Étiquette de l’extension : backup
GW Database Backup
(0 notes en tout)GW Database Backup manages backup & restoring of your database efficiently.
Download Installed Extension
(0 notes en tout)This plugin allows you to download the currently installed plugin as a zip file.
FlyWP Migrator – Migrate Your Site to FlyWP
(0 notes en tout)Move your WordPress site to FlyWP's lightning-fast hosting platform with just a few clicks. No technical knowledge required!
BackUpSavvy Premium wordpress plugin
(0 notes en tout)This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Sof …
Web Archive
(0 notes en tout)Automatically creates HTML copies of your posts and pages when they're published, allowing you to track every version.
(0 notes en tout)DSmirror (datasource mirror) data replication tool for Wordpress. Sync data to/from WP database with minimal requirements.
Ero Website Backups
(0 notes en tout)Backup All Your Wordpress Installation with some easy steps with Website Backup Plugin. Backup your Database and all Wordpress files with just one plu …
(0 notes en tout)A WordPress plugin for Backblaze b2 cloud to sync assets files from wp-content/uploads onto a Backblaze B2 bucket
Posts and Pages GitHub Backup
(0 notes en tout)Backups WordPress content of your posts and pages to GitHub
Save Now
(4 notes en tout)Easily download other installed plugins and themes as ZIP files from your WordPress admin interface.
DeltaBackups – backup & migration
(1 notes en tout)DeltaBackups is a plugin for backing up content files and database
Simple Copy
(0 notes en tout)Super simple backup taker for wp-content folder and the database. Super useful for developers or before plugin/theme update.
Backup Snippets – Restore Code Snippet Easily
(0 notes en tout)A safe way to create a copy of your code in Code Snippet
Kctseo: Backup full
(0 notes en tout)Easily search, export, and import options from the WordPress wp_options table using specific keywords
WIS Scrapper
(0 notes en tout)WIS Scrapper provides easier Wordpress backups! Clone & backup an intact site including its database.
WPtools.io Cloud Backup & Restore Plugin
(0 notes en tout)WPtools.io Cloud Backup & Restore Plugin (Beta)
WP-performance for everyone – Boost Page Speed & Performance
(0 notes en tout)Boost your WordPress website speed: Gzip, Lazy Loading, WebP conversion, Cache, DB backups & more.
Simple Database Backup WP
(0 notes en tout)Simple Database Backup WP is a plugin simple plugin to create database backup and download from the list. After install the plugin go to Tools -> D …