– Drought is a disaster that often occurs in Metenggeng Village, Bojongsari District, Purbalingga... more – Drought is a disaster that often occurs in Metenggeng Village, Bojongsari District, Purbalingga Regency. In order to solve this problem, the Community Service team of Jenderal Sudirman University has collaborated with the Indonesian Wells Waqf team to do geoelectric measurements to drill wells in the Al-Jihad Mosque complex. The results of geoelectrical measurements show that the aquifer layer is obtained at a depth of more than 30.72 m and a resistivity value of 15.05 m. The socialization of the results of geoelectric measurements for the exploration of groundwater sources at the Al-Jihad Mosque in Metenggeng Village has been carried out with a very good response from the target audience. The construction and handover of wells with a depth of 50 m have also been well realized. A strong supporting factor for the success of community service activities is the willingness and realization of the target audience to maintain the sustainability of the drilled well so that it can be used...
Survei geolistrik resistivitas dengan konfigurasi Schlumberger telah dilakukan untuk menduga keda... more Survei geolistrik resistivitas dengan konfigurasi Schlumberger telah dilakukan untuk menduga kedalaman lapisan akuifer air tanah di Desa Srowot Kecamatan Kalibagor Kabupaten Banyumas. Akuisisi data dilakukan di enam titik sounding, yaitu titik SR-1, SR-2, SR-3, SR-4, SR-5, dan SR-6 dengan panjang bentangan 200 m. Hasil survei menunjukkan bahwa lapisan akuifer di daerah penelitian terdiri atas akuifer tertekan, akuifer bebas, dan akuifer semi tertekan. Akuifer tertekan terdapat di titik SR-1 berupa pasir berbutir halus (2,36 Ωm) pada kedalaman lebih dari 19,58 m. Adapun akuifer bebas dan/atau akuifer semi tertekan terdapat pada titik SR-2, SR-3, SR-4, SR-5, dan SR-6. Pada titik SR-2, lapisan akuifer berupa lempung pasiran (13,90 Ωm) dengan kedalaman 10,62-22,61 m. Pada titik SR-3, lapisan akuifer berupa lempung pasiran agak mampat (56,80 Ωm) dan lempung pasiran (15,70 Ωm) pada kedalaman 10,04-22,44 m dan lebih dari 50,04 m. Pada titik SR-4, lapsian akuifer berupa pasir berbutir sedan...
Jurnal Penelitian Fisika dan Aplikasinya (JPFA), 2017
The research aiming to explore the iron ore deposits in the Nusawungu coastal Regency of Cilacap ... more The research aiming to explore the iron ore deposits in the Nusawungu coastal Regency of Cilacap has been conducted using the magnetic survey. The acquisition of magnetic data was conducted in April – Mei 2017, covering the area in the ranges of 109.314° – 109.345°E and 7.691° – 7.709°S. The obtained magnetic field strength data were corrected, reduced, and mapped to obtain the contour map of local magnetic anomaly. The modeling process was carried out along the path extending over the map from the positions of 109.314°E and 7.695°S to 109.335°E and 7.699°S, so that some subsurface anomalous objects are obtained. The lithological interpretation was performed to identify the types of subsurface rocks and their formations based on the magnetic susceptibility value of each anomalous objects and supported by the geological information of the research area. Based on the interpretation results, three rocks deposits of alluvium formations were obtained, which are estimated to contain iron ...
The estimation of the distribution of the sea water intrusion through the rivers in Ujungmanik Vi... more The estimation of the distribution of the sea water intrusion through the rivers in Ujungmanik Village, Kawunganten District, Cilacap Regency has been carried out using the Wenner configuration resistivity geoelectric. This research aims to estimate the distribution of sea water intrusion through rivers in Ujungmanik Village, Kawunganten District, Cilacap Regency based on geoelectric resistivity and conductivity data of groundwater. The geoelectric data acquisition was carried out on four lines. They were Wen1 Line, Wen2 Line, Wen3 Line, and Wen4 Line. Each line had a range of 200 meters. The results of geoelectric data processing showed that the subsurface rock structure consisted of sand, clay, sandy loam, and sandy clay. The Seawater intrusion shown by the sand layer occurred in all trajectories which had a range of resistivity value of 0.20 - 2.79 Ωm. Groundwater samples was carried out at fifteen points with the conductivity value varies between 1363 - 4145 µS / cm so that they...
