Papers by Mohammed I. S.

orruption is a prevalent challenge to most organisations and countries of the world. Although its... more orruption is a prevalent challenge to most organisations and countries of the world. Although its practice and prevalence are relative, it has been one major inhibiting factor for any state, societal development and humankind generally. Nigeria has been one of those worst hit it impeding and her national development since her independence with many and multi-faceted effects against national development. This study makes an overview of corruption, its practice, prevalence, causes and the stakeholders in Nigeria. The study is qualitative and uses secondary sources of data. The theory of prebendalism is used to build the theoretical basis. The paper focuses on public corruption and highlights the major causes, the stakeholders, the high-profile corruption cases, as well as identification of the major culprits of corruption in Nigeria, especially in the public sector and the major national development plan, programmes and projects which all suffer as a result of corruption. The paper advances the argument that Nigeria has economic potentialities capable of achieving the highest level of national development. However, incessant corruption that cut across all sectors of the state has been inhibiting achieving national development. Some key recommendations, including stiff penalties, synergy among anti-corruption agencies, extensive and intensive education and enlightenment, and genuine political will and commitment to fight corruption in order to achieve meaningful and sustainable national development in a least corrupt Nigerian state.

rappling with multi-dimensioned challenges, agitation and struggle for autonomy by the local gove... more rappling with multi-dimensioned challenges, agitation and struggle for autonomy by the local government have been a recurring phenomenon in the political history of Nigeria for several decades. Despite the age long struggle however, the desired result is yet to be achieved. This paper assesses the nature of local governments, their challenges and issues of granting them autonomy in the Nigeria. It also assesses the implications of those challenges on local governments" administration. In this qualitative method of study, secondary sources of data are used. The paper found that that overcoming their challenges and the hope for autonomy for local governments is being impeded by several factors, including constitutional gaps, continuous political manipulation through the conduct of local elections, overbearing interference and arbitrary control of the local governments" funds, especially by the states" governments and undue interferences in their local political, administrative, traditional and minor matters. These, have resulted in negative tendencies with direct negative implications on the local governments, the struggle to gain autonomy and effective and efficient operations. These hamper their drive to foster development through quality service delivery and relevant project execution within their areas of jurisdiction. The paper recommends strict constitutional laws relating to the local government, especially regarding their autonomy, avoidance of undue interference from the other levels of government, especially the states. Local governments should also be given the conducive atmosphere to perform independently with minimum control where necessary in terms sourcing and expending local revenues.

This paper explores the controversies and estrangement in the Middle Belt of Nigeria which has fo... more This paper explores the controversies and estrangement in the Middle Belt of Nigeria which has for long in Nigeria's history been embroiled in controversy, violence and estrangement. The study used the qualitative (non-statistical) method of data collection and analysis; collected and used data from secondary sources (journal articles, books, public records, archive materials) and historical documentation method for the purpose of its analysis. The Middle Belt is embroiled in both wide and deep controversy in the process of pursuing its estrangement, dissidence and resentment to the larger North; it would be most difficult for the Middle Belt to achieve such because of incoherence and multiplicity of the groups, lack of popular, comprehensive and sustainable future plan and the inherent intra-ethnic acrimonies. There is paucity of studies on the inherent controversy in the Middle Belt's pursuit of separate identity and geography from the general and Northern Nigeria. This paper addresses the critical issues of use of peace and violence in the struggle, manipulation by the elites and notable events and periods in the estrangement and controversy. The paper recommends provision of adequate social services and amenities in the region, regulating the activities of ethno-religious and regional groups, strict control of small arms among the civil society.

PAD-JOURNAL: Multi-disciplinary Journal of the Department of Public Administration ISSN: 2579-1087, 2024
This paper examines the impacts of rural banditry on Northern Nigeria drive for development. Band... more This paper examines the impacts of rural banditry on Northern Nigeria drive for development. Banditry, especially in rural areas has become a major threat to Nigeria's national security that is nearly overwhelming the Nigerian state authorities capability. Northern Nigeria is the worst hit by these acts of rural banditry. Thousands of rural families have been broken, dispossessed of their properties and cattle, killed, kidnapped for ransom, displaced and a more hostile and unsecured environment and socioeconomic and ethno-religious harmony disoriented. The bandits have in many rural areas of Northern Nigeria established near parallel state authorities, thereby imposing fines and levies on individuals and communities. In some others, women are being raped, children turned to orphans, wives turned to widows, traditional, educational and religious institutions displaced, while the able-bodied men are being killed and or forced on migration to other safer areas. These have cumulatively resulted in ravaging poverty, insecurity, increased unemployment, escalating ethno-religious tension among the areas, and near break in socio-communal and interreligious ties and bonds. Security agencies have become overloaded with ever increasing number and cases of bandits and banditry, while arms, especially small and light are in high proliferation among the common and bad elements, especially in these rural areas. The paper adopts qualitative method of study with secondary data obtained from diverse sources of literature and or data. Recommendations are made, including proactive approach, reduction in poverty and unemployment, stiff control on arms possession, tighter borders and migration controls, and enforcement of social justice among Nigerians.

