Papers by Parichehr Hanachi

Int J Org Transplant Med. 8 (4), 2017
Background: In tissue engineering, scaffold characteristics play an important role in the biologi... more Background: In tissue engineering, scaffold characteristics play an important role in the biological interactions between cells and the scaffold. Cell adhesion, proliferation, and activation depend on material properties used for the fabrication of scaffolds. Objective: In the present investigation, we used collagen with proper characteristics including mechanically stability, biodegradability and low antigenicity. Optimization of the scaffold was done by immobilization of alkaline phosphatase on the collagen surface via cross-linking method, because this enzyme is one of the most important markers of osteoblast, which increases inorganic phosphate concentration and promote mineralization of bone formation. Methods: Alkaline phosphatase was immobilized on a collagen surface by 1-ethyl-3-(dimethylaminopropyl) carbodiimide hydrochloride, as a reagent. Then, rat mesenchymal stem cells were cultured in osteogenic medium in control and treated groups. The osteogenesis-related genes were compared between treatments (differentiated cells with immobilized alkaline phosphatase/collagen scaffold) and control groups (differentiated cells on collagen surface without alkaline phosphatase) on days 3 and 7 by quantitative real-time PCR (QIAGEN software). Results: Several genes, including alkaline phosphatase, collagen type I and osteocalcine associated with calcium binding and mineralization, showed upregulation in expression during the first 3 days, whereas tumor necrosis factor-α, acting as an inhibitor of differentiation, was down-regulated during osteogenesis. Conclusion: Collagen scaffold with immobilized alkaline phosphatase can be utilized as a good candidate for enhancing the differentiation of osteoblasts from mesenchymal stem cells.

Int J Cancer Manag. 13(2), 2020
Background: Osteosarcoma; is one of the most common malignant tumors. Nowadays, because of the ma... more Background: Osteosarcoma; is one of the most common malignant tumors. Nowadays, because of the many side effects of cancer drugs, the usage of herbal medicine which can inhibit or eliminate cancer cells by their antioxidant compounds is increased. Objectives: In the present study anticancer effect of Tilia dasystyla and Polygonatum orientale Desf different extracts on osteogenic sarcoma (Saos-2) cancer cell line was investigated and their polyphenolic compounds were identified by liquid chromatographymass spectrometry (LC-MS) analysis. The cytotoxic effect of these extracts on Saos-2 cell line and identification of their phenolic compounds have not been reported so far. Methods: Cancer cell lines were provided from Department of Biological Sciences, Bursa University, Turkey. Different concentrations of the methanol, ethanol, and diluted water extracts (0.5-5 mg/mL) were tested on Saos-2 cell line. After 24, 48, and 72 hours, the cell viability was evaluated using 3-(4, 5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) method. For the investigation of total phenolic compounds of T. dasystyla and P. orientale Desf extracts LC-MS method was applied. Results: According to the results diluted water extracts on the Saos-2 cancer cell line showed more cytotoxic effect than other solvents. The lowest IC50 value was 0.58 ± 0.01 mg/mL within 72 hours belonged to T. dasystyla water extract. Conclusions: Tilia dasystyla and Polygonatum orientale Desf extracts contain some polyphenolic compounds which showed cytotoxic effect on Saos-2 cancer cell line. The full potential of these herbal extracts is yet to be realized by further studies on animal models and subsequent trials.

Iran J Biotech 13 (2), 2015
Background: Collagen, the most abundant protein in the human body, and as an extracellular matrix... more Background: Collagen, the most abundant protein in the human body, and as an extracellular matrix protein, has an important role in the fiber formation. This feature of the collagen renders establishment of the structural skeleton in tissues. Regarding specific features associated with the collagen, such as, formation of the porous structure, permeability and hydrophilicity, it can also be used as a biocompatible matrix in the enzyme engineering. Objectives: The aim of the present study was to investigate the application of the type I collagen as a matrix for alkaline phosphatase immobilization using cross-linking method. Material and Methods: The Alkaline phosphatase was covalently immobilized on collagen matrix by using 1-ethyl-3-(dimethylaminopropyl) carbodiimide hydrochloride (EDC). The source of the alkaline phosphatase was from the bovine intestinal mucous. After that, the activity of the immobilized enzyme was assayed under different experimental conditions. Results: The optimum pH was similar to that of the free enzyme, whereas the optimum temperature and thermal stability were shown some increments. The surface topography of the collagen matrix containing immobilized enzyme and ALP (Alkaline phosphatase) deficient was investigated by Atomic-force microscopy (AFM). Images that have been obtained applying AFM show significant differences between uncovered and immobilized enzyme-matrix surface topography. Conclusions: Our findings suggest that type I collagen can be utilized as a matrix for alkaline phosphatase immobilization via cross-linking method.

