Papers by Vasile Iarmulschi
Dacia N. S., 2024
The discovery of a fibula in the settlement of the Poienești – Lucașeuca culture at Ivancea – Sub... more The discovery of a fibula in the settlement of the Poienești – Lucașeuca culture at Ivancea – Sub pădure (Orhei, Republic of Moldova) allows the authors to resume the discussion about the Zarubincy type. This fibula is the second specimen of this type discovered in the environment of the Poienești – Lucașeuca culture (besides the one discovered earlier in the settlement of Lucaşeuca II). The authors intend to deepen aspects related to origin, spread and chronology of Zarubincy‑type fibulae.
Cuvinte-cheie: așezarea de la Roșiori-Dulcești, epoca preromană recentă a fierului, atribuire etn... more Cuvinte-cheie: așezarea de la Roșiori-Dulcești, epoca preromană recentă a fierului, atribuire etnică, geți, bastarni, daci.

Varia Archaeologica, 2024
Archaeological investigations have revealed important finds that testify to the processing of ore... more Archaeological investigations have revealed important finds that testify to the processing of ore and the production of metal goods in medieval times. Of the common metals, the most coveted, sought after and used throughout most of history was iron. Its special properties, efficiency and resistance to wear, and the possibility of processing discarded parts made iron a very special part of the economy of early medieval communities. Geomagnetic prospecting and archaeological research at the Ivancea-sub Pădure site, Orhei district, have revealed an important metallurgical center. Among the discovered features, installations represented by seven kilns for reducing iron ore, a dwelling-workshop and four pits – three for charcoal reserves and one for storing iron slag – were investigated. The Ivancea-sub Pădure archaeological site is located in the valley of the Moțca River, a right tributary of the Răut, which in turn flows into the Nistru River. The kilns discovered at Ivancea belong to the truncated-cone type of installations, built in the sterile soil by vertical excavation, with a deep hearth and a side mouth at the base of the walls. This type of kiln has been attributed to the Celto-Germanic or Slaný type, in contrast to kilns with hearths built on the surface of the ground, attributed to the Lodenicé type.
Im Herbst 2022 wurden auf einer Webseite von illegaler Sondengänger in der Ukraine einige Fotos e... more Im Herbst 2022 wurden auf einer Webseite von illegaler Sondengänger in der Ukraine einige Fotos einer
Bronzefibel veröffentlicht, die vermutlich in Kamenez-Podolsk entdeckt wurde. Das Stück gehört dem II. Typ der
sog. „Pommerschen Fibel“ nach H.-J. Eggers. Die Analogien für solche Stücke befinden sich fast ausnahmslos im
nördlichen Mecklenburg, in Vorpommern und auf der Insel Rügen. Zwei „Pommersche Fibeln“ wurden auch im
heutigen Rumänien gefunden. Chronologisch werden solche Funde in die Stufe LT C2 und LT D1 eingeordnet.
Descrierea CIP a Camerii Naţionale a Cărţii din Republica Moldova "Artefacte, tehnologii şi mater... more Descrierea CIP a Camerii Naţionale a Cărţii din Republica Moldova "Artefacte, tehnologii şi materii prime în spaţiul tiso-nistrean în epoca fierului", colloquiu de vară (2023; Saharna). Artefacte, tehnologii şi materii prime în spaţiul tiso-nistrean în epoca fierului = Artifacts, Technology and Raw Material in the Tisza-Dniester region in the Iron Age: Materialele colloquium-ului de vară de

Redactor responsabil: dr. hab. Eugen Sava Secretar de redacţie: dr. Aurel Zanoci Redactori: dr. C... more Redactor responsabil: dr. hab. Eugen Sava Secretar de redacţie: dr. Aurel Zanoci Redactori: dr. Claudia Cemârtan, Mariana Balan Membri: dr. Marius Alexianu (Iaşi); dr. Ana Boldureanu (Chişinău); dr. hab. Nikolaus Boroffka (Berlin); dr. hab. Ion Eremia (Chişinău); dr. hab. Alexander Falileyev (Aberystwyth University Ceredigion); dr. Elena Izbitser (New York); dr. hab. Elke Kaiser (Berlin); dr. Igor Manzura (Chişinău); dr. Eugen Nicolae (Bucureşti); dr. Virgil Niţulescu (Bucureşti); dr. hab. Elena Ploşniţă (Chişinău); dr. Elena Postică (Chişinău); dr. hab. Gheorghe Postică (Chişinău); dr. hab. Igor Sapozhnikov (Kiev); dr. Ion Tentiuc (Chişinău); dr. hab. Valentin Tomuleţ (Chişinău); dr. hab. Lilia Zabolotnaia (Chişinău). Toate lucrările publicate în revistă sunt recenzate de specialişti în domeniu. All the papers to be published are reviewed by experts. Revista "Tyragetia" apare de două ori pe an.

