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Innovation is the key to growth, without it, most organization would forever be stuck doing the same old things the same old way. New products, new services and new ways of doing business would never emerge. Entrepreneurship activities... more
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The paper investigates the investment – growth nexus in Nigeria, for the period 1981-2012. Using the Vector Error Correction Model (VECM), the study finds that investment is cointegrated with economic growth in the country; that is, there... more
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This study looks critically at the importance and significance of effective management of the most viable factors of production in the organisation-human resource or human capital as well as their interaction with the entrepreneurials in... more
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The purpose of this study is to examine the processes through which personnel are recruited into organisation and the impacts of the personnel recruitment on the organisational development. Six research questions and two hypotheses were... more
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This work looked at the potentials of entrepreneurship development within the framework of indigenous small scale management. It also show those potentials that are inherent in entrepreneurs of small scale business both low and high... more
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The paper is looking into fund raising through leasing of equipments and machineries rather than purchasing them on cash and carry basis as such having much impact and impart on the working capital of the small and medium scale... more
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The study looked at what financial windfall is all about as well as the legal perspectives and the constitutional framework of managing such fund in Nigeria. The study went further to looked at the reasons behind the clash of interest of... more
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The study looks into wages and salaries administration as a motivational tool in Nigerian organisation. The study went further to distinguish between gratuitous and paid job with possible effect of wages and salaries as it relates to... more
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This study looks critically at the importance and significance of effective management of the most viable factors of production in the organisation-human resource or human capital as well as their interaction with the entrepreneurials in... more
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    • Business Administration
The purpose of this study is to examine the processes through which personnel are recruited into organisation and the impacts of the personnel recruitment on the organisational development. Six research questions and two hypotheses were... more
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    • Business Administration
This work looked at the potentials of entrepreneurship development within the framework of indigenous small scale management. It also show those potentials that are inherent in entrepreneurs of small scale business both low and high... more
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    • Business Administration
This work looked at the quality control mechanism in organisation with the mission of getting high quality products/services during production across to the end user. The work looked into quality control concept with much emphasis on... more
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This study examined how the organisation's human capital was compensated and see whether the compensation even serves as a motivational tool to enhance organisational performance. Seven research questions and two hypotheses were... more
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The main purpose and objective of this study is to examine how the organisation's personnel relate with the customers and the impacts of the customer service relations on the organisational growth. Seven research questions and three... more
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The purpose of the study was to ascertain the perspectives of library users in two selected academic universities on the provision of information services through mobile technology. Six research questions were drawn to bring out the views... more
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This work looked at the quality control mechanism in organisation with the mission of getting high quality products/services during production across to the end user. The work looked into quality control concept with much emphasis on... more
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Information on Government's involvement in appropriate project appraisal and evaluation is still limited. The key objective of this study was to examine, and gain more insights into how projects evaluation and appraisal are done in the... more
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This study is a simple application of Checkland soft system methodology to identify and proffer solutions to Nigerian premier football league to make it a world-class league. The soft system is a seven-stage tool in Management Information... more
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    • Football Management
This study was undertaken to determine the relationship between pay satisfaction, job burnout and intention to stay. The determinants of both pay satisfaction and job burnout were looked at as previous validated in other related studies.... more
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    • Industrial And Labor Relations
This work was just to look at the causes and the effects of politics within organisation. It started with the reasons for groups within organisations, causes and possible effects of organisational politics on the organisation and the... more
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    • Economics for Business and Management.