Videos by Jean Maurais
Interview of Joel Korytko (Oxford) by Jean Maurais. Joel discusses:
- His personal and academic b... more Interview of Joel Korytko (Oxford) by Jean Maurais. Joel discusses:
- His personal and academic background (00:46)
- How he became involved in LXX research (03:01)
- His experience working under the Wevers Institute fellows (04:32)
- The research he is currently pursuing in LXX Exodus, comparing the Greek translation of the Covenant Code with parallels in Graeco-Roman laws (06:35)
- Other projects he is working on at the moment (21:18)
- Advice for people interested in pursuing research in this field (22:06)
- Future avenues of research (27:06)
For more information concerning the John Willliam Wevers Institute for Septuagint Studies, please visit 19 views
Books by Jean Maurais
Brill, 2022
Much can be learned about a translation's linguistic and cultural context by studying it as a tex... more Much can be learned about a translation's linguistic and cultural context by studying it as a text, a literary artifact of the culture that produced it. However, its nature as a translation warrants a careful approach, one that pays attention to the process by which its various features came about. In Characterizing Old Greek Deuteronomy as an Ancient Translation, Jean Maurais develops a framework derived from Descriptive Translation Studies to bring both these aspects in conversation. He then outlines how the Deuteronomy translator went about his task and provides a characterization of the work as a literary product.
Articles by Jean Maurais
2022 Congress on the Theology and Theological Reception of the LXX, Stellenbosch, 2024
“Interpreting YHWH's Care for His People in LXX Deuteronomy and Beyond.” Pages 217–236 in 2022 Co... more “Interpreting YHWH's Care for His People in LXX Deuteronomy and Beyond.” Pages 217–236 in 2022 Congress on the Theology and Theological Reception of the LXX, Stellenbosch. Edited by Johann Cook, Wolfgang Kraus, and Martin Rösel. SCS 78 (Atlanta: SBL Press, 2024).
Laval Théologique et Philosophique, 2024
Le terme hébreu pānîm est notamment employé pour dénoter le visage, mais aussi pour former des pr... more Le terme hébreu pānîm est notamment employé pour dénoter le visage, mais aussi pour former des prépositions complexes (« en présence de ») ou des tournures idiomatiques (« lever le visage de »). Ces expressions ont occasionné de nombreux défis aux traducteurs de la Septante. L'examen d'une variété d'exemples tirés du Pentateuque grec révèle un certain nombre d'innovations linguistiques impliquant le terme prosôpon. De même, les endroits où l'équivalence avec prosôpon est parfois évitée, soit pour des considérations linguistiques ou idéologiques, sont aussi d'intérêt. Lorsqu'il est question de Dieu, certaines tournures de l'hébreu semblent avoir été consciemment reformulées. Les traducteurs révèlent ainsi leur créativité pour résoudre des noeuds théologiques pour leurs lecteurs.
Themes and Texts, Exodus and Beyond. Edited by Robert J. V. Hiebert, J. Numada, D. Chang, and K. S. Baek. LSTS (London: Bloomsbury T&T Clark), 2024

XVII Congress of the International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies, Aberdeen, 2019. Edited by Gideon Kotzé, Martin Rösel, and Michaël van der Meer, 2022
The rare vocabulary, particular syntax, and general style of Deut 32 presented unique challenges ... more The rare vocabulary, particular syntax, and general style of Deut 32 presented unique challenges to its Greek translator. Describing the resulting translation is also difficult since it does not present itself as a typical Greek song or poem. This paper delineates how various aspects of the translation process and the resulting product can be studied to produce a characterization of this unit. A few verses are examined in detail to identify the translational norms and preferences that provided the impetus for this type of translation. These are then synthesized with a description of the text produced. Also discussed are the implications of such a description for issues of textual criticism of the Hebrew text and for the theological interpretation of the Greek text at its point of inception.

Journal for the Study of Judaism, 2022
This study engages recent discussions concerning the description of the Greek of the LXX Pentateu... more This study engages recent discussions concerning the description of the Greek of the LXX Pentateuch and the nature of source text interference. Research in contact linguistics and cognition provides a framework to describe the various phenomena observed, ranging from borrowing of linguistic material to the more widespread structural transfer. Processes such as pivot-matching and the cognitive aspects of word-choice transfer shed light on the mechanics of translation and issues such as the nature of cross-linguistic influence and a translator’s apparent inconsistencies. In this context, the intelligibility of specific renderings or their grammatical conventionality are not sufficient criteria for assessing cross-linguistic influence since its effects can be felt at the level of register or genre. This has important ramifications for the register or genre categorization of various textual units of the LXX Pentateuch and stylistic descriptions.

