Gospel of John by Michael Maria Waldstein
O bedientia est m axim a v irtu tu m , "Obedience is the greatest o f all virtues," St. Thomas Aq... more O bedientia est m axim a v irtu tu m , "Obedience is the greatest o f all virtues," St. Thomas Aquinas says, citing Gregory the Great with ap proval.1 At least, as he is careful to point out in another place, it is the greatest of all the moral virtues. Only the theological virtues are greater.2 Again citing Gregory he says, O bedientia non tam est virtus quam m ater om nium virtu tu m , "Obedience is not so much a virtue, but the mother of all the virtues."3 O r in a more sweeping judgment, O m ne bonum, quantum cum que bonum est p e r se, p er obedientiam red d itu r melius, "Every good, however good it is in itself, is made better by obedience."4 In short, Per obedientiam homo perfectus redditur in vita activa et contemplative, "Through obedience man is made perfect in the active and the contemplative life" {loan, n , lect.
Scripture by Michael Maria Waldstein
According to some interpreters, St. Thomas's Summa Theolo-.fi giae is an example of rational-syst... more According to some interpreters, St. Thomas's Summa Theolo-.fi giae is an example of rational-systematic construction distinct from the interpretation of Scripture.
Gnosticism: Secret John by Michael Maria Waldstein
Journal of Early Christian Studies, 2000
... of matter; and it tells of an ascent in which the layers of entrapment are shed, one by ... T... more ... of matter; and it tells of an ascent in which the layers of entrapment are shed, one by ... These revolutionaries are supposed to have lacked any serious ethical concern, and to have been ... Published in 1917, before Germany's defeat became clear, it contained the detailed table of ...
Journal of Early Christian Studies, 1995
Theology of the Body by Michael Maria Waldstein
Scheler sets himself the goal of developing a philosophical under standing of the person and of c... more Scheler sets himself the goal of developing a philosophical under standing of the person and of community that springs from the Chri stian experience. Hans Urs von Balthasar summarizes his intentions as follows.
on Love and the Trinity . (first part) MICHAEL W ALDSTEIN':-Aimer c'est tout donner et se donner ... more on Love and the Trinity . (first part) MICHAEL W ALDSTEIN':-Aimer c'est tout donner et se donner soi-meme. To love is to give everything and to give oneself. (St. THERESE OF Lrsmux, Pourquoi je t'aime, o Marie!, stanza 22)
According to Hans Urs von Balthasar, Matthias Joseph Scheeben's v1s10n of theology is built on a ... more According to Hans Urs von Balthasar, Matthias Joseph Scheeben's v1s10n of theology is built on a single systematic principle, a particular understanding of love as the heart of sanctity. 1 This understanding of love provides the necessary background for grasping Scheeben's contribution to the theology of marriage. 2 In a passage highlighted by von Balthasar, Scheeben writes:
IN RECENT discussions of marriage, explicit attention to the common good is relatively rare. Much... more IN RECENT discussions of marriage, explicit attention to the common good is relatively rare. Much attention is focused on the individual person, on his or her dignity, on the mutual love between two unique persons, yet in such a way that the importance of the common good, its importance precisely as the good of the person, tends to fade from view.
Il documento del Pontificio Consiglio per la Famiglia, Famiglia e procrea:;jone umana, stabilisce... more Il documento del Pontificio Consiglio per la Famiglia, Famiglia e procrea:;jone umana, stabilisce un prudente equilibrio tra due enfasi. Da una parte enfatizza la dignità della persona come «un centrale criterio assoluto» (n. 15), che proibisce il mero uso delle persone come cose o mezzi da parte del potere statale, o da parte di qualsiasi altro potere umano. Dall'altra, oppone resistenza «all'individualismo» enfatizzando «la solidarietà» tra le persone (n. 8) nell'impegno per il« bene comune», una solidarietà in cui (qui il documento cita San Tommaso D'Aquino) «ogni singola persona è rispetto all'intera comunità una parte dell'intero» 1 (n. 20).
Das Leben unserer Familien, und damit das Leben unserer liberal bürgerlichen Gesellschaften als G... more Das Leben unserer Familien, und damit das Leben unserer liberal bürgerlichen Gesellschaften als Ganzes, steht in einer dramatischen Situation der Entscheidung. Es ist leichter, aber auch weniger nützlich, die negativen Aspekte dieser Situation zu beschreiben und an den Pranger zu stellen. Es ist wichtiger, positive Ansatzpunkte herauszustellen. Als Christen glauben wir, daß die konkrete Welt nie gottverlassen ist, daß Gottes Geist überall weht. So können wir unsere Zeit nicht einfach zurückweisen, um in einer Art Arche Noahs die Sintflut unter uns vorbeirauschen zu lassen.
Hans Urs von Balthasar by Michael Maria Waldstein
Gospel of John by Michael Maria Waldstein
Scripture by Michael Maria Waldstein
Gnosticism: Secret John by Michael Maria Waldstein
Theology of the Body by Michael Maria Waldstein
Hans Urs von Balthasar by Michael Maria Waldstein