Papers by Geraldo Furtado
Revista Brasileira De Neurologia E Psiquiatria, 2014
Nesse artigo são revistos aspectos epidemiológicos, quadro clínico, diagnóstico e tratamento de a... more Nesse artigo são revistos aspectos epidemiológicos, quadro clínico, diagnóstico e tratamento de afecções infecciosas e parasitárias do sistema nervoso central, a saber a neurocisticercose, neurotuberculose e os abscessos cerebrais.A escolha por essas patologias se deu por serem possivelmente as mais frequentemente encontradas na prática neurocirúrgica pediátrica brasileira.
Neurobiologia, Jun 1, 1992
Neurobiologia, Dec 1, 1991
Arq Bras Neurocir, Dec 1, 1997
Arq Bras Neurocir, Mar 1, 1995
Neurobiologia, Jun 1, 1992
Neurobiologia, Jun 1, 1995
Os autores fazem uma revisao historica sobre a utilizacao da neuroendoscopia como metodo de trata... more Os autores fazem uma revisao historica sobre a utilizacao da neuroendoscopia como metodo de tratamento na neurocirurgia desde o seu aparecimento ate os dias atuais. Sao descritas as principais indicacoes para a utilizacao do metodo bem como minucioso relato da tecnica cirurgica e instrumental utilizado. A destacar o menor indice de morbidade e mortalidade se comparado as tradicionais derivacoes extra-craneanas com valvulas bem como a economia para os Servicos de Saude Publica quando utilizada a terceiro-ventriculostomia endoscopica no tratamento da hidrocefalia
A terceira ventriculostomia endoscópica vem sendo considerada na atualidade como a primeira opção... more A terceira ventriculostomia endoscópica vem sendo considerada na atualidade como a primeira opção de tratamento das hidrocefalias não-comunicantes. Uma análise crítica detalhada do método, no que concerne aos aspectos técnico-cirúrgicos, não tem aparecido com frequência na literatura, sobretudo nas publicações em língua portuguesa. Para preencher essa lacuna os autores descrevem exaustivamente o equipamento utilizado, técnicas de assepsia e desinfecção e discutem amplamente o procedimento cirúrgico, cotejando a sua experiência com a dos autores que internacionalmente mais têm se interessado pelo emprego do método.

Revista Brasileira de Saúde Materno Infantil, 2016
Objectives: to publicize by inserting institutionally to the context of microcephaly care by Zika... more Objectives: to publicize by inserting institutionally to the context of microcephaly care by Zika virus in the Northeast of Brazil and to describe the activities developed during the epidemic outbreak that occurred in the country in 2015. Methods: analysis on technical documents and institutional announcements in newspapers, on television and radio was carried out from August 2015 to July 2016. Results: the Central Nucleus to Monitor and Study Microcephaly at Instituto de Medicina Integral Prof. Fernando Figueira (IMIP); took part in elaborating a Clinical and Epidemiological protocol for Professionals at Maternity Hospitals and Referral Services from the State Health Department of Pernambuco (SES/PE); IMIP became a National Referral Center in elaborating protocols to identify and monitor children with microcephaly, and a Benchmark Assistance for the State Health Department of Pernambuco. Technical meetings took place with the participation of clinical and medical professionals, res...
Neurobiologia, Jun 1, 1992

Neurosurgery Quarterly, 2013
Background:Congenital glioblastoma multiforme (cGBM) constitutes approximately 3.5% of the congen... more Background:Congenital glioblastoma multiforme (cGBM) constitutes approximately 3.5% of the congenital intracranial tumors and is the rarest type of congenital brain tumor, with <60 cases published in the world literature. Some publications report different clinical course and survival in this congenital brain tumor when compared with older children or adults. We report in this study 2 cases of cGBM, 1 of them with long-term survival, and provide a complete review of the previous reports for this condition. Case Description:Two patients with cGBM were studied for clinical presentation, radiologic and histologic findings, treatment, and prognosis. Symptom durations before diagnosis in case 1 and 2 were about 3 days and 5 months, respectively. Imaging studies, on both patients, revealed a large tumor, bulged into the ventricles associated with intratumoral hemorrhage. One of them died from sepsis during the chemotherapy at 12 months from the initial diagnosis, and the other had a long-term survival of >3 years after surgery followed by chemotherapy. In the latter case, immunohistochemical examination demonstrated the absence of p53 protein accumulation, a finding in pediatric GBM associated with good outcome. Conclusions:Favorable prognosis in cGBM should be considered in a cystic solid brain lesion, the combination of gross total resection and adjuvant high dose of chemotherapy, and the absence of p53 overexpression. However, additional reports with ample number of patients are needed to strengthen our findings.
Papers by Geraldo Furtado