Books by Charles Hofacker
Papers by Charles Hofacker
Psychology & Marketing, 2024
With this article we hope to achieve two goals. The first is to encourage consumer behavioral res... more With this article we hope to achieve two goals. The first is to encourage consumer behavioral researchers to consider Bayesian methods for analyzing experimental and survey data. As such, we provide what we hope will be a persuasive set of arguments for trying Bayes. The second goal is to survey the different uses to which the Bayesian posterior distribution can be put. We organize this survey in terms of loss functions and propose that such loss functions can be chosen so as to simply
describe a consumer behavioral phenomenon, to highlight a managerial implication, or to emphasize a theoretical contribution

Our purpose is to assess how the study of consumer behavior can benefit from the presence of Big ... more Our purpose is to assess how the study of consumer behavior can benefit from the presence of Big Data. We offer a conceptual overview of potential opportunities and changes to the study of consumer behavior that Big Data will likely bring. Big Data have the potential to further our understanding of each stage in the consumer decision-making process. While the field has traditionally moved forward using a priori theory followed by experimentation, it now seems that the nature of the feedback loop between theory and results may shift under the weight of Big Data. A new data culture is now represented in marketing practice. The new group advocates inductive data mining and A/B testing rather than human intuition harnessed for deduction. The group brings with it interest in numerous secondary data sources. However, Big Data may be limited by poor quality, unrepresentativeness and volatility, among other problems. Managers who need to understand consumer behavior will need a work force with different skill sets than in the past, such as Big Data consumer analytics.
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 2010
The development of virtual technologies discloses two main opportunities for retailers, namely th... more The development of virtual technologies discloses two main opportunities for retailers, namely the possibility of complementing their offer through a multi-channel strategy in the marketplace they operate, and of extending their business in foreign countries. The online internationalization strategy requires retailers to overcome customers' privacy concern facilitating their information sharing with the firm so as to conclude the online transaction. This paper aims at helping retailers in reaching this goal by investigating the effect on ...
Trust is a key element in developing customer-firm relationships in the virtual marketplace. The ... more Trust is a key element in developing customer-firm relationships in the virtual marketplace. The peculiarities of the online setting, however, threaten firms’ capability to exploit opportunities derived from such environments. This can lead to customers mostly using the online setting as an information source rather than as a place to conduct transactions. Trust is a key antecedent of online transactions. In this chapter, the authors focus on trust’s role in the virtual marketplace by reviewing a series of relevant studies and proposing directions for future research.
ABSTRACT Services marketing research increases in both intensity and relevance as services contri... more ABSTRACT Services marketing research increases in both intensity and relevance as services contribute an increasing share of the world's economy and as firms and their customers increasingly interact through electronic networks.
Abstract This chapter addresses similarities and differences in e-commerce needs for customers in... more Abstract This chapter addresses similarities and differences in e-commerce needs for customers in business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C) marketplaces. We discuss how and why customers are attracted to online buying in general and to a supplier in particular for each of these types of markets. We further compare the characteristics of customers who choose to buy online with those who prefer to continue with more
Abstract: Recent decades have witnessed an explosion in the quantity of information being produce... more Abstract: Recent decades have witnessed an explosion in the quantity of information being produced, which in turn has created vast opportunities for information-based businesses. The time has come for information to be treated as a unique product along-side goods and services. But is information an intangible good or an imperishable service?
Abstract Managers are more and more interested in social networking sites because they provide op... more Abstract Managers are more and more interested in social networking sites because they provide opportunities for strengthening relationships with customers as well as site content and service. Using social networking sites effectively, however, depends on understanding both the psychological attributes and social interactions of participants.
Journal of the Academy of Marketing …, Jan 1, 1991
Journal of Interactive Marketing, 2010
Abstract: Mobile marketing, which involves two-ormulti-way communication and promotion of an offe... more Abstract: Mobile marketing, which involves two-ormulti-way communication and promotion of an offer between a firmand its customers using themobile, a term that refers to themobilemedium, device, channel, or technology, is growing in importance in the retailing environment. It has the potential to change the paradigm of retailing from one based on consumers entering the retailing environment to retailers entering the consumer's environment through anytime, anywhere mobile devices. Wepropose a conceptual ...
Abstract This study highlights the importance of correctly specifying, developing and testing the... more Abstract This study highlights the importance of correctly specifying, developing and testing the validity of formative versus reflective constructs, because construct validity is necessary for tourism to continue developing as a field. Constructs represent unobservable or latent concepts of theoretical interest. The normal procedure is to develop multiple-item or single-item measures for constructs.
This study investigates two design factors of store atmosphere in relation to store image and con... more This study investigates two design factors of store atmosphere in relation to store image and consumers' expectations of merchandise quality for web-based stores. We address this purpose through the use of the Stimulus–Organism–Response (S–O–R) model on which five hypotheses were drawn based on research conducted with brick-and-mortar and web-based stores.
Much has been written regarding the influence of parents on the career development of their offsp... more Much has been written regarding the influence of parents on the career development of their offspring (see for example, Miller, 1985; Otto & Call, 1985; and Splete & Freeman-George, 1985). After an extensive review of the literature Leifer and Lesser (1976) concluded that parents are the primary determiners of their offspring's career choices. Several studies can be cited to support Leifer and Lesser's (1976) conclusion.
Abstract Since their introduction in the 1960s, packaged computer programs have freed researchers... more Abstract Since their introduction in the 1960s, packaged computer programs have freed researchers from much drudgery and painstaking computational labor. Before the distribution of these packages, many meaningful projects could not be attempted, simply because the data analysis phase would have been too labor intensive. However, the very ease of use of these packages can lead to their abuse.
An important area of employment counseling involves helping women to prepare for careers in tradi... more An important area of employment counseling involves helping women to prepare for careers in traditionally male-dominated fields such as business. One problem that some women face when entering maledominated fields is that career expectations are lower than those of their male counterparts. As recently as the late 1980s. research has found that in contrast to men, women reported lower expectations for themselves in comparison with another person for maledominated occupations (Bridges, 1989).
Based on recent identity research, we developed the Multi-Dimensional Identity Scale (MDIS), and ... more Based on recent identity research, we developed the Multi-Dimensional Identity Scale (MDIS), and the psychometric properties of the MDIS are examined. We report the results of 3 studies used for item generation and analyses and exploratory factor structure analysis (Study 1), confirmatory factor structure analyses (Studies 1, 2, and 3), and construct validity (Study 3).
Books by Charles Hofacker
Papers by Charles Hofacker
describe a consumer behavioral phenomenon, to highlight a managerial implication, or to emphasize a theoretical contribution
describe a consumer behavioral phenomenon, to highlight a managerial implication, or to emphasize a theoretical contribution