Papers by Alessia Passarelli
Asilo ecclesiastico, un atto di resistenza civile, 2019

Migrant Activism and Integration from Below in Ireland, 2012
Dublin, Sunday morning church time. As a migrant it is not easy to choose the right congregation:... more Dublin, Sunday morning church time. As a migrant it is not easy to choose the right congregation: should I go to the church in my neighbourhood? Should I follow my friends? Should I go to a church of my own denomination? At the end I opted for the latter, or for the one closer to it. There is a man at the church entrance greeting newcomers, including myself. The atmosphere is nice and welcoming, and I am impressed by the diversity present in the place; the church is full of people from Asia, Africa, America and Europe. I was trying to experience the worship not only as a migrant believer but also as a researcher, though it was difficult to draw the line between the two. Expectations were high; while waiting for the service to start I looked at the songbook to see if I recognized any of the songs. The liturgy was different from what I was used to in Italy, more dynamic, with elements of various cultural traditions and with different people leading part of the liturgy. At first I felt disorientated and the worship gave me the feeling of fragmentation. Later, however, I realized that these feelings were dictated by the novelty of the experience and by the fact that I did not fully recognize the service. I looked around and at the back of the church the wall was covered with pictures of churchgoers with their names and their position in the church.
Migrant Activism and Integration from Below in Ireland

Il volume raccoglie saggi che indagano in chiave multidisciplinare figure, eventi e contesti appa... more Il volume raccoglie saggi che indagano in chiave multidisciplinare figure, eventi e contesti appartenenti alla complessa e plurale realtà del protestantesimo nell’età contemporanea, dal Risorgimento all’attualità. Entro scenari che comprendono l’Italia, l’Irlanda, il continente africano e gli Stati Uniti d’America, si delineano i rapporti tra determinate tradizioni protestanti e diverse sfide di ordine sia teoretico che pratico: dal cammino ecumenico tra le Chiese irlandesi nel periodo dei Troubles alle molteplici dinamiche dell’emigrazione e dell’integrazione, con il ruolo di mediazione delle comunità religiose; dai significati socio-politici assunti da dottrine ed esperienze religiose al dilemma della compatibilità tra princìpi cristiani e giustificazione della guerra; dal legame tra riforma etico-politica e riforma religiosa nell’Italia risorgimentale all’impatto sociale e culturale dei movimenti evangelici nel Mezzogiorno, fino alla teologia politica soggiacente al dibattito sul...
A revised and updated edition of the original 2008 report, this edition provides a coherent discu... more A revised and updated edition of the original 2008 report, this edition provides a coherent discussion of the patterns of the churches' engagement with migration: focused around the three themes of belonging, community, and integration. This shapes a discussion of migration as phenomenon, of migration in sociological These themes shape a presentation of demographic data and research responses received from the churches of Europe.
Commissioned and published by the Churches Commission for Migrants in Europe, WCC, and the Nova R... more Commissioned and published by the Churches Commission for Migrants in Europe, WCC, and the Nova Research Centre. Analytical chapters, migration data, and church-related activity listed for each of the member countries of the Council of Europe. A 2015 revision is currently in process.

Palgrave, 2012
Dublin, Sunday morning church time. As a migrant it is not easy to choose the right congregation:... more Dublin, Sunday morning church time. As a migrant it is not easy to choose the right congregation: should I go to the church in my neighborhood? Should I follow my friends? Should I go to a church of my own denomination? At the end I opted for the latter, or for the one closer to it. There is a man at the church entrance greeting newcomers, including myself. The atmosphere is nice and welcoming, and I am impressed by the diversity present in the place; the church is full of people from Asia, Africa, America and Europe. I was trying to experience the worship not only as a migrant believer but also as a researcher, though it was difficult to draw the line between the two. Expectations were high; while waiting for the service to start I looked at the songbook to see if I recognized any of the songs. The liturgy was different from what I was used to in Italy, more dynamic, with elements of various cultural traditions and with different people leading part of the liturgy. At first I felt disorientated and the worship gave me the feeling of fragmentation. Later, however, I realized that these feelings were dictated by the novelty of the experience and by the fact that I did not fully recognize the service. I looked around and at the back of the church the wall was covered with pictures of churchgoers with their names and their position in the church. I noticed immediately that the church council was composed of members from various ethnic groups. The church hosts meetings of different organizations including migrant-led ones and it is actively involved in many outreach activities. How important is religion in migrants' life? Why do migrants choose a particular church? What role does the experience of migration have in making the choice? How easy or difficult is it for migrants to become
Between past and future: re ection on how migration has been taken into account by the Protestant... more Between past and future: re ection on how migration has been taken into account by the Protestant churches in Italy and how this has a ected their ecclesiological self-understanding Vieraanvaraisuus ja muukalaisuus. STKSJ 269. Helsinki 2011, 100-119.
Migration is changing the ecclesial landscape of religious organisations in Europe. Based on wide... more Migration is changing the ecclesial landscape of religious organisations in Europe. Based on wider research including in-depth interviews and multi-sited ethnography in Protestant churches in Italy and the Republic of Ireland, this article specifically investigates how migration has had an impact on the Church of Ireland, a minority Church, and what types of integration policies have been put in place to deal with diversity.
Books by Alessia Passarelli