Varia Archaeologica III, 2023
The center of our attention will be the fortification of Horodca Mica, district Hincesti, Republ... more The center of our attention will be the fortification of Horodca Mica, district Hincesti, Republic of Moldova. It has been explored during six archaeological campaigns. The vigorous defensive system and a part of
the intra‑mural space were investigated. The processing of the numerous archaeological materials raised many problems, but in the following we will focus only on the chronology of the site. The objective is determined by the fact that all efforts undertaken until recently have been limited to the presentation of a very broad chronological framework for the Getic fortifications, without any attempt to refine the relative and absolute chronology. Fortunately, the tools that have recently become available are likely to reduce the gaps and shortcomings that characterise this aspect of the evolution of the fortifications of the Second Iron Age. We aimed to carry out a Bayesian modelling of 14C radiocarbon data, combined with stratigraphic observations, taking into account the chronological landmarks of the artefacts that have the valence of chronological indicators.

Arheologia trecerii de la epoca târzie a fierului la epoca romană în Dacia. contacte și conflicte în secolele I – II p. Chr., 2022
The recent discovery of two Almgren 69 type fibulae at the Mîrzoaia site (Nisporeni district, Rep... more The recent discovery of two Almgren 69 type fibulae at the Mîrzoaia site (Nisporeni district, Republic of Moldova), gives us the opportunity to return to the discussion regarding a category of clothing accessories, which is quite widespread in Central and South-Eastern Europe during the second half of the 1st c. AD – beginning of the 2nd c. AD. They are a valuable class of objects for dating Early Roman period sites. With this occasion we will report on all the brooches of this type discovered in the Prut-Dniester area, while also reviewing the known discoveries from Romania and Ukraine. For the most accurate chronological framing of the fibulae on the one hand we will contextualize the fibulae and the associated material in the finding complexes and, on the other hand, we will refer to the opinion of several specialists in the field starting with Almgren, Rustoiu, Cociș and others and ending with Hellström's 2018 paper. Another aspect we will refer to is the presence of the sedentary population in the Prut-Dniestr area during the Early Roman Age. As evidenced by the archaeological investigations conducted to date, sites that may be ascribed to sedentary populations are practically absent from the Prut-Dniester forest steppe during the period comprised between late 1st century BC and first half of the 3rd century AD. Only a few archaeological sites that could be attributed to these communities are known so far. They include the sites of Rudi-La Șanțuri, Pruteni and most recently – that from Lipoveni. This serves as an antithesis to the idea that the Prut-Dniestr space was populated only by the so-called Sarmatians. As far as we are concerned, we consider that both the old discoveries and the more recent - those at Lipoveni and Mîrzoaia - are such as to make us more and more reserved about this assumption.