Théologie Évangélique, 2021
The study of the Septuagint greatly enriches our knowledge of the Jewish milieu that produced it,... more The study of the Septuagint greatly enriches our knowledge of the Jewish milieu that produced it, especially when examining its vocabulary and theological tendencies. However, such a study is not without its challenges. A hermeneutical framework is indispensable to avoid interpretative missteps, illustrated here with examples from Deuteronomy 32. In the first place, a distinction must be made between the context of its production and later reception. Some have argued that the categories of “synchrony” and “diachrony” can help us bridge these two interpretative contexts. But this raises several methodological issues. This article proposes an approach using two other axes : one vertical, where the text is studied as a translation vis-à-vis its Hebrew source, and the other horizontal, where the translation is evaluated in light of the linguistic and literary conventions of its production environment.
Science et Esprit, 2021
Discourse on translation is complex and fraught with difficulties, especially when it comes to th... more Discourse on translation is complex and fraught with difficulties, especially when it comes to the notion of fidelity to the original, and consequently the issue of truth. Is it "faithful" or "misleading,” "true" or "alternate facts,” to use a recently coined euphemism? This article questions certain prescriptive statements and the way in which translational equivalence is sometimes interpreted in some studies on the Septuagint. Drawing on recent advances in the field of translation studies, it argues for the use of a descriptive approach, the law of levirate marriage in Deuteronomy 25:5-6 acting as a test case. While not entirely setting aside the notion of fidelity, such a concept must be relativized and contextualized, particularly when one’s goal is to gain a better understanding of the context in which a translation was produced.
Die Septuaginta – Themen, Manuskripte, Wirkungen: 7. Internationale Fachtagung veranstaltet von Septuaginta Deutsch (LXX.D), Wuppertal 19.-22. Juli 2018, 2020

Journal of Septuagint and Cognate Studies, 2019
The Hebrew צדקה is translated using ἐλεημοσύνη in Deuteronomy 6:25 and 24:13, two important pas... more The Hebrew צדקה is translated using ἐλεημοσύνη in Deuteronomy 6:25 and 24:13, two important passages providing a rationale for law observance. Despite this match having been discussed in a number of studies, none address the reasons why ἐλεημοσύνη translates צדקה in these two passages and not elsewhere in the book. After reviewing a number of factors and explanations, including the semantic range of both Hebrew and Greek terms and their evolution in meaning during the postexilic period, an explanation is presented that takes into account the translation patterns of the book, illustrating how some shifts from the usual translation patterns can sometimes shed light on the theological conceptions of those responsible for the production of this translation.
Le terme hébreu צדקה est traduit par ἐλεημοσύνη en deux endroits en Deutéro-nome (6:25 et 24:13), deux textes importants du fait qu'ils expliquent les résultats de l'obéissance à la Torah. Bien que cette traduction ait été l'objet de plusieurs études, aucune n'aborde les raisons pour lesquelles ἐλεημοσύνη traduit צדקה dans ces deux passages et non ailleurs dans le livre. Après avoir passé en revue les diffé-rentes explications proposées, y compris la portée sémantique des termes hébreux et grecs ainsi que l'évolution de leur sens pendant la période postexilique, une alternative est avancée qui tient compte de la technique de traduction observée dans ce livre. Celle-ci illustre comment certains écarts dans les équivalences habituelles observées dans la traduction peuvent parfois mettre en lumière les conceptions théologiques de ceux qui en sont responsables.
Vetus Testamentum 65.3, 2015
The relationship between Ezekiel 18:1-4 and Exodus 20:5-6 is sometimes interpreted in a way that ... more The relationship between Ezekiel 18:1-4 and Exodus 20:5-6 is sometimes interpreted in a way that highlights three difficulties encountered by modern exegetes when assessing the motivations underlying inner-biblical exegesis. From these three difficulties emerges another explanation of Ezekiel’s intention which illustrates some principles that could help refine the analysis of inner-biblical exegesis.

