Ce thème n’a pas été mis à jour depuis plus de 2 ans. Il peut ne plus être maintenu ou pris en charge, et peut avoir des problèmes de compatibilité lorsqu’il est utilisé avec des versions récentes de WordPress.

Yoneko is named after my grandmother for her love of writing. Yoneko is suitable for bloggers and educators who want to focus on writing. The unique homepage straightforwardly displays the subject lines without thumbnails for easy scanning. This distinctive layout also allows readers to find what they want quickly. Yoneko is Japanese typography in mind. It comes with pre-installed google fonts, including six Japanese fonts, Noto Sans JP, Noto Serif JP, M PLUS Rounded 1c, Kosugi Maru, Sawarabi Mincho, and Sawarabi Gothic, as well as three sans-serif fonts, Lato, Roboto, and Merriweather.
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