Fibulele de schemă La Tène târziu din spaţiul pruto-nistrean Cuvinte-cheie: La Tène târziu, fibul... more Fibulele de schemă La Tène târziu din spaţiul pruto-nistrean Cuvinte-cheie: La Tène târziu, fibule, cronologie, scheme cronologice, epoca romană. Rezumat: Fibulele reprezintă o categorie de piese arheologice cu o semnificaţie cronologică foarte importantă, ceea ce ne-a determinat să examinăm separat exemplarele din perioada La Tène târziu în spaţiul pruto-nistrean. Descoperirea acestora se asociază cu siturile culturii Poienești-Lucașeuca și cu cele atribuite așa-numiţilor sarmaţi. În lipsa unui sistem cronologic local, încercările noastre de a racorda reperele temporale la cele din sistemul Central European au întâmpinat multiple dificultăţi. Situaţia se datorează inclusiv și faptului că pentru perioada La Tène târzie, analiza circulaţiei fibulelor în spaţiul european a creat unele percepţii confuze referitoare la cronologia epocii. Astfel, începând cu anii '90 ai secolului al XX-lea au apărut un șir de probleme pentru care, cu regret, încă nu există o soluţie generală. Una dintre ele este determinată de elaborarea mai multor schemele cronologice, care nu s-au sincronizat între ele, creând probleme atât de interpretare a cronologiei absolute, cât și de transfer pentru regiunile din Europa Centrală și de Est. Observaţiile ne-au adus la concluzia că, în prezent, un transfer al cronologiei La Tène-ului târziu către grupurile culturale din Europa de Sud-Est este posibil numai cu o desemnare clară a sistemelor utilizate, admiţând conţinuturi divergente ale etapelor la nivel regional.

Plural. History. Culture. Society, 2022
Der Artikel befasst sich mit den „Eliten” der ostkarpatischen Waldsteppe
in der jüngeren vorrömis... more Der Artikel befasst sich mit den „Eliten” der ostkarpatischen Waldsteppe
in der jüngeren vorrömischen Eisenzeit. Auf Grund vor allem die Bestattungen
es sollte festgestellt werden, dass es eine sehr hohe Übereinstimmung zwischen
sozialem und militärischem Rang gibt. Hochwahrscheinlich die Krieger sind
den gehobenen gesellschaftlichen Schichten so gut wie gleichbedeutend.
Die durch die archäologische Analyse ermittelte Sozialgliederung macht
den Eindruck einer relativ ebenen hierarchischen Ordnung. Die überwiegende
Zahl von Bestattungen zeichnet sich durch ein hohes Mas an Uniformität
aus, da das Inventar den Gräbern im Wesentlichen nicht über eine direkte Ausstattung
für die Person hinausgehen. Diese sog. Eliten die in ihrem Wohlstand
kaum über den gesellschaftlichen Durchschnitt hinausgehen und nur im militärischen
Bereich wirklich überwiegen, zeichnen sich im Gebiet der Poienești-
Lucașeuca-Kultur durch das Auftauchen folgender Elemente ab: – Bestattung
in Metalgefäß; – vollständige Bewaffnung; –Reitzübehor.
Der vorliegende Artikel fokussiert sich auf die relative und absolute Chronologie einer Nekropole... more Der vorliegende Artikel fokussiert sich auf die relative und absolute Chronologie einer Nekropole der Zarubincy-Kultur, dem Gräberfeld von Pirogov. Das Gräberfeld wurde während 10 Jahren untersucht. In Folge konnten 260 Brandgräber dokumentiert werden. Auf der Grundlage der Vergesellschaftung der archäologischen Funde wurden drei Phasen des Gräberfelds abgegrenzt. Es wurde festgestellt, dass die jeweiligen Phasen mit dem Ende der Stufen von LTC1b, LT C2, LT D1 und der LT D2 synchronisiert werden können, die in absoluten Daten dem Beginn des 2. und dem Ende des 1. Jahrhunderts v. Chr. entsprechen.

The article presents five burials with weapons discovered in the Eastern Carpathian region, three... more The article presents five burials with weapons discovered in the Eastern Carpathian region, three from cemeteries (Borosești, Poienești and Dolineni) and two isolated finds (Răcatău and Mana). In terms of geographical distribution, it should be mentioned that these features are associated with the Poienești-Lucașeuca culture area (Fig. 2), originated in the traditions of North-Central Europe. Even the phenomenon of burials containing weaponry is sporadic in this area and relatively late, based on the grave goods and according to the analysis of the long-distance contacts and human mobility, the authors assign these features to the Poienești-Lucașeuca communities. Respectively, the custom of deposition of ritual destruction and deformation of weaponry is considered as evidence of the Przeworsk culture influence. The correlation of the graves goods (bronze situla, celtic sword, spearheads, shield umbo, spurs, typical vessels for the Poienești-Lucașeuca culture, etc.) allow to attribute these burials with weapons to the LT D1 period, or in absolute dating the time-span between the second half of the 2 nd century BC (Borosești) and the first quarter of the 1 st century BC (Mana, Răcătău, Dolineni).