While the Dead Sea Scrolls undoubtedly constitute one of the greatest finds of the 20th century a... more While the Dead Sea Scrolls undoubtedly constitute one of the greatest finds of the 20th century and have accordingly been the subject of much attention, few studies have examined them from the perspective of memory theory. It is in this light that I attempt to examine the scroll commonly named the Rule of the Community (1QS), as both the reception and production of memory by a particular community. This scroll makes use of cultural memory in several ways, extending to language, rituals, and conceptions of time, in order to shape and authorize certain forms of devotion and practice.
It will become apparent that while the power of the authoritative tradition is strong and constitutive of various communities and strands of Judaism, this particular “excavation” of cultural memory is very much influenced by the present reality and particular outlook of the group. In other words, the memory work is clearly influenced by the community’s crisis situation which calls for a renewed understanding of its identity and purpose.
Book Reviews by Jean Maurais
Catholic Biblical Quarterly 87.1, 2025
Review of Biblical Literature, 2024
Catholic Biblical Quarterly, 2023
Sidnie White Crawford needs no presentation. Her previous book, Scribes and Scrolls at Qumran (Gr... more Sidnie White Crawford needs no presentation. Her previous book, Scribes and Scrolls at Qumran (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2019) won several awards. She now serves as coeditor-in-chief for the Society of Biblical Literature's The Hebrew Bible: A Critical Edition (HBCE) project. The book under discussion consists primarily of a collection of her essays spanning from 1990 to 2019.
Journal of Septuagint and Cognate Studies, 2022
Bulletin for Biblical Research, 2022
Review of Biblical Literature, 2022
The handbook series published by Baylor University Press are well known and provide a verse-byver... more The handbook series published by Baylor University Press are well known and provide a verse-byverse commentary on the linguistic features of the Greek or Hebrew/Aramaic text of a biblical book. Thanks to Sean Adams and Seth Ehorn, the same handbook format is now applied to the Septuagint corpus. The volume under review is authored by Ehorn and the first in this series. As of this writing, a second volume on the book of Amos has been published, and several more are underway.
Videos by Jean Maurais
- His personal and academic background (00:46)
- How he became involved in LXX research (03:01)
- His experience working under the Wevers Institute fellows (04:32)
- The research he is currently pursuing in LXX Exodus, comparing the Greek translation of the Covenant Code with parallels in Graeco-Roman laws (06:35)
- Other projects he is working on at the moment (21:18)
- Advice for people interested in pursuing research in this field (22:06)
- Future avenues of research (27:06)
For more information concerning the John Willliam Wevers Institute for Septuagint Studies, please visit
This is the first of a series in five parts:
1) Methodological considerations
2) Differences in wording between NT quotations and the corresponding HB/OT text:
3) NT authors' views concerning the message and authority of the texts they quoted/reworked:
4) Other ways in which the LXX influenced NT authors:
5) The Septuagint and the biblical canon:
Books by Jean Maurais
Articles by Jean Maurais
Le terme hébreu צדקה est traduit par ἐλεημοσύνη en deux endroits en Deutéro-nome (6:25 et 24:13), deux textes importants du fait qu'ils expliquent les résultats de l'obéissance à la Torah. Bien que cette traduction ait été l'objet de plusieurs études, aucune n'aborde les raisons pour lesquelles ἐλεημοσύνη traduit צדקה dans ces deux passages et non ailleurs dans le livre. Après avoir passé en revue les diffé-rentes explications proposées, y compris la portée sémantique des termes hébreux et grecs ainsi que l'évolution de leur sens pendant la période postexilique, une alternative est avancée qui tient compte de la technique de traduction observée dans ce livre. Celle-ci illustre comment certains écarts dans les équivalences habituelles observées dans la traduction peuvent parfois mettre en lumière les conceptions théologiques de ceux qui en sont responsables.
It will become apparent that while the power of the authoritative tradition is strong and constitutive of various communities and strands of Judaism, this particular “excavation” of cultural memory is very much influenced by the present reality and particular outlook of the group. In other words, the memory work is clearly influenced by the community’s crisis situation which calls for a renewed understanding of its identity and purpose.
Book Reviews by Jean Maurais
- His personal and academic background (00:46)
- How he became involved in LXX research (03:01)
- His experience working under the Wevers Institute fellows (04:32)
- The research he is currently pursuing in LXX Exodus, comparing the Greek translation of the Covenant Code with parallels in Graeco-Roman laws (06:35)
- Other projects he is working on at the moment (21:18)
- Advice for people interested in pursuing research in this field (22:06)
- Future avenues of research (27:06)
For more information concerning the John Willliam Wevers Institute for Septuagint Studies, please visit
This is the first of a series in five parts:
1) Methodological considerations
2) Differences in wording between NT quotations and the corresponding HB/OT text:
3) NT authors' views concerning the message and authority of the texts they quoted/reworked:
4) Other ways in which the LXX influenced NT authors:
5) The Septuagint and the biblical canon:
Le terme hébreu צדקה est traduit par ἐλεημοσύνη en deux endroits en Deutéro-nome (6:25 et 24:13), deux textes importants du fait qu'ils expliquent les résultats de l'obéissance à la Torah. Bien que cette traduction ait été l'objet de plusieurs études, aucune n'aborde les raisons pour lesquelles ἐλεημοσύνη traduit צדקה dans ces deux passages et non ailleurs dans le livre. Après avoir passé en revue les diffé-rentes explications proposées, y compris la portée sémantique des termes hébreux et grecs ainsi que l'évolution de leur sens pendant la période postexilique, une alternative est avancée qui tient compte de la technique de traduction observée dans ce livre. Celle-ci illustre comment certains écarts dans les équivalences habituelles observées dans la traduction peuvent parfois mettre en lumière les conceptions théologiques de ceux qui en sont responsables.
It will become apparent that while the power of the authoritative tradition is strong and constitutive of various communities and strands of Judaism, this particular “excavation” of cultural memory is very much influenced by the present reality and particular outlook of the group. In other words, the memory work is clearly influenced by the community’s crisis situation which calls for a renewed understanding of its identity and purpose.