Étiquette de l’extension : auth
wpCAS Server
(0 notes en tout)Turns WordPress or WordPress MU into a CAS single sign-on authenticator.
Civic SIP
(2 notes en tout)Civic Secure Identity Platform (SIP) authorization plugin. Sign in to your blog using Civic Mobile App.
Ozh' No Duplicate Comments
(0 notes en tout)Prevents spammers from duplicating legit comments but with their commenter name and URL
(4 notes en tout)Plugin that allows users to enter the site in one click, using a single account Wargaming.net ID.
VA Simple Enhanced Security
(2 notes en tout)This plugin will enhance the security of your WordPress.
Fireauth – Enable Firebase Authentication
(0 notes en tout)Fireauth is a plugin that enables Firebase authentication in Wordpress
WP Admin Block
(3 notes en tout)WP Block Admin is a simple plugin that allows you to restrict access to the defualt Wordpress admin panel. WP Admin Block has been updated to work wit …
(0 notes en tout)This plugin allows sign in to WordPress using a JSON Web Token (JWT) contained in a HTTP Header.
Datawiza Proxy Auth Plugin – SSO
(1 notes en tout)The Proxy Auth Plugin helps developers/DevOps/admins easily implement authentication and authorization for WordPress by using a JWT (JSON Web Token) p …