Monthly Archives: September 2014

ZNC and Mozilla IRC

ZNC is great for having a persistent IRC connection, but it’s not so great when the IRC server or network has a blip. Then you can end up failing to rejoin with

nthomas (…) has joined #releng
nthomas has left … (Max SendQ exceeded)

over and over again.

The way to fix this is to limit the number of channels ZNC can connect to simultaneously. In the Web UI, you change ‘Max Joins’ preference to something like 5. In the config file use ‘MaxJoins = 5’ in a <User foo> block.

Deprecating our old rsync modules

We’ve removed the rsync modules mozilla-current and mozilla-releases today, after calling for comment a few months ago and hearing no objections. Those modules were previously used to deliver Firefox and other Mozilla products to end users via a network of volunteer mirrors but we now use content delivery networks (CDN). If there’s a use case we haven’t considered then please get in touch in the comments or on the bug.

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