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Book review of Anna Bonta Moreland's "Known by Nature"
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    • Natural Theology
This draft critiques De Lubac's exegesis of Aquinas on the natural desire for the vision of God as articulated by De Lubac in his book, "The Mystery of the Supernatural."
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      Thomas AquinasHenri de LubacSt Thomas AquinasLa Nouvelle Théologie
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      MetaphysicsMedieval PhilosophyLogicAristotle
In his proposal, which appears in the current Instrumentum Laboris for the 2015 Ordinary Synod, articles 120 and following, Cardinal Walter Kasper recommends a new pastoral discipline for the Church in which bishops would decide on a... more
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      Pastoral TheologyJohn Paul II/Karol WojtylaCatholic theology of marriageWalter Kasper
This article examines how St. Thomas Aquinas developed rich theological insights to be used ultimately in his preaching ministry as a thirteenth century magister in sacra pagina. His exegetical approach deploys a careful divisio textus to... more
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      Medieval StudiesMedieval TheologyPreachingAquinas
SUMMARY: The recent proposal to admit divorced and remarried Catholics living in more uxorio to the sacraments of Penance and Communion presents itself as a merciful solution to a very painful situation. But this pastoral course of action... more
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      TheologyMoral TheologyHistory of Church CouncilsMarriage and Divorce
In virtue of his office, the bishop is called to be perfected in supernatural charity. Deeply united to the Lord, the bishop becomes an icon of Christ, mediating him to the faithful in a visible, beautiful manner. Returning to the... more
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      Thomas AquinasEcclesiologyAlbertus MagnusMedieval Ecclesiology
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      AquinasMedieval Ecclesiastical HistoryThomas AquinasEcclesiology
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      PhilosophyArchaeology of Natural Places
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      PhilosophyTheologyMedieval StudiesMedieval Theology
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      Medieval TheologyTheological Interpretation of Christian ScriptureBonaventureMedieval Sermons
Robert Grosseteste delivered his inaugural sermon, Dictum 19, in 1229/1230. Like many inaugural sermons, Dictum 19 praises Scripture, its divine author, and the study of the sacred text. Grosseteste's sermon, however, is unique in that... more
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      Medieval TheologyBonaventureRobert GrossetesteMedieval Sermons
Mark Twain famously said that history does not repeat itself but it does rhyme. Friday 17th September at Westminster Hall, London was one of those occasions.
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    • Catholic Social Teaching
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      Catholic Social TeachingBenedict Xvi
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      Catholic Social TeachingDemocracy
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      EcclesiologyTheology of Joseph RatzingerCatholic Church
Shows that while John Paul II was greatly influenced by both Gaudium et Spes 22 and 24, he is not the author of either. A detailed investigation of the authorship is made from the archives of Pierre Haubtmann, the chief editor of Gaudium... more
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      Second Vatican CouncilJohn Paul II/Karol WojtylaGaudium et spes
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    • Ecclesiology