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This study examines the impact of capital structure on the financial performance of Nigerian oil and gas companies. Using an ex-post facto research methodology, the short-term debt to total asset, long-term debt to total asset, total debt... more
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Although the factors that influence capital structure have been the subject of numerous prior studies, determining the best financing combination to maximise a firm's value is still one of the most contentious in corporate finance.... more
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    • Financial Econometrics
The relationship between degrees of leverage and systematic risk has been a subject of ongoing debate in finance. While it is generally accepted that leverage can amplify both return and risk, the exact nature and magnitude of this... more
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      Portfolio ManagementBehavioural Finance
The relationship between degrees of leverage and systematic risk has been a subject of ongoing debate in finance. While it is generally accepted that leverage can amplify both return and risk, the exact nature and magnitude of this... more
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      Portfolio ManagementBehavioural Finance
This study examined the effect of board attributes on the financial reporting quality of listed deposit money banks in Nigeria. It focused on board independence, gender diversity, board expertise, and board meetings. Using an ex-post... more
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This paper examines the optimum level of capital structure through which a firm can increase its financial performance using annual data of ten firms spanning a five-year period. The results from Im, Pesaran & Shine unit root test show... more
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      Financial EconomicsEnergy EconomicsFinancial Risk Management
This paper empirically examined the impact of government fiscal and monetary policies on business performance in Nigeria. The study which covered the period from 1970 to 2010 used secondary data. The study hypothesized negative... more
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      Financial EconomicsEnergy EconomicsFinancial Risk Management
Economists believe that money supply or money stock relates to the total amount of money available in an economy at a particular point in time either exogenously determined by the Central bank or endogenously determined by changes in the... more
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      Financial EconomicsEnergy Finance
The demand for money plays a major role in macroeconomic analysis, especially in selecting appropriate policy. This brings in the demand for money function which expresses a mathematical relationship between the quantity of money demanded... more
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      Financial EconomicsEnergy Finance
The study critically examines the relationship between credit management, liquidity position and profitability of some selected banks in Nigeria using annual data of ten banks over the period of 2006 to 2010. Time series properties of all... more
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      Financial EconomicsEnergy Finance
The study empirically examines the impact of creative accounting on firm performance in Nigeria using econometric analysis method on annual data of seven financial institutions over the period of 2006-2011. The results from Levin, Chin... more
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    • Financial Economics
The rising non-performing credit portfolios have significantly contributed to financial distress in the banking sector. Banks collect deposits and lends to customers but when customers fail to meet their obligations problems such as... more
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This paper analyses the impact of crude oil price, stock price and some selected macro economics variables on the growth of Nigeria economy from 1980 – 2010. Using Johansen cointegration, unit root test and error correction model, it was... more
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    • Financial Econometrics
The study examines the impact of corporate social responsibility (CSR) on organizational financial performance of some selected banks in Nigeria using time series of annual data of ten banks over the period of 1990 to 2010. Pearson... more
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      Financial EconomicsBanking Operations Management
This paper analyzes relationship between external debt and economic growth. Data collections are mainly secondary over the period of 1980 to 2010. The study hypothesized negative relationship between external debt; debt servicing and... more
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    • Financial Economics
Generally, both fiscal and monetary policies seek at achieving relative macroeconomic stability through maintaining stable prices or low and stable inflation. In the light of this, this study empirically investigates the impact of... more
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    • Financial Economics
This paper attempts to empirically examine the impact of investment and inflation on economic growth performance as well as showing the trend analysis between inflation and investment in Nigeria from 1981 to 2006 using econometrics model... more
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    • Finance Accounting
This study attempts to empirically examine the trends as well as effects of government spending on the growth rates of real GDP in Nigeria over the last decades using econometrics model with Ordinary Least Square (OLS) technique. The... more
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      MacroeconomicsEconomic DevelopmentUnit Root TestCapital Expenditure
The study examines the effect of payments system innovations on the performance of commercial banks in Nigeria, Ex post factor research design was adopted for the study. The population of the study comprises all the banks operating in... more
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This study examines the impact of capital structure on the financial performance of Nigerian oil and gas companies. Using an ex-post facto research methodology, the short-term debt to total asset, long-term debt to total asset, total debt... more
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      FinanceDebt RatioDebt to Equity RatioReturn on Equity