Papers by Arifuddin Arifuddin

Proceedings of the 9th UNNES Virtual International Conference on English Language Teaching, Literature, and Translation, ELTLT 2020, 14-15 November 2020, Semarang, Indonesia, 2021
Under the new Indonesian education paradigm, "guru penggerak" (mover teachers) and "merdeka belaj... more Under the new Indonesian education paradigm, "guru penggerak" (mover teachers) and "merdeka belajar" (freedom in learning), teachers, including English teachers, in Indonesia are given room to use teaching materials and strategies appropriate to students' condition and need. However, it is not clear how this paradigm is responded by English teachers given the lack of learning resources. This paper examines English teachers' responses to the new Indonesian education paradigm based on data obtained from a case study of Batu Layar English Teachers' Consultative Group (MGMP) in West Lombok involving twenty (20) teachers purposively selected as the sample of the study. The data were collected through observing teachers' activities in the MGMP meetings, interviewing them on how they respond to the new education paradigm and collecting teaching and learning related documents. The results show that students and pedagogical factors influence the teachers to positively and negatively respond to the new education paradigm.

Journal Evaluation in Education (JEE)
Purpose of Study: Exploring the students’ motivations for studying in the
English departments, co... more Purpose of Study: Exploring the students’ motivations for studying in the
English departments, comparing career choices and interests based on gender,
and determining the ‘time’ and reasons for shifting careers.
Methodology: This study employed mixed methods. The sample was drawn
through proportional random sampling and involved 1100 students from the
English departments in Lombok, Indonesia. 380 male and 820 female students,
more than 25 percent of the total, filled out the Google Forms questionnaire. The
data were collected through questionnaires and academic documents.
Quantitative data analysis employed descriptive statistics, while qualitative
analysis used ‘Iterative Analysis.’
Main Findings: 1) Being a teacher is the primary motivation for studying in the
English departments; 2) Females far dominate men in the choice of the teaching
profession, while males in the tourism and hospitality sector; 3) But, career
choice shift occurs at the end of the study motivated by socio-economic
orientation. So, curriculum developers should consider biological and sociocultural aspects of English education gender. Further studies should be
conducted on the interrelation of gender and socio-cultural and religious
Novelty/Originality of this Study: The choice of work of the students of the
English departments in Indonesia is still determined by its suitability with
gender. Some studies on career shifts in universities have been carried out, but a
specific study that explored the career choice shift of English department
students based on gender has never been carried out. This is the ‘novelty.’
Nevertheless, this study did not include the students’ religion-based educational

We explored the types and the uniqueness of indigenous Bimanese language spatial deixis. We
inter... more We explored the types and the uniqueness of indigenous Bimanese language spatial deixis. We
interviewed 25 Bimanese native speakers selected purposively from both the urban and suburban areas
in Bima regency using an interview guide and some pictures. We analysed the types, forms, uses and
meanings of indigenous Bimanese spatial deixis qualitatively. It indicates that the types of Bimanese
language spatial deixis, ‘proximal’, ‘medial or medieval’ and ‘distal’ are unique. Although ‘medieval
deixis’ was identified in another language, its forms and meanings are not identical. So far, ‘locationdirection structure’ and ‘motion/movement-direction structure’ are Bimanese-specific spatial deixis
structures. However, ‘diagonal’ cardinal points, such as ‘south-west’, as commonly used in English and
Indonesian languages, are absent in Bimanese language. Uniquely, there is a ‘non-oppositional’ use of
topographic deixis in Bimanese language. These findings contribute to the building or even criticizing
existing sociolinguistic theories applicable in other languages. Due to the uniqueness of Bimenese deixis,
non-native speakers have to recognize the appropriate meanings and their uses.

Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Education, 2020
The present study aimed at exploring the level of idiomatic expressions mastery, the strategies f... more The present study aimed at exploring the level of idiomatic expressions mastery, the strategies for
understanding them, the obstacles, English skills and functional English that the students of
Hospitality and Tourism Institutes need. The study applied mixed-methods. Data were collected
with Needs-analysis, Document, Test, and Interview analyzed with descriptive statistics and
qualitative. It indicates that the mastery of idiomatic expressions mastery of the students of
Hospitality and Tourism is “Low”, no idiomatic expressions teaching, lack familiarity with strategies
for understanding idiomatic expressions, the priority English skills include Speaking, Listening,
Writing, and Reading; and the primary Functional English needed are General Conversations,
Providing Services, Giving information Offering Help and Asking for Co-operation. Therefore, the
Hospitality and Tourism educations should improve the quality of the English language teaching.

Theory and practice in language studies, Mar 29, 2024
The central issue of linguistic studies in the field of morphology is word formation through the ... more The central issue of linguistic studies in the field of morphology is word formation through the mechanisms of affixation, reduplication and composition. This article tries to examine the behavior of the Indonesian language (hereafter IL) bound morpheme /-em-/ which has derivational and inflectional functions. The significant role of /-em-/ is seen as being able to add to the treasures of the IL lexicon while making it easier for students to learn IL, especially junior high school students (hereafter JHS). The secondary data were derived from documents, journals and books. Data were analyzed with content analysis by reading and reviewing the documents. It shows that the IL bound morpheme /-em-/ has a derivational function in word formation as well as an effort to enrich the lexicon of the Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia 'Great Dictionary of the Indonesian Language' (hereafter GDIL) and it contributes to morphological studies in facilitating students of JHS to learn IL more easily and achieve better achievement.

Jurnal Ilmiah Profesi Pendidikan
Listening is one of the important language skills in learning English because it is a receptive s... more Listening is one of the important language skills in learning English because it is a receptive skill that provides language input for students. However, in reality students still experience many difficulties when learning listening, as well as the eleventh grade students of SMAN 3 Praya. This research was aimed to find out students’ achievement in learning listening at the eleventh grade students of SMAN 3 Praya, to find out the difficulties experienced by students in learning listening and to find out the factors that cause these difficulties. This research used descriptive qualitative method. Out of 121 eleventh grade students, only 44 students were selected as a sample using a simple random technique. The data were collected through test, questionnaire and interview. The results of this study showed that students’ achievement in listening is very poor. Students’ difficulties in listening such as: unfamiliar words, complexities of grammatical structures, long spoken materials, un...

Journal Evaluation in Education, Oct 18, 2023
Purpose of the Study: Understanding implicatures in TOEFL Short Dialogues is difficult. It is ess... more Purpose of the Study: Understanding implicatures in TOEFL Short Dialogues is difficult. It is essential to develop web-based media to boost implicature understanding. This current study aimed at testing the implicature inferencemaking ability of English teachers, identifying the factors that affect listening difficulties and developing web-mediated audiovisual books for the TOEFL. Methodology: This is a three-phase R & D model: 1) 'Research Phase' (Testing the English teachers listening ability; Examining factors affecting implicatures understanding; and Profiling the English teachers listening abilities); 2) 'Development Phase' (Constructing the test instrument; Formulating Learning Objectives; Selecting Audiovisual materials, Designing the web-mediated audiovisual book; Validating and revising the book) and 'Production Phase' (Dissemination and Mass Production). Main Finding: The products of the 'Research phase': 1) Listening ability, 2) Factors affecting listening, 3) Profile of the English teachers' pragmatic ability. There are five primary causes of difficulty, 'Speech Rate Delivery,' 'Voice,' 'Sentence Complexity,' 'Mishearing,' and 'Colloquial.' The product of the 'Development Phase' is a 'Web-based audiovisual book for the TOEFL Short Dialogues.' All lessons are aided with online links to audio and videos. Finally, the product of 'Production Phase' is a massed published book. Novelty/Originality of the Study: No single study has ever been reported that focused on developing a web-mediated audiovisual listening book to boost the understanding of implicatures in the TOEFL Short Dialogues.

Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pengabdian Masyarakat
Kegiatan Pengabdian pada Masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kompetensi khalayak sasaran ... more Kegiatan Pengabdian pada Masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kompetensi khalayak sasaran tentang publikasi ilmiah dan meningkatkan produktivitas dalam ber-PTK yang dihasilkan secara berkolaborasi. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan dengan cara workshop dan pendampingan yang melibatkan 20 orang guru-guru bahasa Inggris Kota Mataram yang terbentuk dalam 5 kelompok penelitian. Kegiatan dilakukan dengan menerapkan Deconstruction-Construction Model (DCM) yang meliputi Concept Building Stage, Deconstruction Stage, dan Construction Stage. Dari pelaksanaan kegiatan workshop dan pendampingan dapat disimpulkan: (a) Kegiatan workshop dan pendampingan guru-guru dalam penyusunan proposal PTK berjalan sesuai dengan rencana; (b) Kegiatan dalam Concept Building Stage, Deconstruction Stage, dan Construction Stage telah mampu memberikan modal dan model pada khalayak saran dalam rangka menyusun proposal PTK; (c) Terjadi peningkatan secara kuantitas dari perencanaan, yaitu terjadi peninmgkatan jumlah pr...

SHS Web of Conferences
What approach is applied in teaching English in single-sex education (SSE) and Islamic boarding s... more What approach is applied in teaching English in single-sex education (SSE) and Islamic boarding schools in particular? Some studies report that the language proficiency of Islamic Boarding School students remains unimproved. Although it is apparent that SSE makes teachers apply instructional strategies more readily and effectively than in mixed-sex groupings, the suitability of approaches or methods applied by English language teachers in Islamic Boarding Schools remains unanswered. The order of the male’s factors affecting listening difficulties: Speaker, Content, and Listener (Potential for Men’s Islamic Boarding Schools), and female; Listener, Speaker, and Content (Potential for Women’s Islamic Boarding Schools) (Potential for Women’s Islamic Boarding School), and mixedsexes or co-education (Speaker, Listener, and Content) (Potential for Public Schools) potentially answers the phenomenon. Pedagogically, the orders of sex-based factors affecting listening difficulties are potentia...

Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pengabdian Masyarakat
Salah satu indikator kemahiran bahasa Inggris ialah skor TOEFL. Skor TOEFL mahasiswa S1 dan S2 Ba... more Salah satu indikator kemahiran bahasa Inggris ialah skor TOEFL. Skor TOEFL mahasiswa S1 dan S2 Bahasa Inggris, guru bahasa Inggris, dan sebagian dosen bahasa Inggris rendah. Kondisi ini dipicu oleh keterbatasan kompetensi berbahasa Inggris dan buku yang kurang inovatif. Kegiatan pengabdian ini bertujuan melakukan diseminasi Innovated Pragmatic-based Listening for the TOEFL. Kegiatan dilakukan melalui sosialisasi/diseminasi dan diskusi tentang buku Pragmatics-based Listening for the TOEFL. Khalayak sasarannya ialah guru-guru bahasa Inggris sekolah menengah Kabupaten Lombok Timur. Kegiatan pengabdian ini telah dilaksanakan pada hari Sabtu tanggal 6 Agustus 2022 di SMK Tunas Bangsa di Sakra Lombok Timur. Khalayak sasaran sangat antusias dan berjanji untuk menggunakan Innovated Pragmatics-based Listening for the TOEFL. Kegiatan pengabdian kemitraan ini menghasilkan: a) Pemahaman dan wawasan yang lebih luas mengenai apa dan bagaimana menggunakan buku Innovated Pragmatics-based Listening ...

Proceedings of the 1st Annual Conference on Education and Social Sciences (ACCESS 2019), 2020
In this digital era, the use of internet has become more popular to teachers and students. This p... more In this digital era, the use of internet has become more popular to teachers and students. This paper aims at identifying varieties of and accessibilities to online materials for oral and written English skills. This study uses qualitative method. In collecting the data, the downloaded materials are taken from the internet sources. Then, the data were analyzed by the following procedures: collecting, classifying, identifying, and describing the nature and methods of access to the materials, assessing the suitability of the varieties and accesses to the materials from instruction and student points of views, and evaluating to what extent the online materials are relevant with oral and written skills legislated in English curriculum. The study found that, while there are varieties materials, they are not suitable with the actual classroom needs. While the materials are technologically accessible, they are actually accessible from linguistic point of view: the majority of materials are authentic and they are not made for instructional purposes. Consequently, they are less accessible to students. While more materials suitable for writing skill, materials for oral skills require more work for students to collect the relevant sources. The study also exemplified online resources for oral and written skills of English.

