Papers by Daniel B. Montesinos-Tubée
Ukrainian Botanical Journal, 2022
Senecio anastasioi Montesinos, a new species of Asteraceae / Compositae: Senecioneae allied to Se... more Senecio anastasioi Montesinos, a new species of Asteraceae / Compositae: Senecioneae allied to Senecio ser. Suffruticosi subser. Caespitosi, is described from the Andean regions located in South Peru. In morphological terms, S. anastasioi is similar to S. gamolepis Cabrera but clearly distinguished by its larger habit size, irregular arrangement of leaves, greater length and width of leaves, leaf lamina covered by scarce fimbriate or sericeous trichomes, capitules with larger, calycular bracts and phyllaries, both densely pubescent apically, and longer pedicels and pappus bristles. The morphological differences between these species are identified and further discussed. The preliminary IUCN status for the new species is assessed.
Journal of Threatened Taxa, 2022
Aldama macbridei (S.F.Blake) E.E. Schill. & Panero (Heliantheae: Compositae), endemic to Peru is ... more Aldama macbridei (S.F.Blake) E.E. Schill. & Panero (Heliantheae: Compositae), endemic to Peru is updated in terms of its distribution in the Central Andes. Also presented is a brief description of the species and the environments it inhabits. It is proposed its conservation status according to IUCN Red List categories be upgraded to 'Near Threatened' (NT).

Ciencia amazónica (Iquitos), 2020
The vegetation of the department of Amazonas (Peru) has stood out for presenting a fairly wide bi... more The vegetation of the department of Amazonas (Peru) has stood out for presenting a fairly wide biological diversity and a high importance of ecosystem services. However, ecosystems are also threatened by forestry,
agriculture or livestock activities. The objectives of the present study were to evaluate the diversity and composition of vascular species and ferns; compare the composition of diversity according to habit or type of plant and its distribution in grasslands and wooded areas; and finally, evaluate the endemism rates according to the areas evaluated in the Jalca ecosystem. A total of 294 species, divided into 190 genera and 65 families were recorded from ten different vegetation strata in an approximate area of 180,000 m² and at an elevation of 3400-3710 m. A total of 61 sampling units with dimensions of 1-1000 m² were selected, which varied in size according to the vegetation cover and topographic access. The results show that the grasslands have less diversity than the wooded areas. While at the endemism level, the forested areas registered a slight increase compared to the grasslands. The results can be related to the higher humidity in the depressions of karst origin and the untouched forest patches, showing the particularity of the vegetation of the forested areas in composition, diversity and coverage.

Three new species of the genus Senecio (Asteraceae, Senecioneae) belonging to S. ser. Suffruticos... more Three new species of the genus Senecio (Asteraceae, Senecioneae) belonging to S. ser. Suffruticosi subser. Caespitosi were discovered in the tributaries of the upper Tambo River, Moquegua Department, South Peru. Descriptions, diagnoses and discussions about their distribution, a table with the morphological similarities with other species of Senecio, a distribution map, conservation status assessments, and a key to the caespitose Peruvian species of S. subser. Caespitosi are provided. The new species are Senecio moqueg-uensis Montesinos, sp. nov. (Critically Endangered) which most closely resembles Senecio pucapampaensis Beltrán, Senecio sykorae Montesinos, sp. nov. (Critically Endangered) which most closely resembles Senecio gamolepis Cabrera, and Senecio tassaensis Montesinos, sp. nov. (Critically Endangered) which most closely resembles Senecio moqueguensis Montesinos. Resumen Tres nuevas especies del género Senecio (Asteraceae, Senecioneae) pertenecientes a S. ser. Suffuticosi s...
As part of the botanical and phytosociological characterisation of the Moqueguan flora, several C... more As part of the botanical and phytosociological characterisation of the Moqueguan flora, several Caryophyllaceae were studied. A specimen that was collected from the Ubinas district is named Paronychia ubinensis (Caryophyllaceae: Paronychioideae) and described as a new species. This species is compared with its closest relatives P. andina, P. mandoniana, P. muschleri, P. peruviana and P. weberbaueri from Southern Peru.

