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Post-colonial Moroccan cinema is relatively young as far as the number of productions is concerned. There are a handful of movies which have made it to the international scene, many of which have managed to do so because they tackled... more
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      Gender StudiesFilm StudiesPostcolonial StudiesFeminism
When Paul Bowles settled in the International zone of Tangier after WWII, he took up a project of translating a group of young and poor uneducated oral storytellers from Tangier (Mohammed Mrabet, Larbi Layachi, Ahmed Yacoubi, and... more
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      English LiteratureTeaching English as a Second LanguageTranslation StudiesTranslation and Ideology
When Paul Bowles settled in the International zone of Tangier after WWII, he took up a project of translating a group of young and poor uneducated oral storytellers from Tangier (Mohammed Mrabet, Larbi Layachi, Ahmed Yacoubi, and... more
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      Translation StudiesPostcolonial StudiesPostcolonial translation studies
Since the Cultural and Social turns in Translation Studies, strong light has been shed on the critical role that the socio-cultural context of reception plays in the selection of a particular culture, author or a text for translation. As... more
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      Translation StudiesTranslation and IdeologyPostcolonial StudiesMoroccan Studies
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      SociologyTranslation StudiesArtTranslation and Ideology
When Paul Bowles settled in the International zone of Tangier after WWII, he took up a project of translating a group of young and poor uneducated oral storytellers from Tangier (Mohammed Mrabet, Larbi Layachi, Ahmed Yacoubi, and... more
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      English LiteratureArtEnglish languageEnglish
This paper is an exploratory qualitative study of the acquisition of Moroccan Arabic by four illegal transit migrants in Rabat. These migrants come from Senegal, Congo, Cameroon and Ghana. They speak different mother tongues but three of... more
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      MigrationTransit MigrationMoroccan ArabicSecond/Additional Langauge Learning
Recently, there has been a significant surge in the number of sub-Saharans who were forced to extend their stay in Morocco. This exploratory research is, to my knowledge, a first sociolinguistic attempt to shed light on African immigrants... more
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      Second Language AcquisitionMultidisciplinary Theoretical FrameworksMoroccan ArabicDouglas Fir
This paper is an exploratory qualitative study of the acquisition of Moroccan Arabic by four illegal transit migrants in Rabat. These migrants come from Senegal, Congo, Cameroon and Ghana. They speak different mother tongues but three of... more
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      Arabic SociolinguisticsSecond Language Acquisiton
Aphra Behn is one of many a woman writer who was both overlooked and discredited by history. Her literary works were prominent back in the late 17th century because they were thought of as "scandalous". Although not much... more
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There is little doubt that language and its politics are one of the most powerful apparati that construct, determine and communicate dynamic meanings about gender. The cultural and societal definitions of femininity and masculinity along... more
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This article has been peer-reviewed through the journal's standard double-blind peer review, where both the reviewers and authors are anonymised during review.
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The United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Qatar are taking the lead in the urbanization boom that is drastically transforming the spatial fabric of the Arab Gulf region. Embedded in the ambitious urban development projects launched by the UAE... more
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This is a draft of a conference held in 2018 apropos of the position of El-Ayta and its infamy among Moroccans of postmodern Morocco.  The Conference--named Dardachat--knew the presence of figures active in the Moroccan cultural arena
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      Cultural StudiesSocial and Cultural Anthropology
In present-day Morocco, animal sacrifice still plays a major role in the lives of many people, inasmuch as the social character of everyday life possesses, as an important aspect, the religious one. In the context at hand, animal... more
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      Ancient HistoryCultural StudiesAnthropologyEthnopsychiatry
Morocco is a country whose political domain has for long been characterized by instability, corruption, and a lack of transparency. Thus, it comes as no surprise that a number of movements, dissatisfied with the status quo, have... more
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      SociologyCultural StudiesPolitical ScienceSocial movements and revolution
The debate apropos of the quota system is a global debate that has been going on for decades, and that has led to unadulterated polarization of public opinion, and of academic stances more specifically. In Morocco, the introduction of... more
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      European StudiesMiddle East & North AfricaPolitical ScienceSexuality
Recent research on children's worlds has revealed how gender varies in salience across social contexts. Building on this observation, the author examines a highly salient gendered moment of group life among four-and five-year-old children... more
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The present study is motivated by the dearth of experimental research in the area of intercultural communicative competence. Theoretically, this particular area is gaining grounds, but practically it still needs further developments. In... more
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      Research MethodologySociolinguisticsVocabulary AcquisitionVocabulary Learning in ESL
Having a clear vocabulary profile of Moroccan master students might reveal where these participants stand compared to other countries. Therefore, the study aims to investigate the effect of languages of instruction in Morocco (e.g.,... more
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      Second Language AcquisitionApplied LinguisticsVocabulary Acquisition