Étiquette de l’extension : community
Ultimate Member – Profil utilisateur/utilisatrice, inscription, connexion, annuaire des membres, restriction de contenu et extension d’adhésion.
(1 436 notes en tout)Extension pour adhésion de membres et de communautés avec profils des comptes, inscription et connexion, répertoires de membres, restriction de contenu, rôles des comptes et bien d’autres choses encore.
(369 notes en tout)Réunissez vous en toute sécurité, et selon vos règles, dans WordPress.
Ultimate Member – reCAPTCHA
(12 notes en tout)Stop bots on your registration & login forms with Google reCAPTCHA
wpForo Forum
(376 notes en tout)Number one WordPress forum plugin. Full-fledged forum solution with modern and responsive forum design. Community builder WordPress forum plugin.
Asgaros Forum
(205 notes en tout)Asgaros Forum est la meilleure extension de forum pour WordPress ! Elle inclut de nombreuses fonctionnalités avec un beau design tout en restant reste simple et rapide.
WP User Manager – User Profile Builder & Membership
(338 notes en tout)The most customizable profiles & community builder WordPress plugin with front-end login, registration, profile customization and content restriction.
Youzify – BuddyPress Community, User Profile, Social Network & Membership Plugin for WordPress
(183 notes en tout)The best BuddyPress plugin for building online communities, user profile, social networks, and membership sites on WordPress with tons of features.
ProfileGrid – User Profiles, Groups and Communities
(221 notes en tout)Custom user profiles plugin ❤ with paid memberships, groups, communities, content restriction, user registration, messaging, WooCommerce memberships, …
Ultimate Member – Terms & Conditions
(1 notes en tout)Add a terms and condition checkbox to your registration forms & require users to agree to your T&Cs before registering on your site.
Verified Member for BuddyPress
(15 notes en tout)Verify your BuddyPress members and display a twitter-like verified badge on the front-end.
Ultimate Member – Online Users
(1 notes en tout)This Ultimate Member extension will allow you to display online users anywhere with a shortcode.
SpeakOut! Email Petitions
(42 notes en tout)SpeakOut! Email Petitions makes it easy to add petitions to your website and rally your community to Speak Out about a cause by using direct action.
FluentCommunity – Ultra-Fast High-Performance Social Network, Community, LMS & Online Courses Plugin
(39 notes en tout)Get a fast & all-in-one community plugin. Create unlimited communities, and courses with robust social networking and LMS features.
Discussion Board – WordPress Forum Plugin
(43 notes en tout)Discussion Board is a simple, effective way to add a forum or discussion board to your site, helping you build and engage an active community.
WP-Recall – Registration, Profile, Commerce & More
(104 notes en tout)The plugin forms a flexible and functional personal account, allows users of your website to easily communicate, customize their profile, launch inter …
BBP Core – Expand bbPress powered forums with useful features
(14 notes en tout)BBP Core expands many useful features for the bbPress forums.
BP Search Block
(1 notes en tout)The BP Search Block is a BuddyPress Block to search for the content shared into your community site!
Ultimate Member – ForumWP forum integration
(6 notes en tout)Integrate Ultimate Member with the forum plugin ForumWP.
IntenseDebate Comments
(10 notes en tout)IntenseDebate comments enhance and encourage conversation on your blog. Build your reader community, increase your comments, & boost pageviews.
bbPress Members Only
(5 notes en tout)bbPress Members Only restricts Your bbPress forums to logged in/registered members.