Étiquette de l’extension : send
Send PDF for Contact Form 7
(79 notes en tout)Create, customize and send PDF attachments with Contact Form 7 form
(6 notes en tout)Now you don't need to add friends as users to the blog in order to let them preview your drafts
Send Chat Tools
(2 notes en tout)Send Chat Tools is a plugin that allows you to send WordPress announcements to chat tools.
(10 notes en tout)wp-greet sends greeting cards from your WordPress blog. It works with WordPress-, NextGen- or NextCellentGallery.
Text Local SMS
(1 notes en tout)Best SMS plugin for WordPress, send SMS in WordPress easily, all countries support.
Html New User Notification
(6 notes en tout)This plugin gives you option for sending html new user notification email.
(1 notes en tout)ChimpPress is a new way to manage your MailChimp campaigns right from your WordPress Dashboard.
wp_mail fix multiple send
(0 notes en tout)Avoids wp_mail to send multiple times the same mail within the same request. That bug can happens in some times, for example when wp_mail is called wi …
Getback – Optimize & Web Push Notifications
(0 notes en tout)Getback technology has been created to enable clients two specific value-add features: Onsite Conversion Optimisation and Web Push Notifications.
(0 notes en tout)Enhance your website by effortlessly incorporating a floating WhatsApp icon in the footer, empowering users to easily send messages directly to you.
OpenInviter for WordPress
(0 notes en tout)Allow your visitors to invite their contacts from Yahoo!, GMail, AOL, Hotmail and other providers to your blog.
SMS Gateway
(0 notes en tout)Добавляет к Woocommerce возможность отправлять SMS с использованием своего Android телефона
dlb's Send-A-Link
(0 notes en tout)dlb's Send-A-Link allows visitors to send someone an email containing a link to the post or page.
loginMojo – Login with WA
(2 notes en tout)Providing seamless mobile number verification system by loginMojo.
SMS Media4u Login
(0 notes en tout)This plugin adds the functionality to send SMS by use of Media4u in order to login WordPress.