This paper explores the gaps in Nigerian Constitutions and adherence with constitutionalism as co... more This paper explores the gaps in Nigerian Constitutions and adherence with constitutionalism as contained in the various Constitutions, with special emphasis on the 1999 Constitution. The paper also explores other factors responsible for failure of constitutions and in achieving constitutionalism in Nigeria. The study uses qualitative method to collect data from primary and secondary sources-Nigerian Constitutions, and other sources, including journals, historical materials, books, public and other relevant documents. Rationalist Choice Theory is used in developing the theoretical framework for the study. It also uses qualitative method to analyse the data collected. The study found that no constitution is perfect, and several gaps and issues apart from those of Nigerian politicians and factor, elites and judicial officers, to be responsible for the severally identified constitutional gaps which hinder constitutionalism in Nigeria. Corruption and other self-interests result in orchestration and widening of such gaps in order to achieve personal interests. The study is unique in uncovering issues in both schemed and erroneous gaps in the Nigerian constitutions. It expands the body literature on the Nigerian constitution and constitutionalism, which Nigeria lacks, especially at this critical time of searching for a viable Constitution visa -vis manipulations of the Constitution by various interests in Nigeria, and highlights the imperfections of the Nigerian Constitutions. The paper recommends extensive citizenship education and socialization, strict enforcement of constitutional laws, and constitutional provisions should be made clear and devoid of ambiguities.

Journal International Studies, 2018
This article overviews the push/pull factors of citizens' participation in Nigerian politics. Cit... more This article overviews the push/pull factors of citizens' participation in Nigerian politics. Citizens' participation in state politics is both integral and an indispensable part of every political system and development. However, it is determined by numerous factors which are universal, but relative in terms of contexts. Such a participation is affected by many factors in Nigeria. The study uses secondary sources to collect data and perform qualitative analysis. The study is timely and significant in view of the critical roles where participation plays in shaping and influencing Nigerian politics, especially at the current moment when it is being characterized by apathy and participation on two ends. It is concentrated on an atmosphere of push and pull forces, negative and positive issues and developments, this environment is manipulated by elites/politicians. This needs a change for the better, to inculcate hope, overcome despair, anxiety as well as increased ethno-religious and electoral tensions.

International Journal of Engineering Applied Sciences and Technology, 2021
Electronic waste generation has been increasing at a rate three times faster than that of general... more Electronic waste generation has been increasing at a rate three times faster than that of general waste stream. Developing nations like Nigeria bear the consequences as it is estimated that 500 containers, each carrying about 500,000 used computers and other electronic equipment, enter Nigeria’s ports every month from the United States, Europe and Asia. To this effect, The United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) and the Federal Government of Nigeria have announced a $15 million initiative to establish an electronic system in Nigeria, which will pioneer safe e-waste recycling in the country. It is against this background that this study was conducted to determine the households’ awareness and practice towards the recycling of e-waste, as well as the most suitable collection pattern within Kano Metropolis. The data for this study was collected using Open Data Kit (ODK) mobile phone platform, which contained questions on households’ characteristics, current practices regarding di...

This study is to determine the performance of regional financial ratios in the Labuhan Batu Distr... more This study is to determine the performance of regional financial ratios in the Labuhan Batu District and whether there is transparency in financial statements managed by the local government. According to financial accounting standards, financial statements are part of financial reporting. Complete financial statements usually include balance sheets, income statements, and statements of changes in financial position, as well as explanatory materials that are an integral part of financial statements; the purpose of this study is to measure and analyze the degree of fiscal Decentralization in Labuhan Batu District during 2015 to 2020 as well as analyze the relationship of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) with the level of fiscal Decentralization during the same period. GDP is one of the methods for calculating national income. Documentation techniques carry out data collection. The data analysis technique used is a financial statement analysis technique based on the budget realization report from 2015 to 2020. The results of the study show that the level of regional authority and responsibility in implementing decentralization, which is related to regional development is at a moderate level, this is because the amount of original local government revenue is still relatively small compared to the total regional income, still very dependent on financial assistance from the central government/ external parties.
Conference Presentations by Mohammed I. S.
7th Edition of Virtual Research Logicraft Workshop, 2025
Critical thinking in Critical literature review

