[03 Feb 2006|10:22pm] |
holy shit, people still post in here? i made this a long time ago, and i haven't even been back to it in forever. but, if someone wants me to start doing this again, i guess i will?
[04 Dec 2005|06:16pm] |

wanted to share this shirt with you guys. I thought it was hilarious.
I'll apply when I get my digital camera back from my fucking little brother.
attn: mods |
[04 Aug 2004|03:11pm] |
Dear Mods,
Please remove _unexplained from the accepted list and replace that name with __ohso_electric. Same user, just a different name. Thanks in advance!
buh bye |
[28 Jul 2004|10:31pm] |
I'm sick of community's...Bye :^)
[27 Jul 2004|04:20pm] |
NEW RULE: if you don't give a reason for your "yes" or "no", it doesnt count.
that really annoyed me.
[27 Jul 2004|12:56pm] |
lemme explain something here first...
i do believe i applied at this community before a while ago and got pissed because somebody told me to get a brain in my head because i didnt know how to do an lj-cut. i also got pissed because i was a moron and didn't know the point of a rating community. well, whoever told me i needed to get a brain in my head was right, haha. ive since turned into an elitist fuck and, yeah, i wanna redeem myself.
( redemption!Collapse )
[15 Jul 2004|10:39am] |
The List 1. studded belt - 2 points: 2 2. dyed black hair - 2 points: 2 3. thick rimmed glasses - 2 points: 2 4. tight shirts/pants - 2 points each: 4 5. gaudy belt buckle - 2 points each: fuck no im not a Goddamned redneck 6. clothing bought from a thrift store - 2 points: 2 7. having hair with bangs longer than the rest - 2 points: no 8. trucker hats - 2 points: i hate you 9. messenger bag - 3 points: 3 10. livejournal/myspace/friendster account - 2 points each: 2 11. saucony/new balance/ converse shoes - 2 points per pair:6 12. carabiner - 2 points:do i climb fuckin mountains? 13. X'd up mosh gloves - 10 points: no fuck you and your mosh gloves 14. scarf - 2 points: not anymore 15. refering to bands as acronyms - 2 points: no 16. vegan diet - 5 points: kill the vegans 17. vegetarian diet - for shame, no points: since i was 8 18. food not bombs participation - 5 points: uh no 19. straight edge - 5 points: fuck your straightedge...live a little 20. aspiring photographer - 3 points: not really 21. using adj from the late 80's/ early 90's (i.e. rad, gnarly, rockin', etc.) 1 point for each word in vernacular: hell no 22. pins/buttons 1/2 point each: only on my bass strap...so 4 23. plugs/body piercings - 2 points each: 8 24. vinyl collection - 10 points: only one i bought to get signed by afi...does that count? ill add it in anyways 25. moldy peaches fan - 10 points: no 26. liking metal seriously - deduct 5 points:fuck no 27. liking metalcore - 5 points: stupid question...no 28. reading books over 300 pages long - 3 points: not unless im forced 39. riding a bike - 5 points: no 30. participating in "the mosh" - 5 points: 5 31. tea aficianado - 5 points: ... 32. writing poetry - 5 points: no 33. attended 50 shows or more in a year - 2 points: i go to as many as i can 34. attending hell fest - 5 points: no 35. being in a band - 5 points: 5 36. working at an indie record store/health food store - 5 points: no 37. clapping during midpaced part of a song - 5 points: im not a fucking sped 38. having random x's in your screen name - 2 points: no
I am scene. I fucking created the lifestyle. When you look under the word scene in the dictionary you see my picture. I regularly attend the bathroom where i take shits on all you mother fuckers cause i am scener then all of you. <3
Bands I Listen To: AFI, Screeching Weasel, The Horrorpops, Black Flag, Anti Flag, The Briefs, Rancid, NOFX, Dropkick Murphys, The Briggs, One Man Army, Leftover Crack, The Casualties, The Vandals, Bouncing Souls, Flogging Molly, Rise Against, Against Me, Tsunami Bomb, The Lawrence Arms, and Bad Religion
my pictures: