Category | Topics |
GeneralThis is a place to discuss general iNaturalist-related topics that are not specific Feature Requests or Bug Reports. The iNat Forum is also not a place to seek help with identification, promote projects, or to post unconstructive complaints/grievances. Posts should aim to start a productive conversation or resolve problems.
Nature TalkThis category is a catch-all for nature-related topics that aren’t directly related to iNaturalist. It’s not a place to get help with identifying your nature observations (that’s what iNaturalist itself is for!).
iNaturalist Next Bug ReportsAre you experiencing a technical issue with iNaturalist Next? This category is the place to report it. To report bugs with the iNaturalist website or other mobile apps, please go to Bug Reports.
Forum FeedbackDiscussion about the iNaturalist Forum, its organization, how it works, and how we can improve it.
Bug ReportsAre you experiencing a technical issue with iNaturalist? This category is the place to report it.
Feature RequestsUse this category to post new feature requests for iNaturalist, and to vote for existing feature requests.
iNaturalist Next DiscussionThis is a category for general discussion about iNaturalist Next, such as questions you might have about it, or or your general thoughts and suggestions. iNaturalist isn’t prioritizing new feature requests for iNaturalist Next, as we’re working on adding more planned features in anticipation of a broader release. However, brainstorms and discussions of potential improvements are fine.
CuratorsThis category is a place for iNaturalist site curators to discuss general topics related to curation that might not be great fits for the General category.
News and UpdatesNews and announcements from iNaturalist staff can be found here.
EducatorsThis category is a place to discuss the use of iNaturalist and Seek by iNaturalist in educational settings. Educators and community members can discuss ideas and experiences, share curricula, and ask questions related to iNaturalist and education here. If you have a question, please take a moment to search the category to see if it has already been answered.
TutorialsShare your iNaturalist knowledge with others here by creating a tutorial.