

Tous les thèmes

Restro Cafe

Restro Cafe

  • Version 1.1.0
  • Dernière mise à jour 29 mai 2024
  • Installations actives 60+
  • Version de WordPress  5.0
  • Version PHP 5.6

Restro Cafe is a versatile WordPress multipurpose restaurant theme. It is equipped with all the functionality that gets you going in no time. This theme makes website design an effortless task allowing your customers to get a good idea of who you are, as well as the overall atmosphere of the restaurant. You need not require any coding knowledge to edit and can easily adjust the theme as per your requirement.

Téléchargements par jour

Installations actives : 60+


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Ce thème est disponible dans les langues suivantes : English (US) et Українська.

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