Papers by Paulo Roberto Zanettini

As perfurações endodônticas comunicam o canal radicular com o periodonto, em conseqüência de cári... more As perfurações endodônticas comunicam o canal radicular com o periodonto, em conseqüência de cárie, reabsorções ou causas iatrogênicas. O sucesso no tratamento está diretamente relacionado com a localização, tamanho e período entre a ocorrência e o tratamento. Os materiais utilizados no tratamento exercem função importante no selamento da área perfurada e a biocompatibilidade junto aos tecidos. A primeira via de tratamento é a não-cirúrgica. Caso o resultado não seja satisfatório, opta-se pelo acesso cirúrgico. Dos materiais para o tratamento de perfurações, na atualidade, o MTA (Agregado Trióxido Mineral) é o mais usado. É material bioativo que permite a formação de cemento, oferecendo condições para organização dos tecidos de suporte dentário. O objetivo esperado para o tratamento das perfurações é prevenir a reabsorção óssea e a perda de ligamento periodontal da região perfurada evitando a infecção. Foi objetivo desse trabalho descrever dois casos clínicos de dentes com perfuração radicular, preenchidas com cimento a base de MTA.
Thesis Chapters by Paulo Roberto Zanettini

Australian Endodontia Journal, 2008
The present study evaluated the effectiveness of two reciprocating systems for the remov... more Abstract
The present study evaluated the effectiveness of two reciprocating systems for the removal of root-filling material during endodontic retreatment. One hundred extracted mandibular premolars were prepared and root-filled with gutta-percha and sealer. Root fillings were removed with K-files according to the following techniques: Group A – hand instrumentation; Group B – Endo- Gripper system driven by compressed air; Group C – INTRAmatic 29CH + INTRA-LUX 3LD driven by compressed air; Group D – Endo-Gripper system driven by electric engine; Group E – INTRAmatic 29CH + INTRA-LUX 3LD driven by electric engine. The amount of filling debris on root canal walls was assessed radiographically and analysed using Auto CAD 2000 software. One- way ANOVA and Duncan’s test revealed statistically significant differences only in the middle third (P = 0.01); the best results being reached in group D. The apical third displayed the greatest amount of filling material debris, regardless of the technique used.
Papers by Paulo Roberto Zanettini
Thesis Chapters by Paulo Roberto Zanettini
The present study evaluated the effectiveness of two reciprocating systems for the removal of root-filling material during endodontic retreatment. One hundred extracted mandibular premolars were prepared and root-filled with gutta-percha and sealer. Root fillings were removed with K-files according to the following techniques: Group A – hand instrumentation; Group B – Endo- Gripper system driven by compressed air; Group C – INTRAmatic 29CH + INTRA-LUX 3LD driven by compressed air; Group D – Endo-Gripper system driven by electric engine; Group E – INTRAmatic 29CH + INTRA-LUX 3LD driven by electric engine. The amount of filling debris on root canal walls was assessed radiographically and analysed using Auto CAD 2000 software. One- way ANOVA and Duncan’s test revealed statistically significant differences only in the middle third (P = 0.01); the best results being reached in group D. The apical third displayed the greatest amount of filling material debris, regardless of the technique used.
The present study evaluated the effectiveness of two reciprocating systems for the removal of root-filling material during endodontic retreatment. One hundred extracted mandibular premolars were prepared and root-filled with gutta-percha and sealer. Root fillings were removed with K-files according to the following techniques: Group A – hand instrumentation; Group B – Endo- Gripper system driven by compressed air; Group C – INTRAmatic 29CH + INTRA-LUX 3LD driven by compressed air; Group D – Endo-Gripper system driven by electric engine; Group E – INTRAmatic 29CH + INTRA-LUX 3LD driven by electric engine. The amount of filling debris on root canal walls was assessed radiographically and analysed using Auto CAD 2000 software. One- way ANOVA and Duncan’s test revealed statistically significant differences only in the middle third (P = 0.01); the best results being reached in group D. The apical third displayed the greatest amount of filling material debris, regardless of the technique used.