09:48pm 09/07/2009 |
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12:01am 08/04/2009 |

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08:05pm 21/12/2008 |
Hey, I know this isn't exactly what this community is for or anything but I really need to get this out.
I have a petition for fall out boy to play smaller shows in the UK.
I have a website already made (Fall Out Boy Petition This Way ( www.fall-out-boy.co.nr ) ) and it is run by me and a friend, so it's completely safe. It will get sent to fall out boy management, and I need all the signatures I can get.
All you need to do is create an account, then go to 'Petition' that is under general, then click on the thread and reply with 'I sign', and that's it! :]
Please tell everyone you know who likes Fall Out Boy, 'cause if we get enough signatures something might happen, we never know ;] We won't lose anything by it so we might as well try!
Thanks. Henrietta |
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09:55am 10/12/2008 |

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Spokane, Washington 19 Feb |
05:15am 31/01/2008 |
benfondren. Acoustic / Indie / Pop Punk
.. ">
[ click on banner to listen to his music ]
Upcoming Show:
19 Feb 2008 20:00 The EMPYREAN LOUNGE Spokane, Washington
[ more shows to come in Washington area ] |
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08:39pm 16/06/2007 |
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Northern california folks |
05:34pm 29/05/2007 |
Need something to do on a wednesday night?
Here's a suggestion:

We hope you will be our friend and see you there!
Numbskull Productions. |
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04:20pm 01/04/2007 |

Pre-sale tickets are going on sale for the Vans Warped Tour presented by AT&T on April 1st.
The pre-sale is the only place to get discounted tickets. The presale is also offering the 2007 Warped Tour Compilation album for $3.50. You can also buy an exclusive T Shirt and discounted AP Magazine subscription that comes with a "Cut the Warped Tour Autograph Line" pass for $10.
( Vans Warped Tour presented by AT&T Presale DetailsCollapse ) |
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06:35pm 28/02/2007 |
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09:47pm 04/02/2007 |
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An evening of noise & art |
05:45pm 01/01/2007 |

UAG is located at 247 Lark Street, Albany, NY.
DEATH BY A THOUSAND CUTS: www.myspace.com/deathbyathousandcuts |
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12:44am 21/12/2006 |
Help a nigga out. Click the following image and vote for my band. If we win our area, we'll be playing Taste of Chaos w/The Used, Saosin, Chiodos, & Senses Fail. Clicking the image pulls up our battleofthebands profile, you can listen to one of our songs if you'd like.. then just click vote for the revival, fill out the 10seconds worth of info.. go to your email, and confirm the vote. Do it as many times as you want!

copy & paste to add to your myspace/lj profile!
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12:18am 20/12/2006 |
My band, The Revival, hits the road for our first tour a week from today. If you haven't checked us out as of yet, give us a listen. We'll be doing 2 more Regional tours before our national tour this upcoming summer. Also, we'll be having an EP release early spring with songs that may or may not have representation supporting them, if you know what i mean :) haha.
Anywho, give us a listen, and if you live anywhere near one of these locations, come check us out in person.
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05:05am 11/11/2006 |
Lifebridge Christian Church 62 South Valparaiso Street 6:30 p.m. Free show. Aesthetic Report The Steldham Syndrome BRAKK AURIFF! |
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