio poznat kao 2019 novel coronavirus. Nespeci fični i najčešći klinički, a i radiološki nalaz je pneumonija koja je zbog predhodnog naziva virusa nazvana novel coronavi rus-infected pneumonia (NCIP). Pneumonija je bilateralna, periferne lokalizacije i bazalne distribucije. Za sada nema spe cifičnog tretmana niti vakcine za sprečavanje COVID-19, sve mere se sastoje u suportivnoj terapiji. Klinička slika varira u težini od asimtomatske do blage forme bolesti, preko težih oblika koji se mogu završiti smrtnim ishodom. U zavisnosti od stadijuma COVID-19 zavise i nalazi dobijeni primenom radioloških metoda. Oko polovine bolesnika ima normalan CT nalaz u prva dva dana od početka bolesti. Međutim, po java patoloških nalaza dostiže svoj maksimum između 9. i 13. dana. Prvo se uočavaju zone opacifikacije po tipu "mlečnog stakla", zatim sledi nalaz izgleda "crazy paving", a potom ra z voj konsolidacije. Sa poboljšanjem bolesti javljaju se zone fi b roze, a promene se povlače za mesec dana i kasnije. Ehosono grafija ima značajno mesto kod praćenja i vođenja teških bo le snika u intezivnim negama, a posebno kod praćenja stanja na plućima.
Bilothorax is a defined as the presence of bile in the pleural space. Various aetiologies have be... more Bilothorax is a defined as the presence of bile in the pleural space. Various aetiologies have been identified. Empyema thoracis occurring as a result of bilothorax is rare. We report a case of a 30-year old man that had blast injury to the right hypochondrion, subsequently developed right sided pleural fluid collection and jaundice. Thoracentesis yielded yellowish fluid. He had thoracotomy and decortication. Postoperative recovery was uneventful and patient was discharge.

The study investigated the availability and utilization of visual aid materials in teach... more ABSTRACT
The study investigated the availability and utilization of visual aid materials in teaching Islamic religious studies in junior secondary schools teachers in Gombe metropolis. The study involved public and private schools within Gombe metropolis. Out of fifty two (52) schools, forty nine (49) teachers were used as sample of study. An instrument, visual aids; availability and utilization questionnaire was used to collect data, with the available record of performance of the students in the study area. The data collected were expressed as percentages, correlation and analyzed using statistical package for social science (SPSS). The result revealed that there is available visual aid materials among the junior secondary schools but varies between one schools to the other depending on school teachers and management attitude of the study area. It also revealed that utilization of visual aid materials from the part of teachers varies from one schools to the other in the area of study, commonly because of the stipulated time for the class, technical known how and some teacher were not educationist. The correlation analysis shows that there is a positive relationship between availability and utilization of visual aid materials in teaching of Islamic religious studies in junior secondary schools in Gombe metropolis with 0.875 leve of significance. And it also reveals that there is a positive relationship between utilization of the available visual aid materials and students’ academic performance with 0.984 level of significances. The research further suggested that the State Universal Basic Education Board (SUBEB) and Gombe state ministry of education should be organizing training workshop and seminars on regular basis to re-orient teachers of Islamic studies on how to improvise and effectively use of visual aids materials.
Papers by Abdullahi Abdulkarim
The study investigated the availability and utilization of visual aid materials in teaching Islamic religious studies in junior secondary schools teachers in Gombe metropolis. The study involved public and private schools within Gombe metropolis. Out of fifty two (52) schools, forty nine (49) teachers were used as sample of study. An instrument, visual aids; availability and utilization questionnaire was used to collect data, with the available record of performance of the students in the study area. The data collected were expressed as percentages, correlation and analyzed using statistical package for social science (SPSS). The result revealed that there is available visual aid materials among the junior secondary schools but varies between one schools to the other depending on school teachers and management attitude of the study area. It also revealed that utilization of visual aid materials from the part of teachers varies from one schools to the other in the area of study, commonly because of the stipulated time for the class, technical known how and some teacher were not educationist. The correlation analysis shows that there is a positive relationship between availability and utilization of visual aid materials in teaching of Islamic religious studies in junior secondary schools in Gombe metropolis with 0.875 leve of significance. And it also reveals that there is a positive relationship between utilization of the available visual aid materials and students’ academic performance with 0.984 level of significances. The research further suggested that the State Universal Basic Education Board (SUBEB) and Gombe state ministry of education should be organizing training workshop and seminars on regular basis to re-orient teachers of Islamic studies on how to improvise and effectively use of visual aids materials.
The study investigated the availability and utilization of visual aid materials in teaching Islamic religious studies in junior secondary schools teachers in Gombe metropolis. The study involved public and private schools within Gombe metropolis. Out of fifty two (52) schools, forty nine (49) teachers were used as sample of study. An instrument, visual aids; availability and utilization questionnaire was used to collect data, with the available record of performance of the students in the study area. The data collected were expressed as percentages, correlation and analyzed using statistical package for social science (SPSS). The result revealed that there is available visual aid materials among the junior secondary schools but varies between one schools to the other depending on school teachers and management attitude of the study area. It also revealed that utilization of visual aid materials from the part of teachers varies from one schools to the other in the area of study, commonly because of the stipulated time for the class, technical known how and some teacher were not educationist. The correlation analysis shows that there is a positive relationship between availability and utilization of visual aid materials in teaching of Islamic religious studies in junior secondary schools in Gombe metropolis with 0.875 leve of significance. And it also reveals that there is a positive relationship between utilization of the available visual aid materials and students’ academic performance with 0.984 level of significances. The research further suggested that the State Universal Basic Education Board (SUBEB) and Gombe state ministry of education should be organizing training workshop and seminars on regular basis to re-orient teachers of Islamic studies on how to improvise and effectively use of visual aids materials.