Papers by Pascal BILIVOGUI

La Réserve de Biosphère des Monts Nimba, précédemment icône d'une diversité biologique marquée pa... more La Réserve de Biosphère des Monts Nimba, précédemment icône d'une diversité biologique marquée par l'endémisme des espèces, a été soumise à une exploitation depuis l'avènement des guerres dans les pays limitrophes comme le Libéria et la Côte d'Ivoire. L'envahissement de sa zone tampon par les villages et les champs agricoles transforment continuellement les terres et fait disparaitre certaines espèces. On constate alors une pression sur tous les habitats de l'extérieur vers l'intérieur de toutes les aires centrales. La prolifération des pratiques de dégradation comme les feux de brousse, la pêche, l'utilisation des pesticides prennent de plus en plus le terrain. Les valeurs universelles exceptionnelles se trouvent menacer par l'occupation de leurs habitats soit par l'exploitation minière pour le crapaud vivipare et l'agriculture pour les chimpanzés de Bossou. Le Micropotamogale, VUE des Monts Nimba ne bénéficie d'aucun suivi écologique ni de protection spéciale. Sa zone de distribution et ses prélèvements sont inconnus par les conservateurs. Le manque d'informations sur cette espèce devient une préoccupation majeure au niveau local qu'international. Dans le but de caractériser son écologie et définir son état de conservation aux Monts Nimba, il est important de savoir sa distribution spatiale, ses menaces afin de proposer des stratégies de conservation. La démarche méthodologique appliquée a été, la recherche documentaire, l'enquête de terrain à travers les entretiens semi-directifs ont été effectué dans le but d'obtenir les informations de base sur l'espèce. La surveillance environnementale à travers un drone à basse altitude (120 m à 150 m) a permis de comprendre l'évolution des activités humaines vers le Site du patrimoine. La campagne de piégeage a été effectuée dans 11 cours d'eau et une mare. Dans quatre localités notamment : Nyon, Ziguépo, Ziéla et Gbié à donner la répartition de l'espèce. L'analyse des résultats d'enquêtes des populations riveraines et de la consultation, le M. lamottei ne bénéficiaient d'aucune forme de protection particulière comme le cas des chimpanzés de Bossou et des crapauds vivipares. Les activités anthropiques évoluent dans le voisinage proche de la chaîne de montagne du Nimba. De 1990 à 2020, 15,19% de la superficie de la forêt primaire du Site a été transformée en forêt secondaire et en zone agricole. Le rendement de piégeage obtenu pour un effort de 900 nuits pièges à donner 0,12% soit 3 spécimens capturés à Nyon et Gbié. L'implication de la population et l'intégration de l'espèce dans le plan de conservation des institutions en charge de la gestion du Site sont des stratégies pouvant garantir la conservation de l'espèce aux Monts Nimba. Le projet d'introduction des cours d'éducation environnementale dans les écoles des villages riverains du Site du patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO a été envisagé en annexe, dans le but de former une génération engagée pour la conservation de la biodiversité des Monts Nimba.

To promote the breeding of Heterobranchus isopterus in the peri-urban area of N'Zérékoré, a study... more To promote the breeding of Heterobranchus isopterus in the peri-urban area of N'Zérékoré, a study of the effect of the water quality of two fish ponds on the growth of Heterobranchus isopterus was carried out from October 15, 2019 to March 10, 2020. This study covered on two (2) E1 and E2 ponds of average depth (1.5 m) and respective surfaces of 4 ares and 11 ares.. The quantities of fish (fry) on loading are 80 for E1 and 220 for E2. The fish were fed by rice bran, oil decant, cassava leaf and potato. Pig slurry and goat droppings were used as pond fertilizers.The parameter measurements (temperature, dissolved oxygen and saturation) were performed at two depth levels (30 cm and 90 cm) of each pond and at the following times: 7:30 am, 12:30 pm and 5:30 pm. The evaluation of the growth of the 4 month old fish was based on measurements of weight, size, height and width of the fins. The results obtained showed that the parameters (temperature, dissolved oxygen and turbidity) of the two ponds E1 and E2 are relatively the same and remain favorable. the development of H. isopterus at a depth of 90 cm, but the results of the E1 pond are more recommended for a traditional fish farming. The average weights of the fish in both ponds increased from 26.5 g to 722.5 g, with an average daily increase of 3.865 g.

International journal of scientific research in science and technology, Apr 27, 2024
Research work on the theme "Situation of offenses observed in maritime fishing and proposal for m... more Research work on the theme "Situation of offenses observed in maritime fishing and proposal for measures to improve the surveillance system: case of the National Fisheries Surveillance and Police Center (CNSP) in Guinea » Conakry took place in the period from September 14 to December 14, 2022 inclusive. The objective of this work was to take stock of the offenses recorded in fishing with a view to proposing solutions for improving the surveillance system. To achieve this objective, the following methodology was adopted: consultation of executives and exploitation of archives; survey of surveillance agents; identification and descriptions of the surveillance system; identification of the offenses and fleet involved in the Guinean EEZ in recent years; determination and classification of the causes of offenses; evaluation of the surveillance system; proposal for improved measures of the surveillance system. Monitoring of this approach revealed that: the offenses committed in the Guinean EEZ are related to the fishing gear used; administrative documents and fishing operation zones. According to records, for the period from 2006 to 2021, there were 308 boardings. The rate of infringements in IP is 59%, 25% in PAM and 16% in PSI. The flags which have committed more IP infringements are Chinese 86 and Korean 60; in PSI the Chinese 17 and the Senegalese 16 and in PAM the Guineans 33, Senegalese 23 and the Leonese 18. The stakeholder survey revealed that the number of vessels monitored by VMS in 2021 was 79 in PI and 49 in PSI. The main documents inspected at sea are generally: registration certificates, crew, rescue equipment, gross