Indonesian TESOL Journal, 2020
Mastery of English grammar for students in English education departments has a dual purpose, name... more Mastery of English grammar for students in English education departments has a dual purpose, namely to improve their ability to communicate in English fluently and accurately, and to prepare them for becoming English teachers capable of explaining aspects of the English language. Thus, the English grammar course series is expected to equip students with the ability to use the language at the same time as explaining elements of the English language. This investigation aims to improve the learning, learning process, and the results of English grammar courses by integrating the deductive method and holistic assessment approach. This consists of assessment for learning (AfL), assessment as learning (AaL), and assessment of learning (AoL). The study was conducted among 72 fourth-semester students in the English education department at the University of Mataram. Data were collected using various techniques such as tests, observations, portfolios, and documentation, and were analysed quali...

Proceedings of the 1st Annual Conference on Education and Social Sciences (ACCESS 2019), 2020
This paper discusses the effect of skimming and scanning strategies for English language teaching... more This paper discusses the effect of skimming and scanning strategies for English language teaching and learning. It has a good effect on students' reading comprehension skills, especially on computer-based text. The study is quasi-experimental research as it applies one group pretest-posttest design based on the experimental class. The data were collected by using classroom observation, questionnaires, and a pre-and post-reading test. The data were analyzed quantitatively including the mean, standard deviation, frequency distribution, and percentage. T-test was used to get the mean difference. The study found that; a) the high and medium students' English proficiency who applied skimming and scanning strategies on computer-based English reading text did not have significantly higher post-test scores than those with high and medium proficiency ones who did not apply the strategies. b) The low students' English proficiency who applied the strategies on the computer-based test had significantly higher post-test scores than those with low proficiency ones who did not apply the strategies. c) Above all, the students who applied skimming and scanning strategies had very positive opinions towards the strategies and the effects on computerized reading text.

This paper discusses the prospects and challenges in accessing learning in Education 4.0 era in E... more This paper discusses the prospects and challenges in accessing learning in Education 4.0 era in English classes. The study is qualitative as it uses descriptive survey which wasused to discover and describe the prospects and the challenges faced by English teachers and students in accessing learning in Education 4.0 era in the English classes of junior high schools. The data were collected by observing online materials on the internet in order to assess its relevance with instructional purposes. Other data were collected by using observe English teachers and students in actual classes. Interviews were also conducted to the teachers and two students from each class of the 1 st grade, the 2 nd grade and the 3 th grade. The data were analyzed by using the following procedure: content analysis and assessment of the online materials by reading and re-reading the data, coding the data, generating initial funding based on themes, reviewing the themes, and defining and redefining the themes. The study found that internet materials offer promising prospects to English teachers and students to fulfil requirements of Education 4.0 English classes but challenges appeared from limited bandwidth, computer apparatus, time, and learning time compared to great number of students. Lack of access to authentic material resources, lack of internet access for students, and misappropriation of online media with student worlds appear to be the major obstacles.

Kegiatan workshop “Penentuan dan Perumusan Kompetensi Dasar, Tujuan Pembelajaran dan Indikator Ke... more Kegiatan workshop “Penentuan dan Perumusan Kompetensi Dasar, Tujuan Pembelajaran dan Indikator Ketercapaian Kompetensi dalam K-13 versi Revisi” telah dilaksanakan pada tanggal 14 September 2019 di Pondok Pesantren Haramain Putra Narmada pukul 08:00 – 16:00 WITA. Kegiatan tersebut diikuti oleh 31 orang guru. Kegiatan worshop ini dilaksanakan dengan menerapkan metode pelatihan dan pendampingan. Hasil kegiatan berupa: a) Terlaksana dengan lancar dan sesuai rencana, bahkan peserta melampui target; b) Mendapat respon yang sangat tinggi dari masyarakat luas; c) Mereka memeroleh manfaat yang tidak ternilai dari kegiatan ini; d) Timbulnya semangat yang tinggi dari peserta untuk lebih dalam memahami dan lebih intensif menyusun perangkat pembelajaran, terutama RPP K-13 Versi Revisi; e) Mereka sangat antusias mengikuti seluruh rangkaian kegiatan, bahkan mereka mengusulkan agar kegiatan berlanjut terus. Kegiatan ini berlangsung dengan lancar dan sukses; f) Seluruh peserta secara aktif mengikuti...