Annals of Clinical Biochemistry 55(2), 2018
Background: Vitamin D deficiency is a prevalent and important global health problem. Because of i... more Background: Vitamin D deficiency is a prevalent and important global health problem. Because of its role in growth and development, vitamin D status is likely to be particularly important in adolescent girls. Here, we explored the effects of high-dose vitamin D supplementation on cardio-metabolic risk factors. Methods: We have examined the effects of vitamin D supplementation on cardio-metabolic risk factors in 988 healthy adolescent girls in Iran. Fasting blood samples and anthropometric measurements were obtained at baseline and after supplementation with high-dose vitamin D. All individuals took a capsule of 50,000 IU vitamin D/week for nine weeks. The study was completed by 940 participants. Results: The prevalence of vitamin D deficiency was 90% at baseline, reducing to 16.3% after vitamin D supplementation. Vitamin supplementation was associated with a significant increase in serum concentrations of 25 (OH) vitamin D and calcium. There were significant reductions in diastolic blood pressure, heart rate, waist circumference and serum fasting blood glucose, total-and low-density lipoprotein-cholesterol after the nine-week period on vitamin D treatment, but no significant effects were observed on body mass index, systolic blood pressure or serum high-density lipoprotein cholesterol and triglyceride. Conclusion: Vitamin D supplementation had beneficial effects on cardio-metabolic profile in adolescent girls.

Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: To find out whether or not soy milk as a phytoestroge... more Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: To find out whether or not soy milk as a phytoestrogen product can improve the quality of life of the Iranian postmenopausal women. Material Material Material Materials s s s and and and and m m m methods: ethods: ethods: ethods: Participants of this randomized clinical trial were 57 healthy postmenopausal women. All eligible women were randomly divided into two groups of soy milk (SG) and control (CG). Individuals in the SG (n = 34) received 500 ml soy milk including genistein (28.86 mg/dl) and daidzein (8.25 mg/dl) per day, while the participants in the CG (n = 23) received 500 ml low fat cow milk per day during 8 months. Both groups also took daily calcium-D capsules (500 mg calcium and 200 IU D3). The quality of life of all participants was examined twice (at the baseline and the end of the eighth month) using the menopause-specific quality of life (MENQOL) questionnaire. Results: Results: Results: Results: A total of 57 healthy postmenopausal women with a mean age of 52.13 (3.05) years were included in this study. Despite the significant but weak difference was observed between SG and CG in the sexual domain score (the mean of percent change: 0.46% vs. 33.94%, respectively; p = 0.031), while significant relationship was found between the soy milk consumption and improvement in the domains studied (vasomotor, psychosocial and physical). Conclusion: Conclusion: Conclusion: Conclusion: Overall our findings showed that soy milk does not improve the quality of life in postmenopausal women. But to achieve more reliable results, it is recommended further study to be done with a larger sample size, more prolonged, and with participants having severer vasomotor symptoms.
Background: Free radicals cause many diseases in humans. Antioxidants reduce the risk of cardiova... more Background: Free radicals cause many diseases in humans. Antioxidants reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke by neutralizing free radicals and on the other hand, prevent the progression of cancer. The natural antioxidant enhances the antioxi-dant properties of plasma to prevent diseases such as heart disease, cancer, and stroke. Secondary metabolites derived from plants have a strong potential for antioxidant activity. Methods: The purpose of this study was to investigate the antioxidant activities of two native plants species, including Polygona
Papers by Parichehr Hanachi