Research to model coal deposits in the Bentarsari Basin area of Salem District in Brebes Regency ... more Research to model coal deposits in the Bentarsari Basin area of Salem District in Brebes Regency has been done using the geoelectric-resistivity method with Wenner configuration. Resistivity data acquisition is carried out on five tracks, with each track has a length of 200 m. The least squares inversion method is applied to obtain a 2D-resistivity section model. Furthermore, the 2D-resistivity section model data for each line is combined into a 3D model to determine the coal deposit model in the area. The results of the interpretation indicate that the subsurface structure of the area consists of clay, sandy clay, coal, and sandstone; where the type of coal is lignite. This coal deposit has resistivity values with interval of 86.1-219.0 Ωm, which is distributed evenly with depth of 0.0-26.5 m, where the southern part of the all track has a higher potential. This research can be followed up with log drill testing to determine the actual subsurface layer, so that it can be utilized as a very economical alternative energy.
Pekuncen Village, Jatilawang District is one of the villages in Banyumas Regency which often expe... more Pekuncen Village, Jatilawang District is one of the villages in Banyumas Regency which often experiences drought in the dry season. Exploration to obtain the groundwater sources needs to be done, especially to estimate the depth of the aquifer. The chosen exploration method was resistivity geoelectric using vertical sounding technique. Resistivity data acquisition is carried out on 3 trajectories with the length of the 1st and 3rd trajectories are 200 m, and the 2nd trajectory is 240 m. The sounding point on the 2nd trajectory was drilled, where rock samples were taken at every 5 m depth. The rock samples obtained were correlated with the resistivity data interpretation results, including the type and thickness of each depth. The aquifer in the research area consisted of two parts, namely unconfined aquifer and confined aquifer. The unconfined aquifer at the first sounding point is located at 6.80 – 34.38 m depth, the second sounding point at 7.00 – 28.89 m depth, and the third soun...
Eksplorasi geofisika untuk mengestimasi potensi pasir besi di kawasan pesisir barat Kecamatan Nus... more Eksplorasi geofisika untuk mengestimasi potensi pasir besi di kawasan pesisir barat Kecamatan Nusawungu, Kabupaten Cilacap telah dilakukan pada bulan Mei-Juli 2017 menggunakan metode resistivitas. Pengukuran data resistivitas dilakukan di 6 titik lokasi yang diperkirakan prospek mengandung bijih besi berdasarkan peta anomali magnetik lokal daerah penelitian. Survey geolistrik resistivitas bertujuan untuk memperkirakan kedalaman dan ketebalan endapan pasir besi dan potensinya. Hasil pemodelan dan interpretasi data resistivitas menunjukkan keberadaan lapisan batuan yang diperkirakan sebagai endapan pasir besi yang berselingan dengan lanau dan lempung dari formasi alluvium di seluruh titik lokasi. Endapan pasir besi terdapat pada kedalaman berkisar 2,39-27,81 meter dengan nilai resistivitas 12,24-46,96 Ωm. Dengan demikian eksplorasi metode resistivitas ini menunjukkan bahwa potensi pasir besi di daerah penelitian diperkirakan cukup besar.
Eksplorasi geofisika untuk mengetahui potensi pasir besi di kawasan Desa Pagubugan dan Desa Pagub... more Eksplorasi geofisika untuk mengetahui potensi pasir besi di kawasan Desa Pagubugan dan Desa Pagubugan Kulon Kecamatan Binangun Kabupaten Cilacap telah dilaksanakan pada bulan Mei hingga Agustus 2018 menggunakan metode magnetik. Pengukuran data magnetik telah dilakukan di daerah penelitian dengan posisi geografis membentang dari 109,29882 • BT-109,31892 • BT dan 7,68430 • LS-7,70402 • LS. Secara morfologis, lokasi penelitian merupakan bagian pesisir Kecamatan Binangun bagian timur. Hasil pemodelan dan interpretasi data anomali magnetik yang diperoleh menunjukkan keberadaan lapisan batuan yang diperkirakan mengandung bijih besi yang berselingan dengan lempung, lanau, pasir, kerikil, dan kerakal dari formasi aluvium dengan nilai suseptibilitas magnetik 0,0094 cgs unit. Lapisan batuan ini diestimasi terletak pada kedalaman 0 hingga 53 meter serta membentang dengan posisi geografis 109,30981 • BT-7,69264 • LS hingga 109,31787 • BT-7,69575 • LS.
