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      American modernismTheory of Avant-Garde
The success of Peter Connor's Georges Bataille and the Mysticism of Sin derives in no small part from his awareness that anyone choosing to write about Bataille in English has a special responsibility to come to grips with "the... more
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      Cultural StudiesModernism and Modernity
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      René DescartesPhilosophy of Love
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Discusses Jean-Luc Marion's phenomenology of givenness in relation to the treatment of 'the given' in the philosophy of Wifrid Sellars and John McDowell.
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      Continental PhilosophyJohn McDowellMyth of the Given
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      ChristianityChristian MysticismGeorges Batailleworld war II occupation of France
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      Philosophy of ArtTheology and CultureLiterature and PhilosophyChristianity and Literature
La parole signifie non seulement par les mots, mais encore par l'accent, le ton, les gestes et la physionomie.
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      French LiteratureChristian MysticismBiblical TheologyBiblical Exegesis
A commentary on Paul Claudel's poem "Le Chemin de la croix," focused on how the poem conveys Claudel's sense of the inexhaustibility of the finite and definite. Accompanies John Marson Dunaway's translation of the poem in the... more
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      French LiteratureCatholic StudiesCatholic TheologyPaul Claudel
Chapter from the book: Mathieu S. Cesar and Pietro Rossotti, eds. _American Dream: In viaggio con i santi americani_.  Genova: Marietti, 2016. pp. 89-119.
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      Franciscan StudiesCalifornia HistoryCalifornia Missions
Translation of Paul Claudel's poem "Le Chemin de la Croix," commented on in my short article "Claudel's Way to the Inexhaustible"--published in _Logos_ 19:2 (Spring 2016).
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      French LiteratureCatholic StudiesCatholic TheologyModern French Poetry
Chapter 3 in Mark Bosco, SJ, and Brent Little, eds. _Revelation and Convergence: Flannery O'Connor and the Catholic Intellectual Tradition_. Washington, DC: Catholic University of America Press, 2017. 78-98. Discusses Flannery... more
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      Catholic StudiesContemporary French Philosophy20th Century French Literature20th Century American Literature
A comparative focus on the experience of reading sample texts of Jean-Luc Marion (_The Erotic Phenomenon_) and Emmanuel Levinas ("God and Philosophy") suggests the importance of dramatic structures within philosophical texts for... more
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      Philosophy of EmotionHistory of Philosophy
Translation of a conversation between Emmanuel Falque and Laure Solignac on what it means to "think in Franciscan," which is less about determining what theses the Friars Minor positively defended and more about reaching back to the very... more
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      Philosophy Of ReligionFranciscan StudiesSt. Francis of AssisiSt Bonaventure
Second part of  a conversation between Emmanuel Falque and Laure Solignac on Franciscan thought and modes of being. The second part addresses includes a discussion of Scotus.
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      Franciscan StudiesFrancis of Assisi
This is the unpublished English text of an essay on the Franciscan friar and saint Junípero Serra that was translated into Italian, edited, and published as "Junípero Serra (1713-1748): Il padre delle mission della California," trans.... more
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      Franciscan StudiesCalifornia HistoryCalifornia Missions
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      Separation of Church and StateRoman Catholic EcclesiologyFrench Catholicism
A review-essay on Marie-Aimée Manchon's book _Alentour du verses: Petite phénoménologie des mystères_.
Manchon's response is available in _Crossing: The INPR Journal_, vol. II (Dec. 2021) at
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      Catholic TheologyHenri MaldineyFrench Phenomenology
Emmanuel Falque writes, "For Péguy, ... it will be necessary to begin _from below_: from _my_ time and _my_ flesh, rather than from eternity and spirituality, the claimed experience of which cannot safeguard my humanity."
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      Contemporary French PhilosophyIncarnation of ChristCharles PéguyFrench Phenomenology