Dalam era digitalisasi, setiap guru idealnya memiliki “rumah” bagi materi pembelajarannya masing-... more Dalam era digitalisasi, setiap guru idealnya memiliki “rumah” bagi materi pembelajarannya masing-masing secara online . Kegiatan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakan (PKM) ini bertujuan untuk membekali guru dan mahasiswa Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris dalam mengembangkan ‘ content ” pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris dalam akun Google Classroom . Khalayak sasaran strategis dari kegiatan ini adalah guru Bahasa Inggris SMP/SMA/SMK sederajat Kota Mataram dan mahasiswa PS Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris yang sedang mengembangkan penelitian Blended Learning dan mahasiswa yang sedang menempuh mata kuliah Teaching Media . Kegiatan dilaksanakan dengan metode diskusi, praktik di kelas, dan pendampingan pengembangan yang dipandu oleh 4 orang dosen dari PS pendidikan Bahasa Inggris FKIP UNRAM. Dari pelaksanaan kegiatan dapat disimpulkan antara lain (1) kegiatan PKM telah berjalan sesuai dengan perencanaan dengan melibatkan 20 orang guru dan mahasiwa dan difasilitasi oleh 4 orang tim pengabdian, (2) khalayak sasaran tel...

Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Conference on Education and Social Science (ACCESS 2020), 2021
The mastery of English Grammar for Students of English Education Department (henceforth EED) has ... more The mastery of English Grammar for Students of English Education Department (henceforth EED) has a multipurpose target, namely, to build their confidence in communication (both spoken and written), to prepare them to be English teachers, who need English grammar for teaching, and to meet their graduation requirement on the TOEFL score, one section of which demands a high level of grammar mastery. Thus, the series of English Grammar courses are expected to equip them with those competencies. However, based on some research findings and observations, students' grammar mastery is still far from the aforementioned purposes. This research aims at redesigning the teaching of English Grammar using Blended Learning by combining face-to-face and online learning. This is a part of a longitudinal study employing the development framework of Blended Learning proposed by GIHE (2010). The data were collected using triangulation techniques (document, questionnaire, and interview) involving EED lecturers, 2 ndsemester students and analyzed descriptively. The results showed that the design of Blended Learning integrates Consciousness-Raising (C-R) Model for face-to-face mood and Google Classroom platform for online mood. Both online and F2F materials were made parallel with slightly different contents. Each unit systematically consists of Learning Objectives ^ Pre-Test ^ Materials Presentation ^ Exercises (for each sub-topic) ^ Self Assessments and Reflection on Learning ^ Post Test. Students responded positively to the design of Blended Learning using C-R Model and Google Classroom in terms of ease of access, usefulness, and students' satisfaction.

Proceedings of the 1st Annual Conference on Education and Social Sciences (ACCESS 2019), 2020
The majority of the members of the old generation have acquired psychological, cultural and menta... more The majority of the members of the old generation have acquired psychological, cultural and mental benefits which could not be enjoyed anymore by the current generations. Such benefits result from the positive nurturant effect of the survival of storytelling tradition in the traditional communities practiced anytime and anywhere; namely, before going to bed, in the breaking moment in the rice field sides, even during the plantation in middle of the rice fields. It's lucky for the old generations, but unlucky for the younger generations. Today, storytelling has been an extinct tradition. These disadvantages get increased due to the high competition between parents and their children in social media activities. An important question, "How to reincarnate the storytelling tradition in the global and digital worlds?" Currently, traditional storytelling is difficult to witness anymore, documented folktales are limited, learning burden is high, and foreign folktales dominate. The extinction of the storytelling tradition should be anticipated by designing the strategies for reincarnating the storytelling tradition in attempt to inherit the moral values and build the young generations' character. The prospective strategies are discussed in this paper.