Journal of Geoscience, Engineering, Environment, and Technology, 2018
Interpretation of 2D-subsurface rock resistivity data has been carried out in the iron ore prospe... more Interpretation of 2D-subsurface rock resistivity data has been carried out in the iron ore prospect area of Eastern Binangun Coastal in Cilacap Regency, Central Java. The background of this research is the potential for abundant iron sand in this area that prospects to be exploited. The research was conducted using a magnetic method in 2017 to map the distribution patterns of the local magnetic anomalies that were interpreted to originate from the distribution of iron ore in the subsurface. In 2018, the research continued using the 2D-resistivity method to find out the lithology section in the subsurface of research area. 2D-resistivity data acquisition is carried out on four tracks consisting of Bng-01 to Bng-04. The resistivity data modeling have produced the true resistivity value for each track in the form of the subsurface resistvity section, which including the Bng-01 track is 2.27 – 44.1 Ωm; the Bng-02 track is 4.5 – 58.6 Ωm; the Bng-03 track is 6.37 – 63.4 Ωm; and the Bng-...
Interpretation on the magnetic anomalies data has been done in the Widarapayung coast area, Distr... more Interpretation on the magnetic anomalies data has been done in the Widarapayung coast area, District of Binangun, Regency of Cilacap to identify distribution of iron sand. The acquisition of magnetic intensity data in this area has been done in December 2015 and May 2016 using Proton Precession Magnetometer (PPM) with type of GSM-19T. The research area extends on the geographic positions of 109.2501°BT – 109.2702°E and 7.6781°LS – 7.6986°S. Magnetic anomalies data modeling is done with using Mag2DC for Windows software so obtained some subsurface anomalous objects model. The anomaly object model having a value of magnetic susceptibility of 0.0093cgs unit is interpreted as iron sand interspersed with silt, clay, sand, and gravel from the alluvium formation. This formation is lain at a depth of 1.709 to 11.966m and a length of 1576.7m. The iron sand contained in this formation is estimated prospects for exploitation. Based on the interpretation results, alluvium formation is also foun...
Exploration of the spread of iron sand on the eastern coastal of Binangun District in Cilacap Reg... more Exploration of the spread of iron sand on the eastern coastal of Binangun District in Cilacap Regency has been conducted using the magnetic surveys. The magnetic data acquisition was conducted in April 2017. The total magnetic field data obtained is processed, so that can be obtained the local magnetic anomaly data. The modeling of the local magnetic anomaly data is performed on the trajectory of AB that extending from the position point of 109,274698° E and 7.686620° S to 109.2296195° E and 7.689099° S so that obtained various model of the subsurface anomalous objects. Interpretation on the subsurface anomalous objects is done to estimate the types of rocks and their formations based on the magnetic susceptibility value of each object which supported by the geological information of the research area. Based on the interpretation results to be obtained two layers of subsurface rocks that can be estimated as the iron sand that coexists with silt dan clay derived from the alluvium for...
Penelitian menggunakan metode geolistrik resisitivitas telah dilakukan untuk mengetahui struktur ... more Penelitian menggunakan metode geolistrik resisitivitas telah dilakukan untuk mengetahui struktur batuan bawah permukaan serta potensi air tanah di Desa Darmakradenan Kecamatan Ajibarang Kabupaten Banyumas. Konfigurasi yang digunakan pada metode ini adalah konfigurasi Schlumberger sebanyak lima lintasan dengan panjang masing-masing 200 m. Hasil pemodelan secara inversi telah menghasilkan log resistivitas yang terdiri atas enam lapisan batuan bawah permukaan. Lapisan-lapisan batuan tersebut diinterpretasi sebagai tanah penutup dengan nilai resistivitas sebesar 206.8 – 1204.92 Ωm, batukapur dengan nilai resistivitas sebesar 767.51 – 1563.65 Ωm, kerikil dan pasir dengan nilai resistivitas sebesar 270.84 Ωm, lempung dengan nilai resistivitas sebesar 319.39 – 473.97 Ωm, batupasir gampingan dengan nilai resistivitas sebesar 17.22 Ωm, dan napal dengan nilai resistivitas sebesar 814.17 – 982.94 Ωm. Potensi sumber air tanah diperkirakan hanya terdapat di titik S-L1 dan S-L2 yang merupakan la...