Revista Arheologică, IV, nr. 1, 2008
This article presents the archaeological materials from
the multi-layered settlement of Ialoveni... more This article presents the archaeological materials from
the multi-layered settlement of Ialoveni – Southern City Border, resulted from the 2006 research campaign. The oldest culturalchronological horizon yielded some scarce ceramic fragments of the Chişinău-Corlăteni type from the Early Hallstatt period.
The next horizon belongs to the Roman period (II-III centuries A.D.) and comprised two storage (?) cylindrical pits as well as
fragments of rough and fine pottery ware, most of which were amphorae pieces. The excavations also brought out traces of an
Early Middle Age horizon (VIII-IX centuries A.D.), consisting of an oven’s remnants, together with rough pottery fragments.
Finally, the fourth (and the last) cultural-chronological horizon was identified not after ceramic, but after two iron items – a
ploughshare and a cuirass detail. According to the existing analogies, these objects are dated with the Golden Horde period,
specifically with the first three quarters of the XIVth century A.D.

Economy and Environment in the Tisza-Dniester region in the Iron Age, 2021
The article presents a new type of artefacts discovered in the Prut-Dniester area. It is about ir... more The article presents a new type of artefacts discovered in the Prut-Dniester area. It is about iron socketed axes. The transposition of bronze socketed axes into the new metal was a fairly widespread phenomenon throughout the Early Iron Age. Further on, a certain restriction of the area in which it was used was noticed and, in the end, it was found a return and expansion of the iron socketed axes in various areas, where its use was extended precisely until the Middle Ages. In the absence of any chronological markers for the new type of items in the Prut-Dniester area, it was planned to introduce those 4 items from Molești and Mârzoaia, together with the presentation of the context in which they were identified, respectively, the types of artefacts they were associated with, and, based on the data collected to identify possible analogies to delimit the chronological horizons they could be assigned to.
Ze świata dawnych barbarzyńców. Studia pradziejowe i wczesnodziejowe, 2021
As part of this article, the Latène period ring brooches with rolled-up ends from the Prut-Dniest... more As part of this article, the Latène period ring brooches with rolled-up ends from the Prut-Dniester area are analyzed. There are currently 9 known specimens from four sites in the Prut-Dniester region: Mana III, Rudi “La Şanţuri”, Saharna Mare and Saharna Mică. The intention is to present the contexts of the discovery of the respective artifacts, to correlate them with similar discoveries from the neighboring rooms, to analyze the chronological landmarks suggested for the primers discovered in the neighboring rooms and at the same time to pursue the possibility of the Chronological record of discoveries from the Prut-Dniester region.

