Étiquette de l’extension : click
Ad Invalid Click Protector (AICP)
(62 notes en tout)One plugin to save your AdSense account from Click Bombings and Invalid Click Activities
Aurora Heatmap
(8 notes en tout)Beautiful like an aurora! A simple WordPress heatmap that can be completed with just a plugin.
Crazy Egg
(5 notes en tout)The easiest, free way to add your Crazy Egg tracking script to your WordPress site. The official Crazy Egg Plugin for WordPress.
UserHeat Plugin
(1 notes en tout)Free heatmaps plugin for web analytics, on both PC and smartphone.
GamiPress – Button
(1 notes en tout)Add activity events based on button clicks generated by [gamipress_button]
GamiPress – Link
(2 notes en tout)Add activity events based on link clicks generated by [gamipress_link]
ミエルカヒートマップ タグマネージャー
(0 notes en tout)無料で使えるヒートマップツール、ミエルカヒートマップのタグ設置が簡単にできるプラグインです。 This is the plugin to introduce the tag of the free heatmap service "Mieruca Heatmap" easy.
WordPress Protection [Protect Your Website Content]
(5 notes en tout)WordPress Protection Plugin provides complete security for your wordpress website, so that the plagiarists could not copy the content and steal data o …
(4 notes en tout)A simple plugin that allows you to copy or cut paragraphs from your site’s main content to the clipboard to use elsewhere.
User Insight WordPress Plugin
(0 notes en tout)ヒートマップ対応アクセス解析ツールUser InsightのWordPressプラグインです。簡単な設定ですぐにUser Insightでデータを計測できるようになります。
(2 notes en tout)Tracks link clicks from hrefs in posts and pages. REQUIRES PHP at least 5.2
Click & Tweet
(2 notes en tout)Highlight key phrases or sentences on your Wordpress website to be shared via Twitter.
WP Clickable Background
(1 notes en tout)Wordpress Plugin in order to make the background of your website clickable.
Ozh' Click Counter
(0 notes en tout)You have a blog. You have stats telling you how many people read it. You post links. But do you have something telling you how many people click on yo …
Mouse And Keyboard Disable
(0 notes en tout)Plugin "Mouse And Keyboard Disable" helps users not to right click and disable keyboard (Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V, Ctrl+A) for all Browsers.
Clicker Counter
(0 notes en tout)Clicker Counter allows you to track clicks on file extensions or classes. All clicks are logged and ordered by amount.