Journal of Geoscience, Engineering, Environment, and Technology, 2020
Geophysical survey with magnetic method to interpret the iron ore deposits in the Eastern Nusawun... more Geophysical survey with magnetic method to interpret the iron ore deposits in the Eastern Nusawungu Coastal, Cilacap Regency, Central Java, Indonesia was carried out during six month, i.e. March –August 2017, covering the area in the geographical position of 109.3462° – 109.3718° E and 7.6958° – 7.7098° S. This survey has produced total magnetic field strength data at each measuring point in the research area. The magnetic field strength data which have been obtained, then be processed, corrected, and mapped so that the local magnetic anomaly contour map can be obtained. The local magnetic anomaly contour map shows the distribution of magnetic anomalous sources in the subsurface of research area. The 2D-modeling of magnetic anomalies data has been carried out along the AB trajectory extending on the local magnetic anomaly contour map from the position of A(109.3463°E and 7.7023°S) to B (109.3688°E and 7.7053°S), so that some subsurface anomalous objects is obtained. The modelling re...
Interpretation on the magnetic anomalies data has been done in the Widarapayung coast area, Distr... more Interpretation on the magnetic anomalies data has been done in the Widarapayung coast area, District of Binangun, Regency of Cilacap to identify distribution of iron sand. The acquisition of magnetic intensity data in this area has been done in December 2015 and May 2016 using Proton Precession Magnetometer (PPM) with type of GSM-19T. The research area extends on the geographic positions of 109.2501BT -109.2702E and 7.6781LS -7.6986S. Magnetic anomalies data modeling is done with using Mag2DC for Windows software so obtained some subsurface anomalous objects model. The anomaly object model having a value of magnetic susceptibility of 0.0093cgs unit is interpreted as iron sand interspersed with silt, clay, sand, and gravel from the alluvium formation. This formation is lain at a depth of 1.709 to 11.966m and a length of 1576.7m. The iron sand contained in this formation is estimated prospects for exploitation. Based on the interpretation results, alluvium formation is also found at a depth of 1.140 to 30.769m, which expected be composed of silt, clay, sand, and gravel with a magnetic susceptibility value of 0.0051cgs unit. The content of iron sand in this 2 nd alluvium formation is expected to be relatively small.
– Drought is a disaster that often occurs in Metenggeng Village, Bojongsari District, Purbalingga... more – Drought is a disaster that often occurs in Metenggeng Village, Bojongsari District, Purbalingga Regency. In order to solve this problem, the Community Service team of Jenderal Sudirman University has collaborated with the Indonesian Wells Waqf team to do geoelectric measurements to drill wells in the Al-Jihad Mosque complex. The results of geoelectrical measurements show that the aquifer layer is obtained at a depth of more than 30.72 m and a resistivity value of 15.05 m. The socialization of the results of geoelectric measurements for the exploration of groundwater sources at the Al-Jihad Mosque in Metenggeng Village has been carried out with a very good response from the target audience. The construction and handover of wells with a depth of 50 m have also been well realized. A strong supporting factor for the success of community service activities is the willingness and realization of the target audience to maintain the sustainability of the drilled well so that it can be used...
Survei geolistrik resistivitas dengan konfigurasi Schlumberger telah dilakukan untuk menduga keda... more Survei geolistrik resistivitas dengan konfigurasi Schlumberger telah dilakukan untuk menduga kedalaman lapisan akuifer air tanah di Desa Srowot Kecamatan Kalibagor Kabupaten Banyumas. Akuisisi data dilakukan di enam titik sounding, yaitu titik SR-1, SR-2, SR-3, SR-4, SR-5, dan SR-6 dengan panjang bentangan 200 m. Hasil survei menunjukkan bahwa lapisan akuifer di daerah penelitian terdiri atas akuifer tertekan, akuifer bebas, dan akuifer semi tertekan. Akuifer tertekan terdapat di titik SR-1 berupa pasir berbutir halus (2,36 Ωm) pada kedalaman lebih dari 19,58 m. Adapun akuifer bebas dan/atau akuifer semi tertekan terdapat pada titik SR-2, SR-3, SR-4, SR-5, dan SR-6. Pada titik SR-2, lapisan akuifer berupa lempung pasiran (13,90 Ωm) dengan kedalaman 10,62-22,61 m. Pada titik SR-3, lapisan akuifer berupa lempung pasiran agak mampat (56,80 Ωm) dan lempung pasiran (15,70 Ωm) pada kedalaman 10,04-22,44 m dan lebih dari 50,04 m. Pada titik SR-4, lapsian akuifer berupa pasir berbutir sedan...