"Protestantesimo e sfide della contemporaneità Percorsi inediti di scienze delle religioni", A. Annese (ed)
Prima edizione: maggio 2017 Volume pubblicato dal Dipartimento di Storia, Culture, Religioni e co... more Prima edizione: maggio 2017 Volume pubblicato dal Dipartimento di Storia, Culture, Religioni e con il contributo della Sapienza-Università di Roma I saggi contenuti nel volume sono stati sottoposti a procedura di peer review. I diritti di traduzione, di memorizzazione elettronica, di riproduzione e di adattamento totale o parziale, con qualsiasi mezzo (compresi i microfilm), sono riservati per tutti i Paesi. Le fotocopie per uso personale del lettore possono essere effettuate nei limiti del 15% di ciascun volume/fascicolo di periodico dietro pagamento alla SIAE del compenso previsto dall'art. 68, commi 4 e 5, della legge 22 aprile 1941, n. 633. Le fotocopie effettuate per finalità di carattere professionale, economico o commerciale o comunque per uso diverso da quello personale possono essere effettuate a seguito di specifica autorizzazione rilasciata da CLEARedi, Centro Licenze e Autorizzazioni per le Riproduzioni Editoriali, Corso di Porta Romana n. 108, 20122 Milano, e-mail [email protected] e sito web
This is the revised and updated 2016 version or the earlier 2008 edition. In this edition we intr... more This is the revised and updated 2016 version or the earlier 2008 edition. In this edition we introduce the integrating themes of 'Integration, belonging, and community', a more robust presentation of migrant voices, and a more informative infographic approach to our work. Print copies are available from the normal online book-sellers.
Quaderni di SMSR by Alessia Passarelli

by Alessandro Saggioro, Andrea Annese, Sergio Botta, Marianna Ferrara, Carmelo Russo, Donato Di Sanzo, Alessia Passarelli, Massimo Di Gioacchino, Giovanni Ferrarese, Giulia Gasparro, Valentina D'Alessio, Carmine Pisano, serena di nepi, and Daniela DUMBRAVA Prima edizione: maggio 2017 Volume pubblicato dal Dipartimento di Storia, Culture, Religioni e co... more Prima edizione: maggio 2017 Volume pubblicato dal Dipartimento di Storia, Culture, Religioni e con il contributo della Sapienza-Università di Roma I saggi contenuti nel volume sono stati sottoposti a procedura di peer review. I diritti di traduzione, di memorizzazione elettronica, di riproduzione e di adattamento totale o parziale, con qualsiasi mezzo (compresi i microfilm), sono riservati per tutti i Paesi. Le fotocopie per uso personale del lettore possono essere effettuate nei limiti del 15% di ciascun volume/fascicolo di periodico dietro pagamento alla SIAE del compenso previsto dall'art. 68, commi 4 e 5, della legge 22 aprile 1941, n. 633. Le fotocopie effettuate per finalità di carattere professionale, economico o commerciale o comunque per uso diverso da quello personale possono essere effettuate a seguito di specifica autorizzazione rilasciata da CLEARedi, Centro Licenze e Autorizzazioni per le Riproduzioni Editoriali, Corso di Porta Romana n. 108, 20122 Milano, e-mail [email protected] e sito web
Papers by Alessia Passarelli
Books by Alessia Passarelli
Quaderni di SMSR by Alessia Passarelli