This paper makes an expose of the opportunities and prospects in Malaysia-Nigeria diplomatic rela... more This paper makes an expose of the opportunities and prospects in Malaysia-Nigeria diplomatic relations. The study provides many and wide-ranging diplomatic issues, values and interests of strategic and mutual concerns and benefits to the two states. The study is qualitative and uses secondary sources for the data collection and analysis. The study found that Malaysia and Nigeria have shared colonial experience are heterogeneous, have relatively large populations, which comprise of significant number of Muslims with commitment to international Muslims unity, cohesion and protection. Malaysian and Nigerian foreign policies have concern for the plight of other peoples and nations as both have humanitarian diplomatic concerns and are accommodative to other nationals. Both are members of dozens of regional and international organisations committed to the peace, progress and development, have majority-minority groups, oil rich, influential and prestigious in their regional and continental affairs. Both have been dominant in certain affairs which earn them good image and significant respect from both regional and international communities. They both have diplomatic relations prospects in culture (especially Malay and the Hausa/Fulani being largely Muslims and peaking languages heavily influenced by Arabic), Islam and Islamic banking, Islamic trade and investment, SUKUK and Sharia, and blue economies. Malaysia is a major host to Nigerians, especially in the pursuit of quality higher education. There are prospects in increased commercial (import-export, investment and manufacturing) and tourist attractions, cultural diplomacy, which if properly harnessed, could result in optimally diversified diplomatic relation. Nigeria and Malaysia have many other diplomatic values which will prospectively fasten a closer and successful relation in other areas of medicine, oil exploration and refining, cyber technology, agriculture and wetland researches,

This paper overviews issues in evolution, growth, development and popularity/acceptance of Islami... more This paper overviews issues in evolution, growth, development and popularity/acceptance of Islamic economics, banking and finance. based on the original provisions of the Holy Quran and Hadith has increasingly become popular among researchers, scholars/intellectuals, theorists and practitioners in the economic, banking and finance sector. The popularity may not be unconnected with the interest/coupon bound and much emphasis on profit oriented Western economic, banking and financial system built on philosophy of scarce resources and unlimited demands, thereby resulting in unnecessary and imbalanced completion between the strong and the weak, and the rich and the poor at individual, societal, organizational/institutional and states levels of economic, banking and financial endeavours. The paper is qualitative and uses secondary sources of data. Numerous verses of the Holy Qur'an are used as the original source of provisions and basis for establishment, operation, theorization and practice of Islamic economics, banking and finance and other spiritual and temporal endeavours of Muslims. The study found that Islamic economics and finance has grown and developed to be not only an alternative, but also best option for not only the Muslims, Muslim and Islamic states, but also the Non-Muslims and Non Islamic/non-Muslim states who seek a just, open and more balanced resource allocating and rewarding economic and financial system. Islamic economics, banking and finance will continue to gain popularity and patronage as long as the stakeholders in it stick to the principles of the Holy Qur'an and Sunnah in theory and practice.
Academic Writing and Communication Essentials, 2024
Academic Writing and Communication Essentials
Malaysia -Nigeria Diplomatic Relations
Acdemic Powerpoint Presentation

1 st International Conference of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Gombe State University, Gombe – Nigeria, 2024
This paper examines involuntary or forced labour migration recently known as 'Japa syndrome' amon... more This paper examines involuntary or forced labour migration recently known as 'Japa syndrome' among Nigerians, especially the skilled and professional youth to other countries in search of green or greener pastures. This has become a cause for serious concern to both Nigerian state authorities and her national interest. The paper used quantitative method of inquiry with literature review and secondary data sourced from multiple and diverse sources. The primary data was collected from the three hundred questionnaires administered across six tertiary institutions of Plateau State. The paper found that involuntary/forced labour migration has been negatively affecting all the sectors of the Nigerian state. Productivity is low, professionals and other skilled workers are being brain drain, dignity of labour is diminishing, economic activities are threatened and many sectors crumbling, the able bodied and productive Nigerians are leaving the country in mass, both micro and macroeconomic performances are poor. Various factors account for this including insecurity, poor remuneration, harsh economic, monetary and fiscal policies, steeply rising inflation.
School of General Studies (SGNS) 2nd Annual Academic Research Workshop & Conference Federal Polytechnic, Bauchi – Nigeria, 2024
Guide to Research Methodology
School of General Studies (SGNS) 2nd Annual Academic Research Workshop & Conference Federal Polytechnic, Bauchi – Nigeria, 2024
REsearch Methodology
School of General Studies (SGNS) 2nd Annual Academic Research Workshop & Conference Federal Polytechnic, Bauchi – Nigeria, 2024
Academic Writing
Papers by Mohammed I. S.
Conference Presentations by Mohammed I. S.
Human kinds are created by Allah (SWT) with sole purpose of they (humans) worshipping him alone; and nothing is left for them without divine guidance and or injunctions.
As they live on earth, humans are engaged in one economic, financial and or other material and non-material endeavours. Humans are created with violent love for wealth and materialism and have an insatiable quest for the wealth/materialism; such love for materialism has however, been clearly regulated by Allah (SWT) with both Haram and Halaal clearly provided.
In secular/other economic, financial/banking systems, there is the belief of‘ scarce resources and unlimited wants’,and issues of right,wrong,morality,modesty,responsibility are less emphasized, and rather, profit maximization, optimum utility (Felicific Calculus) is highly emphasized;
In Islam, Allah has bestowed humans with endless resources and bounties, and favours and efficient utilization of resources is enjoined and emphasized.