Florida State University
Department of Mathematics
Abstract Evolutionary game theory has been used to predict the effect on sperm expenditure of a trade–off between the value of a mating and the cost of its acquisition. In particular, GA Parker has predicted that if two males... more
Abstract There are many examples of individuals forming coalitions to obtain or protect a valuable resource. We present an analytical model of coalition formation in which individuals seek alliances if they judge themselves too weak to... more
Summary Game-theoretic analysis is used to demonstrate that a self-monitoring, cooperative agreement among residents to conserve a wildlife resource may be cheaper by at least an order of magnitude for a government to sustain if the... more
Abstract We develop a game–theoretic model to predict the effect of size–dependent contest outcomes on optimal–clutch–size decisions. We consider the case where larger individuals develop from smaller clutches and, as adults, are... more
Abstract RA Fisher's sex ratio theory predicts that if sons and daughters cost fixed amounts of resources to raise and parents have fixed amounts to invest, then the numerical sex ratio of a panmictic population will evolve to be... more
Cacao (Theobroma cacao L.) is an important cash crop in tropical regions around the world and has a rich agronomic history in South America. As a key component in the cosmetic and confectionary industries, millions of people worldwide use... more
Cacao is an important crop, its beans are key raw materials for the chocolate and cosmetic industries. Ceratocystis wilt of cacao (CWC) caused by Ceratocystis cacaofunesta is a lethal disease for the crop. Therefore, the selection of... more
Cacao () is a globally important crop, and its yield is severely restricted by disease. Two of the most damaging diseases, witches' broom disease (WBD) and frosty pod rot disease (FPRD), are caused by a pair of related fungi: and ,... more
A comprehensive understanding of the genetic basis of target traits in any crop is critical to design breeding strategies for the development and release of new improved varieties. In this study, 34 cacao families were evaluated for vigor... more
Breeding programs of cacao (Theobroma cacao L.) trees share the many challenges of breeding long-living perennial crops, and genetic progress is further constrained by both the limited understanding of the inheritance of complex traits... more
The main ingredients of chocolate are usually cocoa powder, cocoa butter, and sugar. Both the powder and the butter are extracted from the beans of the cacao tree (Theobroma cacao L.). The cocoa butter represents the fat in the beans and... more
BackgroundTheobroma cacao L. cultivar Matina 1-6 belongs to the most cultivated cacao type. The availability of its genome sequence and methods for identifying genes responsible for important cacao traits will aid cacao researchers and... more
Economically, cacao (Theobroma cacao L.) is a major tropical commodity for the Americas; however, severe losses due to Moniliophthora roreri (Cif. and Par.), which causes frosty pod rot (FPR), and Phytophthora spp., which causes black pod... more
Tamarind ( Tamarindus indica L.) is a large evergreen tree belonging to the family Fabaceae (Leguminosae). Its fruits are eaten fresh, processed into a paste, used as a spice, made into a beverage, and used for tanning hides. Although... more
We employ a MACSYMA program for the lbrmal, perturbation, multiple bifurcation analysis of a system of nonlinear PDEs arising in double-diffusive convection. The program requires, as input, the system of PDEs to be solved, the form of the... more
Bacteriophages initiate infection by releasing their double-stranded DNA into the cytosol of their bacterial host. However, what controls and sets the timescales of DNA ejection? Here we provide evidence from stochastic simulations which... more
Icosahedral bacteriophages pack their double-stranded DNA genomes to near-crystalline density and achieve one of the highest levels of DNA condensation found in nature. Despite numerous studies, some essential properties of the packaging... more
When linear double-stranded DNA is packed inside bacteriophage capsids, it becomes highly compacted. However, the phage is believed to be fully effective only if the DNA is not entangled. Nevertheless, when DNA is extracted from a... more
The product of Xer recombination at directly repeated psi sites on a circular unknotted DNA molecule is a right-hand four-noded catenane. Here, we use tangle equations to analyze the topological changes associated with Xer recombination... more