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All the gui styles are showing just text with no background. As a result, I can't read half the text.


Yea, I also realized this now while testing the next version of the game. I added an outline around the text, it seems to be easier to read this way. If you haven't finished reading the novel yet, you can wait until I post the next version.

Are you planning to create a discord for updates/Sneak peaks/game discussion :) ?


Yes, I think I'll take care of the discord server as soon as I finish the next update. The update is 90% ready. It remains only to test and fix bugs, so I think I will create it relatively soon.

What is the cheat code



Great, thank you for keep up your work!


This game has a lot potential. The Girls are super cute, the writing exactly what i searched for and i cant wait for more!
Hopefully there will come a lot for updates soon.
Do you have a discord server and future plans of the game? 


Thank you, I have almost completed version 0.2.0. I'm checking the translation for errors now. I haven't created a Discord server yet. If we talk about plans, I plan to tell the story to the end. I want to add voice acting later, but for now I will release what I have. Work and study take up quite a lot of time now (in addition to my laziness).


So cute. I meant the characters....


Thank you, I will try to work even more on the picture for the next updates.