Étiquette de l’extension : Privacy Policy
iubenda | Conformité tout-en-un au RGPD / CCPA, consentement aux cookies et +
(364 notes en tout)La solution pour votre conformité au RGPD, et plus. Créez votre bandeau cookies, votre politique de confidentialité, vos conditions générales et gérez le consentement aux cookies : tout cela grâce à une unique extension.
WP AutoTerms: Privacy Policy Generator (GDPR & CCPA), Terms & Conditions Generator, Cookie Notice Banner
(241 notes en tout)Générateur de politique de confidentialité de l’ACFPC, Conditions & Générateur de conditions, Avis de non-responsabilité pour les liens d’affiliation. Kits de conformité pour vous aider à vous mettre en conformité …
(116 notes en tout)WP DSGVO Tools (GDPR) by legalweb.io help you to fulfill the GDPR (DSGVO) compliance guidance (GDPR)
Privacy Policy Generator, Terms & Conditions Generator WordPress Plugin : WP Legal Pages
(93 notes en tout)Easiest way to generate legal pages (Privacy, Terms, Disclaimers & more) on your website. Ideal for blogs, ecommerce and marketing websites.
Legal Pages – Privacy Policy, Terms & Conditions, GDPR, CCPA, and Cookie Notice Generator
(29 notes en tout)The best WordPress legal pages generator that comes with pre-made templates for GDPR, CCPA, DMCA, Privacy Policy, Terms & Conditions, Cookie Polic …
GDPR Compliance & Cookie Consent
(10 notes en tout)This plugin adds GDPR-compliant cookie management to websites, ensuring legal compliance and enhancing user privacy.
WP Comment Policy Checkbox
(14 notes en tout)Add a checkbox and custom text to the comment forms so that the user can be informed and give consent to the web's privacy policy.
My Agile Privacy – The only GDPR solution for WP that you can truly trust
(12 notes en tout)Ensure cookie compliance with GDPR, RGPD, UAVG, RODO, DSGVO, LPD, and CCPA using this plugin: effortlessly set up cookie notices, privacy policies, an …
(6 notes en tout)Impressum provides you with a full-fledged easy to use imprint generator right within your WordPress site.
WP Terms Popup – Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy WordPress Popups
(15 notes en tout)Use WP Terms Popup to ask visitors to agree to your terms and conditions or privacy policy before they are allowed to view your site.
Mentions légales [FR]
(2 notes en tout)Le plugin vous permet de générer automatiquement vos mentions légales, votre politique de confidentialité et vos conditions générales de vente en quel …
Simple Cookie Notice
(4 notes en tout)Add personalized cookie info and link to wordpress privacy policy page.
(2 notes en tout)Generate a privacy policy page, compliant with UK cookie law (EU cookie directive) for use on your website
Terms of Service & Privacy Policy Generator
(0 notes en tout)Generates "Terms Of Service" and "Privacy Policy" texts based on your information using shortcodes.
Dynamic Copyright Year
(2 notes en tout)Take year updates off your New Year’s list. This plugin dynamically updates copyright year in realtime with local timezone precision. No shortcode.
Lawwwing | Textos legales web y Banner de cookies
(8 notes en tout)Lawwwing te permite tener actualizados todos los textos legales de tu web: Aviso legal, Política de Privacidad y Cookies, Términos de uso, Condiciones …
AWEOS YouTube load per click
(0 notes en tout)This Plugin prevents the auto loading from YouTube iframes. It will be loaded after the user permits it.
ats privacy policy
(2 notes en tout)Плагин ats privacy policy добавит в стандартную форму комментирования WordPress чекбокс "согласия" с политикой конфиденциальности сайта: pri …
(6 notes en tout)A lightweight and easy-to-use tool to help you with your GDPR compliance tasks.