? ?
26 August 2010 @ 10:50 am
So, as most of you know, I haven't made an icon in about a year. Now that I am supremely bored I am going to endeavor to make a few. However, I am at work, not on my laptop, so i don't have any of my textures, gradients, or fancy fonts.

Thus I ask all you icon makers out there to fill me in on what has changed in the iconing world in the last year and suggest some of your favorite textures and fonts. Post a link in the comments and I will obligingly download them for iconing purposes. Also, if you have want to suggest a picture, please do!
Current Mood: boredbored
16 April 2010 @ 01:20 pm
So I've been obsessed recently with typography posters and I've taken to making my own. I haven't made icons for so long, it's been a great creative release for me. Phew. I'm planning on printing them off and putting them into a collage frame. I hope you like!
Keep Calm and Carry OnCollapse )
08 March 2009 @ 05:32 pm
1-16 Watchmen
17-37 Greys Anatomy (Owen)
38-46 LOTR
47-50 Lost
51 - Serenity
1.2. 3.

Whatever happened to the American dream? It came true. Collapse )
17 February 2009 @ 09:51 am
Watchmen 1 - 32
Lost 33- 67
Forrest Gump - 68 - 76
Random tv and film 77 - 97
Firefly 98- 103
Dark Angel and LOTR 104-105

1. 2. 3.
Whatever happened to the American dream? It came true, you're looking at it. Collapse )
22 October 2008 @ 06:46 pm
1. 2. 3.
Is it just me or has LJ changed thier LJ cuts function TO SUCK. NOT WORKING.
Icons under hereCollapse )                                                                           

Current Mood: aggravatedaggravated
20 September 2008 @ 08:44 am
40 Multifandom Icons, 3 Des/Penny Headers
1-7 Made for LOTR LIMS
8-13, Gingersnaps (made for twopointohno)
14-27 LOST (made for Des_icons, Iconcrack and others)
30-38 Im not There (made for twopointohno)
39- Firefly and 40- Xena
1. 2. 3.
Bye Bye Baby, Don't be long, I worry about you, when you're goneCollapse )
27 July 2008 @ 04:36 pm
 Some of these you may remember from my icon "battle" with crazyvictoriawhich can be found here
07 June 2008 @ 11:30 pm
Ok, I sat down and iconed this scene to death. Every cap I had. I probably will be back with many many more in the near future.