Photostructure for Node on Windows

New user testing out Photostructure as I need something the family can use and understand. This is the perfect tool:-) Have been looking for the error on the forum, however not able to find something similar.

Have been running the Windows version 1.1 for a short time, and it works perfect. However, after reading on the newer versions, I would like to use features like geotag.

I Installed “Photostructure for Node” according to the instructions: PhotoStructure | PhotoStructure for Node

It looks like everything is installed with no error, and I can redo the install with no errors. Both the initial SW part, the choco install ffmpeg jpegtran and the npm install --global yarn npm

I get an error on the final “./” command, and not sure how to proceed, as there is no log I can find.

Copy of the error, also showing the git clone part if information is needed. Error is in the last step below.

Hope it is something easy, as this looks good.

Home@Home01 MINGW64 /c/photostructure
$ git clone GitHub - photostructure/photostructure-for-servers: PhotoStructure for Servers
Cloning into ‘photostructure-for-servers’…
remote: Enumerating objects: 7032, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (1400/1400), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (444/444), done.
remote: Total 7032 (delta 957), reused 1386 (delta 952), pack-reused 5632
Receiving objects: 100% (7032/7032), 155.00 MiB | 15.25 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (4668/4668), done.

Home@Home01 MINGW64 /c/photostructure
$ dir

Home@Home01 MINGW64 /c/photostructure
$ cd photostructure-for-servers

Home@Home01 MINGW64 /c/photostructure/photostructure-for-servers (main)
$ git checkout beta
Switched to a new branch ‘beta’
branch ‘beta’ set up to track ‘origin/beta’.

Home@Home01 MINGW64 /c/photostructure/photostructure-for-servers (beta)
$ ./
No local changes to save
Already up to date.
Dependency installation failed.
Please refer to “Removed due to only 2 links for new users”, points to the install artickle.
You can also visit “removed due to 2 links for new users” for help.

Howdy and welcome to PhotoStructure, @KHV8 !

I haven’t seen this error before—ideally I’ll be able to set up one of my windows test machines just like yours is currently to reproduce the issue and investigate how to address the problem.

Are you using the Git for Windows bash shell?

What version of Node.js did you install? Did you use the installer, or chocolatey? (I’d use the installer from the website, and then make sure you tick the “Automatically install the necessary tools“ option during installation): PhotoStructure | PhotoStructure for Node

Hi, thanks for reaching out.
I have just been through the following again, just to be sure.
Removed everything, even git and node.js

On a “clean” Windows 11 installed
Installed Git, version 2.46.0 64-bit version for Windows.: No errors.

Installed “node.js”: Version 20.16 as installer from Node.js — Run JavaScript Everywhere. Did ensure “PATH” got installed and choose “Automatically install the necessary tools.”. Installed with no errors

Run “choco install ffmpeg jpegtran” in a powershell. Will not install due to a checksum error. Run “choco install ffmpeg jpegtran --ignore-checksums” and it installs as expected with no errors

Open a git bash window

  1. Run " npm install --global yarn npm": No errors. 14 packages

  2. Jump to c:\photostructure"

  3. Run “git clone GitHub - photostructure/photostructure-for-servers: PhotoStructure for Servers”. It clones with no errors

  4. Jump to “c:\photostructure\photostructure-for-servers”

  5. Run “git checkout beta”. No errors, output it switch to beta

  6. Run “./” and get the error mentioned with dependencies.

Any logs I can check? Im open for any test you would like to have done

Read in this post that you focus on the windows version, to get it up to latest version.

As mentioned, the Windows version worked, however I would love some of the new features (geotagging), hence I installed the node version. Not sure about the timeframe for Windows, but maybe your (probably limited) spare time is better used on the Windows version.

To be clear: photostructure doesn’t do geotagging (or any tagging for that matter), at least not yet. What the current alpha version does is do a reverse-geocoding to convert GPS coordinates into country, state, city. But this requires that your pictures have already been geotagged outside of photostructure. I apologize if you already knew that, just want to make sure you’re not dissapointed when you get it working.

Thanks for mentioning, even, as you guessed I was aware.

I should have used a better wording like “reading geo tags”. Making pictures visible as places to choose in the dashboard.