Cette extension n’a pas été testée avec plus de trois mises à jour majeures de WordPress. Elle peut ne plus être maintenue ou supportée et peut avoir des problèmes de compatibilité lorsqu’elle est utilisée avec des versions de WordPress plus récentes.

Widgets Avalanche for Ecwid


Grab your Ecwid products and categories into a variety of WordPress widgets including:

  • A slider
  • A popup
  • An accordion
  • An autosuggest
  • A sortable table
  • A link to an RSS feed for your products.

Captures d’écran

  • This is the plugin settings screen. You must visit this screen after activating this plugin in order to connect your store. You can return to this screen at any time to disconnect your store, or to dump your cache.
  • This is the slider widget.
  • This is the popup widget.
  • This is the accordion widget.
  • This is the autosuggest widget.
  • This is the sortable table widget.
  • This is the RSS widget.


  1. Upload the ecwid-widgets-avalanche folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activez-la via le menu Extensions dans l’admin WordPress
  3. Make sure you have an Ecwid store with an account that allows API access
  4. Visit the plugin settings page and click the button to connect your store


The plugin won’t work. Why?

Make sure you have an ecwid store with an account that allows API access. This may mean you need a paid ecwid account.

Does this plugin make my site really slow?

Only for one page load. It calls Ecwid, gets your store data, and saves it to your WordPress database for future use. Unless you have WordPress in debug mode and you are logged in to the site. Then it does not cache.

Wait, so there is a slow page load? For every user?

No, just for one user. Once one user loads the page, your WordPress site will have cached the data from Ecwid, and this establishes the cache from which all other users will benefit for the lifetime of that cache.

A cache? What if I make changes to my products in Ecwid.com?

You’ll need to dump your cached data in order to see those changes. There are three ways to do that:
1. Wait a few hours. The cache resets each day.
2. Click the button to dump your cache in the plugin settings page.
3. Save or re-save any widget from this plugin.

The accordion widget shows some products multiple times. This is dumb.

It loops through all your categories, and shows all the products in each category. If a product is in multiple categories, it will appear multiple times.

Some of these widgets don’t do exactly what I want them to do. Can you change something?

Probably! Contact me at [email protected] to inquire about custom work.


3 septembre 2016
I was hoping that ecwid would have these widgets, but it did not. With this plugin installed I get what I need for my shop. I installed 1.5.6 and found a small bug that appeared only every once in a while. The minor bug was fixed almost immediately by the author and 1.5.7 appeared right after. This plugin is clean and easy to understand. Unlike some plugins that don’t look like they belong on the page, Widgets Avalanche for Ecwid adapted to my CSS settings and looks like it belongs. These widgets do exactly what I need to do for my shop.
Lire les 5 avis

Contributeurs/contributrices & développeurs/développeuses

« Widgets Avalanche for Ecwid » est un logiciel libre. Les personnes suivantes ont contribué à cette extension.




  • Added « enabled » arg to autosuggest.


  • Added « limit » arg to rss feed.


  • Fixed bug with RSS Feed.


  • Accordion widget can order and order_by.


  • Fixed plugin to wait until dom ready to start widgets.


  • Fixed plugin to work properly in environments with object caching.


  • Widgets load via ajax now.


  • Improved FAQ.


  • Move docs sections into their widget files.


  • Fixed JS error in wp admin, moved JS to its own file.


  • Fixed trailing slash error with feed 404.


  • Added RSS widget & feed.


  • Added sortable table widget.
  • Standardized CSS classes, breaking backwards compatibility with old css classes.


  • Added debug console in wp-admin.


  • Added Autosuggest widget.


  • Stop asking Ecwid for permissions we don’t need.


  • Smarter welcome and error messages for new accounts.


  • Version initiale.