dark_maitresse (dark_maitresse) wrote in free_belief,

MM and new

MM all,
I am new to the community...obviousley..hehehe and for  some reason i never looked for other pagan/alternitive belief journals.....

I am a 29 yr old stay at home mother of 3 married to the military.....till august (thank the goddess). I have just been ordaned High Priestess it has taken several yrs of study but i had finally made it. Over the past weekend i preformed my sisters handfasting oh what an honor and exciteing it was. We are working on getting our coven together .

My family and i are in the SCA, kingdom of AN Tir, liveing in shire of wyewood, and members of Clan Carn.

My business "The Velvet Dragon" is a family business of  jewelry by my mother,meads by my husband,period clothing,hand made ritual  oils ,and candle are by me. we also offer cerimonial ritual services.

  • New Member

    Hello I'm Nightmystique (though I prefer to be called Mysty), as I'm new to the group,I thought I'd stop by and introduce myself.I've been offline…

  • hello

    My name is Sam. I am a Pagan, also I'm 19 and have a two year old son who I will raise to be pagan as well. Feel free to add me if you'd like.

  • (no subject)

    hey. i'm Brianna. i'm 14 and pagen. i have a few friends, but not many that have the same beliefs that i do. if anyone wants to add me that'd be cool.

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