While I won't delude myself to think I'm the best (because I know I'm not) I do take requests for icons/headers/friends only banners/wallpapers/whatever within reason. Just keep in mind:
I can be fairly lazy unless I have the right amount of motivation. Just because I have the free time, does not always guarantee your requested graphic will be done within moments. I can guarantee that I will honour your request and I can guarantee that your requested graphic will be exclusive to you if you want it exclusive.
That said, if you would like to request:
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I can be fairly lazy unless I have the right amount of motivation. Just because I have the free time, does not always guarantee your requested graphic will be done within moments. I can guarantee that I will honour your request and I can guarantee that your requested graphic will be exclusive to you if you want it exclusive.
That said, if you would like to request:
( ProceedCollapse )
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