Jurnal Penelitian Fisika dan Aplikasinya (JPFA), 2017
The research aiming to explore the iron ore deposits in the Nusawungu coastal Regency of Cilacap ... more The research aiming to explore the iron ore deposits in the Nusawungu coastal Regency of Cilacap has been conducted using the magnetic survey. The acquisition of magnetic data was conducted in April – Mei 2017, covering the area in the ranges of 109.314° – 109.345°E and 7.691° – 7.709°S. The obtained magnetic field strength data were corrected, reduced, and mapped to obtain the contour map of local magnetic anomaly. The modeling process was carried out along the path extending over the map from the positions of 109.314°E and 7.695°S to 109.335°E and 7.699°S, so that some subsurface anomalous objects are obtained. The lithological interpretation was performed to identify the types of subsurface rocks and their formations based on the magnetic susceptibility value of each anomalous objects and supported by the geological information of the research area. Based on the interpretation results, three rocks deposits of alluvium formations were obtained, which are estimated to contain iron ...
The estimation of the distribution of the sea water intrusion through the rivers in Ujungmanik Vi... more The estimation of the distribution of the sea water intrusion through the rivers in Ujungmanik Village, Kawunganten District, Cilacap Regency has been carried out using the Wenner configuration resistivity geoelectric. This research aims to estimate the distribution of sea water intrusion through rivers in Ujungmanik Village, Kawunganten District, Cilacap Regency based on geoelectric resistivity and conductivity data of groundwater. The geoelectric data acquisition was carried out on four lines. They were Wen1 Line, Wen2 Line, Wen3 Line, and Wen4 Line. Each line had a range of 200 meters. The results of geoelectric data processing showed that the subsurface rock structure consisted of sand, clay, sandy loam, and sandy clay. The Seawater intrusion shown by the sand layer occurred in all trajectories which had a range of resistivity value of 0.20 - 2.79 Ωm. Groundwater samples was carried out at fifteen points with the conductivity value varies between 1363 - 4145 µS / cm so that they...
Research to model coal deposits in the Bentarsari Basin area of Salem District in Brebes Regency ... more Research to model coal deposits in the Bentarsari Basin area of Salem District in Brebes Regency has been done using the geoelectric-resistivity method with Wenner configuration. Resistivity data acquisition is carried out on five tracks, with each track has a length of 200 m. The least squares inversion method is applied to obtain a 2D-resistivity section model. Furthermore, the 2D-resistivity section model data for each line is combined into a 3D model to determine the coal deposit model in the area. The results of the interpretation indicate that the subsurface structure of the area consists of clay, sandy clay, coal, and sandstone; where the type of coal is lignite. This coal deposit has resistivity values with interval of 86.1-219.0 Ωm, which is distributed evenly with depth of 0.0-26.5 m, where the southern part of the all track has a higher potential. This research can be followed up with log drill testing to determine the actual subsurface layer, so that it can be utilized as a very economical alternative energy.
Pekuncen Village, Jatilawang District is one of the villages in Banyumas Regency which often expe... more Pekuncen Village, Jatilawang District is one of the villages in Banyumas Regency which often experiences drought in the dry season. Exploration to obtain the groundwater sources needs to be done, especially to estimate the depth of the aquifer. The chosen exploration method was resistivity geoelectric using vertical sounding technique. Resistivity data acquisition is carried out on 3 trajectories with the length of the 1st and 3rd trajectories are 200 m, and the 2nd trajectory is 240 m. The sounding point on the 2nd trajectory was drilled, where rock samples were taken at every 5 m depth. The rock samples obtained were correlated with the resistivity data interpretation results, including the type and thickness of each depth. The aquifer in the research area consisted of two parts, namely unconfined aquifer and confined aquifer. The unconfined aquifer at the first sounding point is located at 6.80 – 34.38 m depth, the second sounding point at 7.00 – 28.89 m depth, and the third soun...