Reesponsabil de volum/responsible for volume: dr. Ghenadie Sîrbu Secretar de redacţie/editorial s... more Reesponsabil de volum/responsible for volume: dr. Ghenadie Sîrbu Secretar de redacţie/editorial secretary: Livia Sîrbu Colegiul de redacţie/Editorial Board Dr. hab. Igor Bruiako (Odesa), dr. Ludmila Bacumenco-Pîrnău (Chişinău), dr. hab. Dumitru Boghian (Târgu Frumos), dr. Roman Croitor (Aix-en-Provence), dr. hab. Valentin Dergaciov (Chişinău), dr. Alexandr Diachenko (Kiev), dr. Vasile Diaconu (Târgu Neamț), dr. Mariana Gugeanu (Iași), prof. dr. Svend Hansen (Berlin), prof. dr. Elke Keiser (Berlin), dr. Maia Kaşuba (Sankt Petersburg), dr. Sergiu Matveev (Chișinău), prof. dr. Michael Meyer (Berlin), dr. Octavian Munteanu (Chișinău), prof. dr. Eugen Nicolae (Bucureşti), prof. dr. hab. Gheorghe Postică (Chişinău), dr. hab. Eugen Sava (Chişinău), dr. hab. Sergei Skoryi (Kiev), prof. dr. Victor Spinei, membru al Academiei Române (Bucureşti, Iași), prof. dr. Marzena Szmyt (Poznan), dr. Nicolai Telnov (Chişinău), dr. hab. Petr Tolochko, membru al Academiei Naţionale de Ştiinţe a Ucrainei (Kiev), dr. Vlad Vornic (Chişinău), dr. Aurel Zanoci (Chișinău) Manuscrisele, cărţile și revistele pentru schimb, precum și orice alte materiale se vor trimite pe adresa: Colegiul de redacţie al "
Praehistorische Zeitschrift
Zusammenfassung Zu den Objekten aus Ton, die in den Siedlungen der Zarubincy-Kultur von Belii Gru... more Zusammenfassung Zu den Objekten aus Ton, die in den Siedlungen der Zarubincy-Kultur von Belii Grud und Litvinovič 3 gefunden wurden, gehören sog. Feuerböcke. Bislang sind lediglich zwei solcher Exemplare bekannt. Die Analogien zu diesen Exemplaren sind im Milieu der Poienești-Lucașeuca-Kultur – Borosești, Lunca Ciurei – sowie in Siedlungen des nördlichen Mitteleuropa, die in die Vorrömische Eisenzeit datiert werden – Bastrup, Hamburg-Volksdorf, Nowa Wieś, Ribe Amt usw. – zu verorten. Da die im nördlichen Mitteleuropa gefundenen Stücke älter sind, liegt der Ursprung der Feuerböcke wahrscheinlich im Norden.
Papers by Vasile Iarmulschi
Bronzefibel veröffentlicht, die vermutlich in Kamenez-Podolsk entdeckt wurde. Das Stück gehört dem II. Typ der
sog. „Pommerschen Fibel“ nach H.-J. Eggers. Die Analogien für solche Stücke befinden sich fast ausnahmslos im
nördlichen Mecklenburg, in Vorpommern und auf der Insel Rügen. Zwei „Pommersche Fibeln“ wurden auch im
heutigen Rumänien gefunden. Chronologisch werden solche Funde in die Stufe LT C2 und LT D1 eingeordnet.
the intra‑mural space were investigated. The processing of the numerous archaeological materials raised many problems, but in the following we will focus only on the chronology of the site. The objective is determined by the fact that all efforts undertaken until recently have been limited to the presentation of a very broad chronological framework for the Getic fortifications, without any attempt to refine the relative and absolute chronology. Fortunately, the tools that have recently become available are likely to reduce the gaps and shortcomings that characterise this aspect of the evolution of the fortifications of the Second Iron Age. We aimed to carry out a Bayesian modelling of 14C radiocarbon data, combined with stratigraphic observations, taking into account the chronological landmarks of the artefacts that have the valence of chronological indicators.
in der jüngeren vorrömischen Eisenzeit. Auf Grund vor allem die Bestattungen
es sollte festgestellt werden, dass es eine sehr hohe Übereinstimmung zwischen
sozialem und militärischem Rang gibt. Hochwahrscheinlich die Krieger sind
den gehobenen gesellschaftlichen Schichten so gut wie gleichbedeutend.
Die durch die archäologische Analyse ermittelte Sozialgliederung macht
den Eindruck einer relativ ebenen hierarchischen Ordnung. Die überwiegende
Zahl von Bestattungen zeichnet sich durch ein hohes Mas an Uniformität
aus, da das Inventar den Gräbern im Wesentlichen nicht über eine direkte Ausstattung
für die Person hinausgehen. Diese sog. Eliten die in ihrem Wohlstand
kaum über den gesellschaftlichen Durchschnitt hinausgehen und nur im militärischen
Bereich wirklich überwiegen, zeichnen sich im Gebiet der Poienești-
Lucașeuca-Kultur durch das Auftauchen folgender Elemente ab: – Bestattung
in Metalgefäß; – vollständige Bewaffnung; –Reitzübehor.
the multi-layered settlement of Ialoveni – Southern City Border, resulted from the 2006 research campaign. The oldest culturalchronological horizon yielded some scarce ceramic fragments of the Chişinău-Corlăteni type from the Early Hallstatt period.