During studies on the flora of Moquegua (Southern Peru), some interesting Arenaria populations (s... more During studies on the flora of Moquegua (Southern Peru), some interesting Arenaria populations (subgen. Dicranilla, Caryophyllaceae) were found. The morphology of the plants does not resemble any other neotropical Arenaria species. The most similar species known so far is Arenaria boliviana (from Bolivia and Peru) from which it differs in having a shorter stem length, ciliate (not glabrous) short branches; ovate rather than oblong-lanceolate leaves always covered with dense, long trichomes, never glabrous; pedicels shorter than or equal to the size of the calyx (not twice as long), sepals broadly ovate (not ovate-oblong) and with glabrous surface, as well as in the petals. Hence, a new species-A. acaulis-is here described and illustrated. Resumen Como parte de los estudios de la flora del departamento de Moquegua (Sur de Perú), unas poblaciones interesantes de Arenaria (Subgen. Dicranilla, Caryophyllaceae) fueron encontradas. La morfología de las plantas no se asemeja a otras especies neotropicales de Arenaria. La especie más próxima es Arenaria boliviana (de Bolivia y Perú) de la cual se diferencia en tener tallos más cortos longitudinalmente, ramas cortas y ciliadas (no glabras); hojas ovadas y cubiertas por densos tricomas alargados; pedicelos de menos o igual tamaño que el cáliz (no del doble de tamaño), sépalos anchamente ovados (no ovadooblongos) y con la superficie glabra, al igual que en los pétalos. Como consecuencia, una nueva especie para la ciencia-A. acaulis-es aquí descrita e ilustrada.

Three new species of the genus Senecio (Asteraceae, Senecioneae) belonging to S. ser. Suffruticos... more Three new species of the genus Senecio (Asteraceae, Senecioneae) belonging to S. ser. Suffruticosi subser. Caespitosi were discovered in the tributaries of the upper Tambo River, Moquegua Department, South Peru. Descriptions, diagnoses and discussions about their distribution, a table with the morphological similarities with other species of Senecio, a distribution map, conservation status assessments, and a key to the caespitose Peruvian species of S. subser. Caespitosi are provided. The new species are Senecio moqueguensis Montesinos, sp. nov. (Critically Endangered) which most closely resembles Senecio pucapampaensis Beltrán, Senecio sykorae Montesinos, sp. nov. (Critically Endangered) which most closely resembles Senecio gamolepis Cabrera, and Senecio tassaensis Montesinos, sp. nov. (Critically Endangered) which most closely resembles Senecio moqueguensis Montesinos. Resumen Tres nuevas especies del género Senecio (Asteraceae, Senecioneae) pertenecientes a S. ser. Suffuticosi subser. Caespitosi fueron descubiertas en las alturas de la cuenca del río Alto Tambo, Departamento Moquegua, Sur de Perú. Las especies se describen y tipifican, una diagnosis y discusión acerca de su distribución, una tabla con las similitudes morfológicas con otras especies de Senecio, un mapa de distribución, el estatus de conservación y una clave para las especies peruanas cespitosas de S. subser. Caespitosi son presentadas. Las nuevas especies son Senecio moqueguensis Montesinos, sp. nov. (En Peligro Crítico) el cual se asemeja más a Senecio pucapampaensis Beltrán, Senecio sykorae Montesinos, sp. nov. (En Peligro Crítico) el cual se asemeja más Senecio gamolepis Cabrera, y Senecio tassaensis Montesinos, sp. nov. (En Peligro Crítico) el cual se asemeja más a Senecio moqueguensis Montesinos.
Como parte de los resultados del proyecto de investigacion “Ecologia y el estado de conservacion ... more Como parte de los resultados del proyecto de investigacion “Ecologia y el estado de conservacion de las comunidades vegetales del desierto costero y las montanas andinas del departamento de Moquegua, 2017-2018”, se presentan nuevos registros para la flora vascular del departamento de Moquegua entre los 0 a 5000 m de altitud, abarcando las cuencas del rio Moquegua, rio Tambo y el conjunto de quebradas costeras no pertenecientes a alguna cuenca. Se hallaron 108 especies, 82 generos y 33 familias botanicas en distintos ecosistemas, donde la division dicotiledonea la mas rica tanto en familias (79%), generos (76%) y especies (77%); 24 (22%) son especies endemicas, 14 (13%) son especies restringidas al departamento de Moquegua; el habito que mas se ha registrado es el herbaceo con 51 spp. (47%); y 62 (55%) del total de especies, pertenecen a la cuenca hidrografica del rio Tambo.
Phytotaxa, 2018
As part of botanical expeditions in the Amazonas region of North Peru, we found plants from the C... more As part of botanical expeditions in the Amazonas region of North Peru, we found plants from the Central Andes (North Peru). Based on morphology and molecular data, the Peruvian population was described and illustrated here as a new species for Science, named Paronychia sanchez-vegae . The new species is compared with its most likely closest relative, P. andina from which differs by the larger size, its woody ramified stems, the glabrous leaf surface, shorter leaf size, shorter flowers and larger size of the ovary .
Phytotaxa, 2017
Iamonico (2015a) recently described the new genus Augustea to accomodate three South American spe... more Iamonico (2015a) recently described the new genus Augustea to accomodate three South American species previously included in the genus Polycarpon Linnaeus (1759: 859, 881), i.e. A. suffruticosa (Grisebach 1874: 77‒78) Iamonico (2015a: 72), A. coquimbense (Gereau & Marticorena 1995: 154) Iamonico (2015a: 75), and A. anomala (Hassler 1907: 12‒13) Iamonico (2015a: 76). In fact, these species are clearly separated from the molecular point of view (see Kool et al. 2007) and they display non-involte capsules. On the contrary, the dehiscence of capsule by valves that elastically roll inwards is unique in Polycarpon representing a synapomorphy for this genus.