Eksplorasi geofisika untuk mengestimasi potensi pasir besi di kawasan pesisir barat Kecamatan Nus... more Eksplorasi geofisika untuk mengestimasi potensi pasir besi di kawasan pesisir barat Kecamatan Nusawungu, Kabupaten Cilacap telah dilakukan pada bulan Mei-Juli 2017 menggunakan metode resistivitas. Pengukuran data resistivitas dilakukan di 6 titik lokasi yang diperkirakan prospek mengandung bijih besi berdasarkan peta anomali magnetik lokal daerah penelitian. Survey geolistrik resistivitas bertujuan untuk memperkirakan kedalaman dan ketebalan endapan pasir besi dan potensinya. Hasil pemodelan dan interpretasi data resistivitas menunjukkan keberadaan lapisan batuan yang diperkirakan sebagai endapan pasir besi yang berselingan dengan lanau dan lempung dari formasi alluvium di seluruh titik lokasi. Endapan pasir besi terdapat pada kedalaman berkisar 2,39-27,81 meter dengan nilai resistivitas 12,24-46,96 Ωm. Dengan demikian eksplorasi metode resistivitas ini menunjukkan bahwa potensi pasir besi di daerah penelitian diperkirakan cukup besar.
Eksplorasi geofisika untuk mengetahui potensi pasir besi di kawasan Desa Pagubugan dan Desa Pagub... more Eksplorasi geofisika untuk mengetahui potensi pasir besi di kawasan Desa Pagubugan dan Desa Pagubugan Kulon Kecamatan Binangun Kabupaten Cilacap telah dilaksanakan pada bulan Mei hingga Agustus 2018 menggunakan metode magnetik. Pengukuran data magnetik telah dilakukan di daerah penelitian dengan posisi geografis membentang dari 109,29882 • BT-109,31892 • BT dan 7,68430 • LS-7,70402 • LS. Secara morfologis, lokasi penelitian merupakan bagian pesisir Kecamatan Binangun bagian timur. Hasil pemodelan dan interpretasi data anomali magnetik yang diperoleh menunjukkan keberadaan lapisan batuan yang diperkirakan mengandung bijih besi yang berselingan dengan lempung, lanau, pasir, kerikil, dan kerakal dari formasi aluvium dengan nilai suseptibilitas magnetik 0,0094 cgs unit. Lapisan batuan ini diestimasi terletak pada kedalaman 0 hingga 53 meter serta membentang dengan posisi geografis 109,30981 • BT-7,69264 • LS hingga 109,31787 • BT-7,69575 • LS.
Journal of Geoscience, Engineering, Environment, and Technology, 2018
Interpretation of 2D-subsurface rock resistivity data has been carried out in the iron ore prospe... more Interpretation of 2D-subsurface rock resistivity data has been carried out in the iron ore prospect area of Eastern Binangun Coastal in Cilacap Regency, Central Java. The background of this research is the potential for abundant iron sand in this area that prospects to be exploited. The research was conducted using a magnetic method in 2017 to map the distribution patterns of the local magnetic anomalies that were interpreted to originate from the distribution of iron ore in the subsurface. In 2018, the research continued using the 2D-resistivity method to find out the lithology section in the subsurface of research area. 2D-resistivity data acquisition is carried out on four tracks consisting of Bng-01 to Bng-04. The resistivity data modeling have produced the true resistivity value for each track in the form of the subsurface resistvity section, which including the Bng-01 track is 2.27 – 44.1 Ωm; the Bng-02 track is 4.5 – 58.6 Ωm; the Bng-03 track is 6.37 – 63.4 Ωm; and the Bng-...
Interpretation on the magnetic anomalies data has been done in the Widarapayung coast area, Distr... more Interpretation on the magnetic anomalies data has been done in the Widarapayung coast area, District of Binangun, Regency of Cilacap to identify distribution of iron sand. The acquisition of magnetic intensity data in this area has been done in December 2015 and May 2016 using Proton Precession Magnetometer (PPM) with type of GSM-19T. The research area extends on the geographic positions of 109.2501°BT – 109.2702°E and 7.6781°LS – 7.6986°S. Magnetic anomalies data modeling is done with using Mag2DC for Windows software so obtained some subsurface anomalous objects model. The anomaly object model having a value of magnetic susceptibility of 0.0093cgs unit is interpreted as iron sand interspersed with silt, clay, sand, and gravel from the alluvium formation. This formation is lain at a depth of 1.709 to 11.966m and a length of 1576.7m. The iron sand contained in this formation is estimated prospects for exploitation. Based on the interpretation results, alluvium formation is also foun...
