A downloadable game for Android

"Mumuru Hop" is a game developed for Game Jam Plus 2022 about our interpretation of a myth from a brazilian indigenous tribe, that tells the tale of a great lady warrior who wanted to become a star by the power of the goddess of the moon, so, she jumped into an "Iguarapé" (a river)  toward the reflection of the moon and got turned into a "Mumuru" (a lilypad). The themes chosen for the Game Plus Jam 2022 were "Easy to Play, Hard to be Good" and "Back to the Future" and the Category was "Tales of us".

How to play:
Click on lily-pad (mumuru) to jump! 

Our team is composed of four portuguese developers:

Isaac Pais: Game Designer / Project Manager LinkedIn

David Santos: Game Programmer LinkedIn

Inês Pombinho: Game Artist LinkedIn

Vasco Santos: QA / Sound Design / Composer LinkedIn


bpb game boy drum kit by :



8-bit / 16-bit Sound Effects (x25) Pack by:


#gamejamplus22 #beourplus1 #talesofus


MumuruHop.apk 26 MB

Install instructions

Download the APK file.
Install on your Android Device.

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