Objetivo. Describir la diversidad floristica y el estado de conservacion de las lomas de Amoquint... more Objetivo. Describir la diversidad floristica y el estado de conservacion de las lomas de Amoquinto, distrito de Pacocha, provincia de Ilo, departamento de Moquegua, Peru. Materiales y metodos. La investigacion es de nivel exploratorio. Se utilizo la tecnica descrita por Young & Leon para las identificaciones botanicas. Se realizo un inventario de la flora de la zona y una bitacora de investigacion para el registro del estado de conservacion. Se definieron las areas donde fueron halladas las especies junto a su distribucion altitudinal; Resultados. Se reportaron 23 especies de plantas vasculares y no vasculares, divididas en 20 generos y 16 familias. Las lomas se caracterizan por su ocurrencia en suelos arenosos propios del desierto, en este caso, lomas costeras que poseen una fuerte presion antropica y pastoreo. Respecto al estado de conservacion de Las lomas de Amoquinto, se pudo evidenciar tala de arboles, residuos inorganicos y perdida de especies. Conclusiones. Se identificaron ...

Introducción: Se describe una nueva especie botánica, Senecio huaynaputinaensis. Se discute su mo... more Introducción: Se describe una nueva especie botánica, Senecio huaynaputinaensis. Se discute su morfología comparada con especies relacionadas. Además, se presenta una descripción del hábitat, suelo y se brinda un mapa de distribución. M&M: La nueva especie aquí descrita fue encontrada durante las exploraciones realizadas entre Puquina y Quinistaquillas (departamento de Moquegua) en el año 2017. Para su identificación se comparó con materiales de herbario, de repositorios virtuales, con material fresco colectado en campo y se revisaron referencias bibliográficas sobre distribución del género Senecio en zonas áridas de la región de los Andes. La especie se ilustra mediante imágenes de lupa estereoscópica y microscopio óptico. Resultados: Como resultado se identifica que la entidad evaluada corresponde a una nueva especie de Senecio, diferente de las ya conocidas. Se describe e ilustra una nueva especie de Compositae, Senecio huaynaputinaensis, de la región andina del sur de Perú, depa...

Revista Peruana de Biología, 2015
The vegetation of the Polylepis incarum (Bitter) M. Kessler & Schmidt-LeBuhn forests was studied ... more The vegetation of the Polylepis incarum (Bitter) M. Kessler & Schmidt-LeBuhn forests was studied in the Lamparaquen annex in the province of Lampa, Puno department in 2009 and 2014. A total of 83 vascular species belonging to 35 families were determined. The lifeforms are represented by herbs, grasses, shrubs and trees, being mostly native and endemic species with some introduced. The quenoal ecosystem is represented by the new phytosociological unit Lupino chlorolepis-Polylepidetum incari with four subassociations identified. The floristic composition shows a moderate to high species richness, being the most representative families, Asteraceae, Poaceae, Caryophyllaceae, Fabaceae and Pteridaceae. The Braun-Blanquet phytosociological method was applied for the analysis of the vegetation units. The classification of communities was done by means of TWINSPAN software, DCA ordination analysis with CANOCO 4.5 software and a dendrogram based on the correlation of species for each quadrant...
Global Ecology and Biogeography