IJARW, 2024
Beekeeping is one of the most widely practiced agricultural activities in the Republic of Guinea ... more Beekeeping is one of the most widely practiced agricultural activities in the Republic of Guinea and has many advantages including being a source of income for stakeholders. The present study was carried out in order to highlight the flaws related to beekeeping practices in the administrative region of Mamou, to propose corrective measures aimed at making beekeeping a real tool for sustainable development in the study area. To achieve the objective, a random sampling of 15 sub-prefectures in the region, 5 per prefecture was done, knowing beforehand that two types of beekeeping farms existed there (semi-modern and traditional). Two farms per locality were selected, one semi-modern and the other traditional. The questions concerned the socio-demographic, technical, environmental and economic dimensions of the farms visited. All investigations were conducted from January 20 to March 5, 2022 inclusive. According to the statistical analysis, young people and women (3.33%) are a minority in the beekeeping production chain. Two farms per locality were selected, one semi-modern and the other traditional. The questions concerned the socio-demographic, technical, environmental and economic dimensions of the farms visited. All investigations were conducted from January 20 to March 5, 2022 inclusive. According to the statistical analysis, young people and women (3.33%) are a minority in the beekeeping production chain. 60% of traditional farms harvest honey with fire and are less profitable than semi-modern farms. An insufficient number of beekeeping equipment in all the farms surveyed was noted. To address the various problems related to beekeeping in the region, The formation of cooperatives and unions between beekeepers as well as state support for this discipline of great environmental value is the main recommendation.

Research work on the theme "Situation of offenses observed in maritime fishing and proposal for m... more Research work on the theme "Situation of offenses observed in maritime fishing and proposal for measures to improve the surveillance system: case of the National Fisheries Surveillance and Police Center (CNSP) in Guinea » Conakry took place in the period from September 14 to December 14, 2022 inclusive. The objective of this work was to take stock of the offenses recorded in fishing with a view to proposing solutions for improving the surveillance system. To achieve this objective, the following methodology was adopted: consultation of executives and exploitation of archives; survey of surveillance agents; identification and descriptions of the surveillance system; identification of the offenses and fleet involved in the Guinean EEZ in recent years; determination and classification of the causes of offenses; evaluation of the surveillance system; proposal for improved measures of the surveillance system. Monitoring of this approach revealed that: the offenses committed in the Guinean EEZ are related to the fishing gear used; administrative documents and fishing operation zones.

The objective of this study is to highlight certain problems related to the breeding of H. isopte... more The objective of this study is to highlight certain problems related to the breeding of H. isopterus in fish pond of Kerema. Based on certain farming conditions, seven (7) fish ponds were monitored and evaluated. The depth of the ponds varies from 1.30 to 1.75 m and 14.28% of fish farmers have a pond that has the right color (greenish). The stocking density of 57.14% of the fish farmers monitored is 20 individuals / are and 42.86% have an unknown density. In food, two types of farming have been identified: Extensive (14.29%) and semi-intensive (85.71%). The results of the monitoring of the distribution frequency reveal that 28.57% of the fish farmers feed the fish at a frequency of 1 to 2 times / day; 14.28% do it once or twice a week; 42.85% feed their fish occasionally and finally 14.29% do absolutely nothing for the fish. 85.71% use pig manure as fertilizer; 14.28% combine pig manure and goat dung and another 14.28% do not provide fertilizer. It emerges from this study that fish ...

IJARW, 2020
The objective of this study is to highlight certain problems related to the breeding of H. isopte... more The objective of this study is to highlight certain problems related to the breeding of H. isopterus in fish pond of Kerema. Based on certain farming conditions, seven (7) fish ponds were monitored and evaluated. The depth of the ponds varies from 1.30 to 1.75 m and 14.28% of fish farmers have a pond that has the right color (greenish). The stocking density of 57.14% of the fish farmers monitored is 20 individuals / are and 42.86% have an unknown density. In food, two types of farming have been identified: Extensive (14.29%) and semi-intensive (85.71%). The results of the monitoring of the distribution frequency reveal that 28.57% of the fish farmers feed the fish at a frequency of 1 to 2 times / day; 14.28% do it once or twice a week; 42.85% feed their fish occasionally and finally 14.29% do absolutely nothing for the fish. 85.71% use pig manure as fertilizer; 14.28% combine pig manure and goat dung and another 14.28% do not provide fertilizer. It emerges from this study that fish farming in Kéréma is experiencing serious problems for its development. Among these pitfalls we can cite among others the non-respect of the density of fish, the lack of monitoring, the extensive fish farming system, the lack of technical and financial assistance in this locality and the lack of training.
Papers by Pascal BILIVOGUI