Étiquette de l’extension : metabox
Ocean Extra
(69 notes en tout)Ocean Extra adds extra features and flexibility to the OceanWP theme for a turbocharged experience.
Multi Image Metabox
(11 notes en tout)Add a multi-image metabox to your posts, pages and custom post types
Post Type Archive Link
(25 notes en tout)Creates a metabox to the Appearance > Menu page to add custom post type archive links
Advanced Post Manager
(11 notes en tout)Turbo charge your posts admin for any custom post type with sortable filters and columns, and auto-registration of metaboxes.
Pure Metafields
(3 notes en tout)Pure Metafields is very light weight plugin tused to create custom metabox for any post type like page, post and your custom post type support it.
CubeWP – All-in-One Dynamic Content Framework
(12 notes en tout)CubeWP is an end-to-end dynamic content framework for WordPress to help you shrink time and cut cost of development up to 90%.
WebMan Amplifier
(7 notes en tout)Amplifies functionality of WP themes. Provides custom post types, shortcodes, metaboxes, icons. Theme developer's best friend!
Categories Metabox Enhanced
(16 notes en tout)Replace the checkboxes with radio buttons or a select drop-down in the built-in Categories metabox and Gutenberg sidebar panel.
Template List Metabox
(1 notes en tout)Template list metabox is to create Metabox for Dropdown List of all available Templates to attach with any Custom Post Types
Multi Image Upload
(7 notes en tout)This plugin adds a meta box to upload multiple images for posts and pages.
WP User Profiles
(19 notes en tout)WP User Profiles is a sophisticated way to edit users in WordPress.
IT Listings
(0 notes en tout)Custom Post Types and additional Functionality for IT Residence WordPress Theme
Flexia Core
(0 notes en tout)Core plugin for Flexia theme. Controls all the plugin territory functionality for Flexia.
Entity Viewer
(2 notes en tout)Displays properties and custom fields of WordPress entities (posts, users, terms, comments) for debugging/development purposes.
Featured Item Metabox
(2 notes en tout)Quickly add a metabox to any post type for marking a post as featured. Toggle featured status even more quickly from the posts lists/ quick edit scre …
Display post meta, term meta, comment meta, and user meta
(0 notes en tout)Displays metadata in a metabox on the creation/editing pages for posts (any CPT), terms (any taxonomy), and users. The metadata is shown in a human-re …
Custom Featured Image Metabox
(0 notes en tout)Custom the title, content and set / remove link text in the Featured Image metabox.
Magic Meta Box
(0 notes en tout)Magic Meta Box helps you to create easily custom meta boxes fields in post, page and custom post type. You can create repeated group fields and tabs.
Select All Terms
(3 notes en tout)Adds buttons to select-all / deselect-all terms on taxonomies' metaboxes