The List
1. studded belt - 2 points: 2
2. dyed black hair - 2 points: 0
3. thick rimmed glasses - 2 points:0
4. tight shirts/pants - 2 points each: 10
5. gaudy belt buckle - 2 points each: 2
6. clothing bought from a thrift store - 2 points: 0
7. having hair with bangs longer than the rest - 2 points: 0(my hair is all shaggy as you can tell)
8. trucker hats - 2 points: 0
9. messenger bag - 3 points: 3(My old one broke. So I'm gonna have one soon before school starts)
10. livejournal/myspace/friendster account - 2 points each: 4
11. saucony/new balance/ converse shoes - 2 points per pair: 2
12. carabiner - 2 points: 2
13. X'd up mosh gloves - 10 points: 0
14. scarf - 2 points: 0
15. refering to bands as acronyms - 2 points: 2
16. vegan diet - 5 points: 0
17. vegetarian diet - for shame, no points: 0
18. food not bombs participation - 5 points: 0
19. straight edge - 5 points: 5(I am now :^\)
20. aspiring photographer - 3 points: 3
21. using adj from the late 80's/ early 90's (i.e. rad, gnarly, rockin', etc.) 1 point for each word in vernacular: 3
22. pins/buttons 1/2 point each: 0(They all fell off my backpack)
23. plugs/body piercings - 2 points each: 0
24. vinyl collection - 10 points: 0
25. moldy peaches fan - 10 points: 0
26. liking metal seriously - deduct 5 points: -5
27. liking metalcore - 5 points: 5
28. reading books over 300 pages long - 3 points: 0
39. riding a bike - 5 points: 0(I skateboard. So much better than a bike.)
30. participating in "the mosh" - 5 points: 0(Never been to a concert. And so very pissed about it. I would mosh though.)
31. tea aficianado - 5 points: 0
32. writing poetry - 5 points: 5
33. attended 50 shows or more in a year - 2 points: 0
34. attending hell fest - 5 points: 0
35. being in a band - 5 points: 0(I just moved. Hoping to get one when I get friends)
36. working at an indie record store/health food store - 5 points: 0(I'm probably going to work in a skate park after Christmas.)
37. clapping during midpaced part of a song - 5 points: 0
38. having random x's in your screen name - 2 points: 0
Total:44 :^\
My name is Jon. I'm 16. I just move to Covington, GA from Tampa, FL. Miss my friends alot. I don't have any right now except the ones I talk to online. I don't like it here in Georgia but I'll get used to it. I can't drive yet. I only have my permit. But thats gonna change the first day of February. I love to skateboard, play my guitar, listen to my awesome music, and draw. I listen to hardcore, emo, and screamo. Some of the best bands ever are mewithoutYou, Atreyu, Silverstein, From First To Last, Saves The Day, Copeland, and Spitalfield. I could go on forever. I have no life at the moment because I moved. But I am hoping to go visit Megan...The oh so beautiful mod. We will have lots of fun. And take artistic photographs(it's our inside joke). I love burning insents and lighting candles. Oil insents are the best. And everynight before I go to bed I look at my photo album of my friends back in Tampa. I've only cried once and that was when the only girlfriend that I loved broke up with me. Oh, and girls are the only things(I hate refering to girls as things but I couldn't find a better word. Reply if you know something I can replace it with). But yes. I am not ever happy unless I am with one. It's lame. And I hate it. But it's true. That's all.


For more pictures and my artwork. Click here dumbass(God I love that word. Red Foreman is the best.)