The next horizon belongs to the Roman period (II-III centuries A.D.) and comprised two storage (?) cylindrical pits as well as
fragments of rough and fine pottery ware, most of which were amphorae pieces. The excavations also brought out traces of an
Early Middle Age horizon (VIII-IX centuries A.D.), consisting of an oven’s remnants, together with rough pottery fragments.
Finally, the fourth (and the last) cultural-chronological horizon was identified not after ceramic, but after two iron items – a
ploughshare and a cuirass detail. According to the existing analogies, these objects are dated with the Golden Horde period,
specifically with the first three quarters of the XIVth century A.D.
Bronzefibel veröffentlicht, die vermutlich in Kamenez-Podolsk entdeckt wurde. Das Stück gehört dem II. Typ der
sog. „Pommerschen Fibel“ nach H.-J. Eggers. Die Analogien für solche Stücke befinden sich fast ausnahmslos im
nördlichen Mecklenburg, in Vorpommern und auf der Insel Rügen. Zwei „Pommersche Fibeln“ wurden auch im
heutigen Rumänien gefunden. Chronologisch werden solche Funde in die Stufe LT C2 und LT D1 eingeordnet.
the intra‑mural space were investigated. The processing of the numerous archaeological materials raised many problems, but in the following we will focus only on the chronology of the site. The objective is determined by the fact that all efforts undertaken until recently have been limited to the presentation of a very broad chronological framework for the Getic fortifications, without any attempt to refine the relative and absolute chronology. Fortunately, the tools that have recently become available are likely to reduce the gaps and shortcomings that characterise this aspect of the evolution of the fortifications of the Second Iron Age. We aimed to carry out a Bayesian modelling of 14C radiocarbon data, combined with stratigraphic observations, taking into account the chronological landmarks of the artefacts that have the valence of chronological indicators.
in der jüngeren vorrömischen Eisenzeit. Auf Grund vor allem die Bestattungen
es sollte festgestellt werden, dass es eine sehr hohe Übereinstimmung zwischen
sozialem und militärischem Rang gibt. Hochwahrscheinlich die Krieger sind
den gehobenen gesellschaftlichen Schichten so gut wie gleichbedeutend.
Die durch die archäologische Analyse ermittelte Sozialgliederung macht
den Eindruck einer relativ ebenen hierarchischen Ordnung. Die überwiegende
Zahl von Bestattungen zeichnet sich durch ein hohes Mas an Uniformität
aus, da das Inventar den Gräbern im Wesentlichen nicht über eine direkte Ausstattung
für die Person hinausgehen. Diese sog. Eliten die in ihrem Wohlstand
kaum über den gesellschaftlichen Durchschnitt hinausgehen und nur im militärischen
Bereich wirklich überwiegen, zeichnen sich im Gebiet der Poienești-
Lucașeuca-Kultur durch das Auftauchen folgender Elemente ab: – Bestattung
in Metalgefäß; – vollständige Bewaffnung; –Reitzübehor.
the multi-layered settlement of Ialoveni – Southern City Border, resulted from the 2006 research campaign. The oldest culturalchronological horizon yielded some scarce ceramic fragments of the Chişinău-Corlăteni type from the Early Hallstatt period.
The next horizon belongs to the Roman period (II-III centuries A.D.) and comprised two storage (?) cylindrical pits as well as
fragments of rough and fine pottery ware, most of which were amphorae pieces. The excavations also brought out traces of an
Early Middle Age horizon (VIII-IX centuries A.D.), consisting of an oven’s remnants, together with rough pottery fragments.
Finally, the fourth (and the last) cultural-chronological horizon was identified not after ceramic, but after two iron items – a
ploughshare and a cuirass detail. According to the existing analogies, these objects are dated with the Golden Horde period,
specifically with the first three quarters of the XIVth century A.D.