Exploration of the spread of iron sand on the eastern coastal of Binangun District in Cilacap Reg... more Exploration of the spread of iron sand on the eastern coastal of Binangun District in Cilacap Regency has been conducted using the magnetic surveys. The magnetic data acquisition was conducted in April 2017. The total magnetic field data obtained is processed, so that can be obtained the local magnetic anomaly data. The modeling of the local magnetic anomaly data is performed on the trajectory of AB that extending from the position point of 109,274698° E and 7.686620° S to 109.2296195° E and 7.689099° S so that obtained various model of the subsurface anomalous objects. Interpretation on the subsurface anomalous objects is done to estimate the types of rocks and their formations based on the magnetic susceptibility value of each object which supported by the geological information of the research area. Based on the interpretation results to be obtained two layers of subsurface rocks that can be estimated as the iron sand that coexists with silt dan clay derived from the alluvium for...
Penelitian menggunakan metode geolistrik resisitivitas telah dilakukan untuk mengetahui struktur ... more Penelitian menggunakan metode geolistrik resisitivitas telah dilakukan untuk mengetahui struktur batuan bawah permukaan serta potensi air tanah di Desa Darmakradenan Kecamatan Ajibarang Kabupaten Banyumas. Konfigurasi yang digunakan pada metode ini adalah konfigurasi Schlumberger sebanyak lima lintasan dengan panjang masing-masing 200 m. Hasil pemodelan secara inversi telah menghasilkan log resistivitas yang terdiri atas enam lapisan batuan bawah permukaan. Lapisan-lapisan batuan tersebut diinterpretasi sebagai tanah penutup dengan nilai resistivitas sebesar 206.8 – 1204.92 Ωm, batukapur dengan nilai resistivitas sebesar 767.51 – 1563.65 Ωm, kerikil dan pasir dengan nilai resistivitas sebesar 270.84 Ωm, lempung dengan nilai resistivitas sebesar 319.39 – 473.97 Ωm, batupasir gampingan dengan nilai resistivitas sebesar 17.22 Ωm, dan napal dengan nilai resistivitas sebesar 814.17 – 982.94 Ωm. Potensi sumber air tanah diperkirakan hanya terdapat di titik S-L1 dan S-L2 yang merupakan la...
Journal of Geoscience, Engineering, Environment, and Technology, 2020
Geophysical survey with magnetic method to interpret the iron ore deposits in the Eastern Nusawun... more Geophysical survey with magnetic method to interpret the iron ore deposits in the Eastern Nusawungu Coastal, Cilacap Regency, Central Java, Indonesia was carried out during six month, i.e. March –August 2017, covering the area in the geographical position of 109.3462° – 109.3718° E and 7.6958° – 7.7098° S. This survey has produced total magnetic field strength data at each measuring point in the research area. The magnetic field strength data which have been obtained, then be processed, corrected, and mapped so that the local magnetic anomaly contour map can be obtained. The local magnetic anomaly contour map shows the distribution of magnetic anomalous sources in the subsurface of research area. The 2D-modeling of magnetic anomalies data has been carried out along the AB trajectory extending on the local magnetic anomaly contour map from the position of A(109.3463°E and 7.7023°S) to B (109.3688°E and 7.7053°S), so that some subsurface anomalous objects is obtained. The modelling re...
Interpretation on the magnetic anomalies data has been done in the Widarapayung coast area, Distr... more Interpretation on the magnetic anomalies data has been done in the Widarapayung coast area, District of Binangun, Regency of Cilacap to identify distribution of iron sand. The acquisition of magnetic intensity data in this area has been done in December 2015 and May 2016 using Proton Precession Magnetometer (PPM) with type of GSM-19T. The research area extends on the geographic positions of 109.2501BT -109.2702E and 7.6781LS -7.6986S. Magnetic anomalies data modeling is done with using Mag2DC for Windows software so obtained some subsurface anomalous objects model. The anomaly object model having a value of magnetic susceptibility of 0.0093cgs unit is interpreted as iron sand interspersed with silt, clay, sand, and gravel from the alluvium formation. This formation is lain at a depth of 1.709 to 11.966m and a length of 1576.7m. The iron sand contained in this formation is estimated prospects for exploitation. Based on the interpretation results, alluvium formation is also found at a depth of 1.140 to 30.769m, which expected be composed of silt, clay, sand, and gravel with a magnetic susceptibility value of 0.0051cgs unit. The content of iron sand in this 2 nd alluvium formation is expected to be relatively small.
Papers by Muhammad Sehah