International journal of social sciences and humanities, 2017
This study tries to explore the sentences used by a person with Broca’s Aphasia in terms of type ... more This study tries to explore the sentences used by a person with Broca’s Aphasia in terms of type and syntactical structure. The goal of this study is to find and describe several important elements that have been said above. Based upon this, this study is a field research using descriptive qualitative research design. By this consideration, the data collection method used in this study is the participatory observation method combined with the Record and Report Technique and the Unstructured Interview Technique. In analyzing data, this study employed Intralingual Matching Method as a data analysis method accompanied by the informal and formal method as the method of data presentation. Thus, the findings resulted from this study are (1) 111 declarative clauses, (2) 32 interrogative clauses, and (3) 5 imperative clauses. Meanwhile, in terms of syntactical structure, there are only 11 sentence patterns that can be produced, namely S-K, K-S, P-K, S-P, P-O, K-P, S-P-K, K-S-P, P-S-K, K-O, ...

Indonesian Journal of EFL and Linguistics
Until recently, no study focused on analyzing the effect thesis writing program on paraphrasing a... more Until recently, no study focused on analyzing the effect thesis writing program on paraphrasing ability of the alumni. Generally, some studies focused on the reversed direction, that is, the effect of paraphrasing ability on thesis writing. This is the novelty of the present study. The present study aimed at testing the effect of thesis writing program at the end of the EFL study on paraphrasing ability of the alumni an EFL education, identifying the types of paraphrasing, and exploring weaknesses in paraphrasing and causes of not paraphrasing. This evaluative ex-post facto research employed Mixed-methods. The participants were 68 alumni of the University of Mataram Indonesia, those who undertook thesis writing program during their study in EFL education and the others who did not write undergraduate thesis. They were selected purposively from 37 schools in West Nusa Tenggara province. Data were collected with writing tasks, questionnaire, interview, and recording. The data were ana...
Papers by Arifuddin Arifuddin
English departments, comparing career choices and interests based on gender,
and determining the ‘time’ and reasons for shifting careers.
Methodology: This study employed mixed methods. The sample was drawn
through proportional random sampling and involved 1100 students from the
English departments in Lombok, Indonesia. 380 male and 820 female students,
more than 25 percent of the total, filled out the Google Forms questionnaire. The
data were collected through questionnaires and academic documents.
Quantitative data analysis employed descriptive statistics, while qualitative
analysis used ‘Iterative Analysis.’
Main Findings: 1) Being a teacher is the primary motivation for studying in the
English departments; 2) Females far dominate men in the choice of the teaching
profession, while males in the tourism and hospitality sector; 3) But, career
choice shift occurs at the end of the study motivated by socio-economic
orientation. So, curriculum developers should consider biological and sociocultural aspects of English education gender. Further studies should be
conducted on the interrelation of gender and socio-cultural and religious
Novelty/Originality of this Study: The choice of work of the students of the
English departments in Indonesia is still determined by its suitability with
gender. Some studies on career shifts in universities have been carried out, but a
specific study that explored the career choice shift of English department
students based on gender has never been carried out. This is the ‘novelty.’
Nevertheless, this study did not include the students’ religion-based educational
interviewed 25 Bimanese native speakers selected purposively from both the urban and suburban areas
in Bima regency using an interview guide and some pictures. We analysed the types, forms, uses and
meanings of indigenous Bimanese spatial deixis qualitatively. It indicates that the types of Bimanese
language spatial deixis, ‘proximal’, ‘medial or medieval’ and ‘distal’ are unique. Although ‘medieval
deixis’ was identified in another language, its forms and meanings are not identical. So far, ‘locationdirection structure’ and ‘motion/movement-direction structure’ are Bimanese-specific spatial deixis
structures. However, ‘diagonal’ cardinal points, such as ‘south-west’, as commonly used in English and
Indonesian languages, are absent in Bimanese language. Uniquely, there is a ‘non-oppositional’ use of
