Wanted: books |
[26 Apr 2005|08:51am] |
I am looking for books for my 3 sons ages 7, 8, and 10. I would be happy to pay for reasonable shipping rates. Some of the kids favs are Dr Seuss, Golden Books, R.L. Stine, anything really.
Also looking for books for myself...cookbooks, inspirational, fiction, non fiction, okay yep, anything.
We love to read. Thanks so much!
Wanted: iTunes (anywhere) |
[03 Apr 2005|06:19pm] |
To all you soda drinkers out there: I would love to have the codes that are on your bottle caps for iTunes. No need to worry about me picking them up or droping them off or anything like that. Just send them my way in a comment.
Look for the code under specially marked 20 oz. and 1-Liter bottles of Pepsi, Diet Pepsi, Pepsi Wild Cherry, Mountain Dew, Diet Mountain Dew, Mountain Dew Code Red and Sierra Mist.
Thanks so much!
I have set the comment setting to screened so I can get the codes and no one else steals them, I hope this is ok.
[11 Mar 2005|01:32pm] |
Inafnt girls clothes 6-9 months and up Toddler boys clothes 24 months,2T and up
OFFER: Yoga/Fatigue Book (OC, CA) |
[03 Jan 2005|11:09am] |
( Cover PhotoCollapse )
Beat Fatigue With Yoga by Fiona Agombar
This book is a step-by-step guide for dealing with feeling fatigued using Yoga techniques, and focuses on those suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, though it works just as well for those without CFS.
I am located in Newport Beach, California for those interested in a pickup, and I will ship firstclass anywhere in the USA for free.
Outside the USA, and those who want upgraded shipping will pay for their own shipping.
Please e-mail me, or comment here if interested. Please include your e-mail address.
Wanna Mod? |
[02 Jan 2005|09:22pm] |
So many people have already joined up, and I've yet to do any advertising, or even finish the community! I'm impressed, and hope to pull together a few loose ends so this community can become fun, active and helpful to all it's current and future members.
Right now I'm looking for two Moderators to assist me in running the community.
What I'm Looking for:
- You must be online at least 3 times a week, or more. We're obviously slow now, but I hope to be a large, active community so we'll all have to make a commitment to be active here.
- People who follow the rules, without being a whiny tattletale. I'd like someone with the ability to enforce the rules, moderate posts and help keep the community running smoothly without acting like a jackass. I'm a jackass sometimes too, but not here ;)
- Creativity - People who can help set up themes, make graphics, think of fun ideas for the community, contests, etc. And obviously get my attention.
Now, I'm not making an application form. I want to see who is creative, fun, and who wants to help out enough to go the extra mile and drop me an e-mail. 
Posting Guidelines |
[02 Jan 2005|09:13pm] |
Subject Formatting OFFER: Brief description (Location) ex: OFFER: Sewing Machine (W. NY)
WANTED: Brief description (Location) ex: WANTED: Pink Fabric (Orange County, CA)
Once you've found your wanted, or given away your offer, please delete your post to prevent clutter, and avoid confusion.
Mods will go through and delete all posts over two months old as well, so if you need to repost at that time, you will be allowed.
Message Body
Please include as much detail as possible, as well as pictures if you have them available. Please post huge (or many) photos behind a cut.
This prevents 30 people posting comments asking questions you'll have to spend time answering ;)
You may also want to repeat your location here, as well as state if you're willing to deliver, pick up, send, who you would prefer to pay for postage etc. Any terms you want to add.