The present work is a phytosociological synthesis and syntaxonomic overview of the vegetation of ... more The present work is a phytosociological synthesis and syntaxonomic overview of the vegetation of the highest subnival parts (superpuna) of the open alpine vegetation of the high plateaus (puna) of the Andes of Moquegua, South West Peru, as related to the main environmental gradients. Using TWINSPAN and DCA ordination analysis, 153 phytosociological relevés were analyzed. For each association, subassociation and community, the syntaxonomy, floristic diversity and relation with environmental variables are described. The syntaxonomy and synecology of superpuna vegetation was studied in 19 localities at an altitude of 4450–4800 m. The study area has a pluviseasonal climate with yearly rainfall (December-April). Four main highland vegetation types were distinguished: 1. slope and scree chasmophyte vegetation composed of shrubs, cushions, ground rosettes and grasses, 2. grasslands (grazed and ungrazed) characterized by great species richness in shrubs, cushions, ground rosettes, grasses a...
Trichoneura peruviana sp. nov. is described and illustrated. The new species, from the Western Co... more Trichoneura peruviana sp. nov. is described and illustrated. The new species, from the Western Cordillera de los Andes in Peru, in the middle of the snowy Goylanto and Paylogen at Omate valley, differs from T. lindleyana in having longer glumes (lower glumes 5–5.25 × 0.2–0.25 mm and upper glumes 5.5–5.7 × 0.3–0.4 mm), shorter fertile lemmas 2.1–2.5 mm long with ciliate margins, the cilia 0.5–0.6 mm long, and the lemma apex is dentate, 2−fid, and 1-awned with awns 1.5−3.5 mm long. A key to the species of Trichoneura in Peru is included and the conservation status of the new species is evaluated.
Aristida tovariana sp. nov. is described and illustrated. The new species, from southern Ayacucho... more Aristida tovariana sp. nov. is described and illustrated. The new species, from southern Ayacucho, differs from A. achalensis in having spikelets 1–1.5 cm long, lemmas 5–6 mm long with awns 5.8–10 mm long, a twisted column not greater than 3 mm long, and fusiform caryopses with a ventral groove. A key to the species Aristida in Peru is included and the conservation status of the new species is evaluated.
A new species from the Northern Peruvian Andes (Cajamarca department), Drymaria veliziaesp. nov.,... more A new species from the Northern Peruvian Andes (Cajamarca department), Drymaria veliziaesp. nov., is proposed in the present paper. It grows in the high-elevation montane grasslands and it is morphologically similar to D. auriculipetala from which it differs in having elliptic-ovate leaves, blade margin bases glandular, large number of stipules arranged in a pedicel form at the leaf axis and by the short and glandular pedicels. A detailed description, original photographs and a location map are provided, as well as an updated diagnostic key of Drymaria Ser. Frutescens. The IUCN status of the new species is assessed as Endangered (EN).
A new species from the Northern Peruvian Andes (Cajamarca department), Drymaria veliziae sp. nov.... more A new species from the Northern Peruvian Andes (Cajamarca department), Drymaria veliziae sp. nov., is proposed in the present paper. It grows in the high-elevation montane grasslands and it is morphologically similar to D. auriculipetala from which it differs in having elliptic-ovate leaves, blade margin bases glandular, large number of stipules arranged in a pedicel form at the leaf axis and by the short and glandular pedicels. A detailed description, original photographs and a location map are provided, as well as an updated diagnostic key of Drymaria Ser. Frutescens. The IUCN status of the new species is assessed as Endangered (EN).
A new species from the Northern Peruvian Andes (Cajamarca department), Drymaria veliziae sp. nov.... more A new species from the Northern Peruvian Andes (Cajamarca department), Drymaria veliziae sp. nov., is proposed in the present paper. It grows in the high-elevation montane grasslands and it is morphologically similar to D. auriculipetala from which it differs in having elliptic-ovate leaves, blade margin bases glandular, large number of stipules arranged in a pedicel form at the leaf axis and by the short and glandular pedicels. A detailed description, original photographs and a location map are provided, as well as an updated diagnostic key of Drymaria Ser. Frutescens. The IUCN status of the new species is assessed as Endangered (EN).
Papers by Daniel B. Montesinos-Tubée
agriculture or livestock activities. The objectives of the present study were to evaluate the diversity and composition of vascular species and ferns; compare the composition of diversity according to habit or type of plant and its distribution in grasslands and wooded areas; and finally, evaluate the endemism rates according to the areas evaluated in the Jalca ecosystem. A total of 294 species, divided into 190 genera and 65 families were recorded from ten different vegetation strata in an approximate area of 180,000 m² and at an elevation of 3400-3710 m. A total of 61 sampling units with dimensions of 1-1000 m² were selected, which varied in size according to the vegetation cover and topographic access. The results show that the grasslands have less diversity than the wooded areas. While at the endemism level, the forested areas registered a slight increase compared to the grasslands. The results can be related to the higher humidity in the depressions of karst origin and the untouched forest patches, showing the particularity of the vegetation of the forested areas in composition, diversity and coverage.
agriculture or livestock activities. The objectives of the present study were to evaluate the diversity and composition of vascular species and ferns; compare the composition of diversity according to habit or type of plant and its distribution in grasslands and wooded areas; and finally, evaluate the endemism rates according to the areas evaluated in the Jalca ecosystem. A total of 294 species, divided into 190 genera and 65 families were recorded from ten different vegetation strata in an approximate area of 180,000 m² and at an elevation of 3400-3710 m. A total of 61 sampling units with dimensions of 1-1000 m² were selected, which varied in size according to the vegetation cover and topographic access. The results show that the grasslands have less diversity than the wooded areas. While at the endemism level, the forested areas registered a slight increase compared to the grasslands. The results can be related to the higher humidity in the depressions of karst origin and the untouched forest patches, showing the particularity of the vegetation of the forested areas in composition, diversity and coverage.