? ?
08 November 2008 @ 11:17 am
Various icons made for contests, some winning and some not.. and again, as with my last icontest entry post; there are still a bunch that I need to sort through and figure out how to sort these.

1-9: Christian Bale (The New World, Little Women)
10-25: LOTR (Movies and cast)
26-52: Gerard Butler (Appearances, photoshoots, Tomb Raider)
53-73: Phantom of the Opera (Movie and Stage)
74-84: Pirates Trilogy
85-93: Sleepy Hollow
94-126: Supernatural (various, and a few Jensen)
127-144: Various (Tin Man, Julianne Hough, Lucille Ball, Mummy Returns)

Resources: here

And the rest all reside under this little cutCollapse )
25 August 2008 @ 10:17 am

I'm finally sorting through my entries for icon contests, so there might be a few posts this week. While most of these are contest entries, some were just made on a whim.

01-45: Johnny Depp, POTC Trilogy
46-81: Gerard Butler, Phantom of the Opera (2004 & stage)
82-87: Comic Con 2008
88-91: Seth Green
92-94: Tin Man
95-97: Jennifer Aniston
98-108: Movies (Batman: TDK, Batman Logo, Brothers Grimm)
109-110: Jon Stewart, Lewis Black

Per usual, my resources can all be found here


And the restCollapse )