topographic deixis in Bimanese language. These findings contribute to the building or even criticizing
existing sociolinguistic theories applicable in other languages. Due to the uniqueness of Bimenese deixis,
non-native speakers have to recognize the appropriate meanings and their uses.
understanding them, the obstacles, English skills and functional English that the students of
Hospitality and Tourism Institutes need. The study applied mixed-methods. Data were collected
with Needs-analysis, Document, Test, and Interview analyzed with descriptive statistics and
qualitative. It indicates that the mastery of idiomatic expressions mastery of the students of
Hospitality and Tourism is “Low”, no idiomatic expressions teaching, lack familiarity with strategies
for understanding idiomatic expressions, the priority English skills include Speaking, Listening,
Writing, and Reading; and the primary Functional English needed are General Conversations,
Providing Services, Giving information Offering Help and Asking for Co-operation. Therefore, the
Hospitality and Tourism educations should improve the quality of the English language teaching.
English departments, comparing career choices and interests based on gender,
and determining the ‘time’ and reasons for shifting careers.
Methodology: This study employed mixed methods. The sample was drawn
through proportional random sampling and involved 1100 students from the
English departments in Lombok, Indonesia. 380 male and 820 female students,
more than 25 percent of the total, filled out the Google Forms questionnaire. The
data were collected through questionnaires and academic documents.
Quantitative data analysis employed descriptive statistics, while qualitative
analysis used ‘Iterative Analysis.’
Main Findings: 1) Being a teacher is the primary motivation for studying in the
English departments; 2) Females far dominate men in the choice of the teaching
profession, while males in the tourism and hospitality sector; 3) But, career
choice shift occurs at the end of the study motivated by socio-economic
orientation. So, curriculum developers should consider biological and sociocultural aspects of English education gender. Further studies should be
conducted on the interrelation of gender and socio-cultural and religious
Novelty/Originality of this Study: The choice of work of the students of the
English departments in Indonesia is still determined by its suitability with
gender. Some studies on career shifts in universities have been carried out, but a
specific study that explored the career choice shift of English department
students based on gender has never been carried out. This is the ‘novelty.’
Nevertheless, this study did not include the students’ religion-based educational
interviewed 25 Bimanese native speakers selected purposively from both the urban and suburban areas
in Bima regency using an interview guide and some pictures. We analysed the types, forms, uses and
meanings of indigenous Bimanese spatial deixis qualitatively. It indicates that the types of Bimanese
language spatial deixis, ‘proximal’, ‘medial or medieval’ and ‘distal’ are unique. Although ‘medieval
deixis’ was identified in another language, its forms and meanings are not identical. So far, ‘locationdirection structure’ and ‘motion/movement-direction structure’ are Bimanese-specific spatial deixis
structures. However, ‘diagonal’ cardinal points, such as ‘south-west’, as commonly used in English and
Indonesian languages, are absent in Bimanese language. Uniquely, there is a ‘non-oppositional’ use of
topographic deixis in Bimanese language. These findings contribute to the building or even criticizing
existing sociolinguistic theories applicable in other languages. Due to the uniqueness of Bimenese deixis,
non-native speakers have to recognize the appropriate meanings and their uses.
understanding them, the obstacles, English skills and functional English that the students of
Hospitality and Tourism Institutes need. The study applied mixed-methods. Data were collected
with Needs-analysis, Document, Test, and Interview analyzed with descriptive statistics and
qualitative. It indicates that the mastery of idiomatic expressions mastery of the students of
Hospitality and Tourism is “Low”, no idiomatic expressions teaching, lack familiarity with strategies
for understanding idiomatic expressions, the priority English skills include Speaking, Listening,
Writing, and Reading; and the primary Functional English needed are General Conversations,
Providing Services, Giving information Offering Help and Asking for Co-operation. Therefore, the
Hospitality and Tourism educations should improve the quality of the English language teaching.