Babette Babich
Babette Babich is a Professor of Philosophy at Fordham University, based at the Lincoln Center campus in New York City and visiting professor of theology, religion and philosophy at the University of Winchester in the UK, she teaches, on occasion, at the Humboldt University in Berlin.
Author of 11 books, most recently Günther Anders’ Philosophy of Technology (2022) and (in German) Nietzsches Plastik (2021) and Nietzsches Antike (2020) in addition to The Hallelujah Effect: Music, Performance Practice and Technology (2016 [2013]). In French, her most recent book is Un politique brisée (2016), she is also editor of 14 collective volumes, including most recently, Reading David Hume’s »Of the Standard of Taste« (Berlin 2019) and Hermeneutic Philosophies of Social Science (Berlin 2017) along with the journal, New Nietzsche Studies.
Supervisors: Jacques Taminiaux, William J. Richardson, and S.J.
Address: Professor Babette Babich
Department of Philosophy
Fordham University
113 West 60th Street
New York, NY 10023 USA
Author of 11 books, most recently Günther Anders’ Philosophy of Technology (2022) and (in German) Nietzsches Plastik (2021) and Nietzsches Antike (2020) in addition to The Hallelujah Effect: Music, Performance Practice and Technology (2016 [2013]). In French, her most recent book is Un politique brisée (2016), she is also editor of 14 collective volumes, including most recently, Reading David Hume’s »Of the Standard of Taste« (Berlin 2019) and Hermeneutic Philosophies of Social Science (Berlin 2017) along with the journal, New Nietzsche Studies.
Supervisors: Jacques Taminiaux, William J. Richardson, and S.J.
Address: Professor Babette Babich
Department of Philosophy
Fordham University
113 West 60th Street
New York, NY 10023 USA
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Papers by Babette Babich
In: Steffen Herrmann, Gerhard Thonhauser, Sophie Loidolt, Tobias Matzner,
Nils Baratella, eds., The Routledge Handbook of Political Phenomenology
(London: Routledge, 2024)
of science with Feyerabend. In addition, there is the question
of science, as Nietzsche raises this question along with
Feyerabend’s programmatic recommendations for traditional philosophy
of science. Including a discussion of method in history as
in theology and philology, including Nietzsche’s hermeneutics,
this essay reviews Feyerabend’s exchanges with Lakatos along
with the resistance of mainstream philosophy of science to hermeneutics
as such. A discussion of Feyerabend’s ‘gods’ engages
what he invokes as ontological abundance as well as his criticism
of the limitations of Popper’s critique of Parmenides requiring
both historical/historiographical context, an understanding of science
in practice, via a contextualization of Schrödinger, and via
Plato’s epistemology along with Duhem on experiment and Riegl
on style, crucial for Feyerabend on the notion of ‘progress,’ key
for Lakatos and others, in art and science.
Edited by Aaron Turner
SUNY series in Contemporary Continental Philosophy
Hardcover : 9781438499062, 437 pages
September 2024
k e y w o r d s : correctness; aletheic truth; thinking; media; questioning
In: Gatherings, edited by Scott Campbell, Vol. 13 (2023)
Full text here: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/01914537231203551
If you need access to the full version of this article and your institution does not offer access, please let me know and I can send you a research pdf.
Death and limitation are part of Nietzsche's own reflections and correspond to what de Beauvoir highlights in terms of «mysteries, orgies, and bacchanals», in addition to so-called «sacred frenzy», and the conjunction of marriage and lightning strikes.
The book in its entirety may be seen (and ordered) here:
‘Covid-19,’ today’s most telling linguistic move might be the reference to ‘the science.’ Here, by using the definite article, it is implied not only that there is a ‘received view’ in science, just as Thomas Kuhn would tell us, but more crucially that science is a singular, monolithic affair.
See for citation Holger Zaborowski, Hg., Martin Heidegger: Holzwege – Klassiker Auslegen (Berlin: de Gruyter, 2024)
January 2024
Traducido del inglés por Facundo Bey (INEO-CIF-CONICET).
In: Steffen Herrmann, Gerhard Thonhauser, Sophie Loidolt, Tobias Matzner,
Nils Baratella, eds., The Routledge Handbook of Political Phenomenology
(London: Routledge, 2024)
of science with Feyerabend. In addition, there is the question
of science, as Nietzsche raises this question along with
Feyerabend’s programmatic recommendations for traditional philosophy
of science. Including a discussion of method in history as
in theology and philology, including Nietzsche’s hermeneutics,
this essay reviews Feyerabend’s exchanges with Lakatos along
with the resistance of mainstream philosophy of science to hermeneutics
as such. A discussion of Feyerabend’s ‘gods’ engages
what he invokes as ontological abundance as well as his criticism
of the limitations of Popper’s critique of Parmenides requiring
both historical/historiographical context, an understanding of science
in practice, via a contextualization of Schrödinger, and via
Plato’s epistemology along with Duhem on experiment and Riegl
on style, crucial for Feyerabend on the notion of ‘progress,’ key
for Lakatos and others, in art and science.
Edited by Aaron Turner
SUNY series in Contemporary Continental Philosophy
Hardcover : 9781438499062, 437 pages
September 2024
k e y w o r d s : correctness; aletheic truth; thinking; media; questioning
In: Gatherings, edited by Scott Campbell, Vol. 13 (2023)
Full text here: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/01914537231203551
If you need access to the full version of this article and your institution does not offer access, please let me know and I can send you a research pdf.
Death and limitation are part of Nietzsche's own reflections and correspond to what de Beauvoir highlights in terms of «mysteries, orgies, and bacchanals», in addition to so-called «sacred frenzy», and the conjunction of marriage and lightning strikes.
The book in its entirety may be seen (and ordered) here:
‘Covid-19,’ today’s most telling linguistic move might be the reference to ‘the science.’ Here, by using the definite article, it is implied not only that there is a ‘received view’ in science, just as Thomas Kuhn would tell us, but more crucially that science is a singular, monolithic affair.
See for citation Holger Zaborowski, Hg., Martin Heidegger: Holzwege – Klassiker Auslegen (Berlin: de Gruyter, 2024)
January 2024
Traducido del inglés por Facundo Bey (INEO-CIF-CONICET).
19 June 2023
4–6pm BST
RHUL Room 1 Stewart House
Senate House, London
Co-sponsored by the Centre for Continental Philosophy, Royal Holloway University of London.
Free and open to the public.
Contact: j.ng [at] gold.ac.uk
About the Speaker:
Babette Babich is Professor of Philosophy at Fordham University, NYC and Visiting Professor of Theology, Religion and Philosophy at the University of Winchester, England. Her research emphasizes philosophy of science and technology (from a continental perspective) in addition to ancient philosophy and philosophical aesthetics, esp. sculpture and music. Recent books include Günther Anders’ Philosophy of Technology (2022); Nietzsches Plastik (2021); Nietzsches Antike (2020); The Hallelujah Effect (2016 [2013]); and Words in Blood, Like Flowers (2006). In addition to editing the journal, New Nietzsche Studies, her edited collections include Reading David Hume’s ›Of the Standard of Taste‹ (2019) and Hermeneutic Philosophies of Social Science (2017) as well as editing the physicist-philosopher, Patrick Aidan Heelan’s, The Observable: Heisenberg’s Philosophy of Quantum Mechanics (2016).
L’actualité des Juifs de Heidegger démontre que la lecture de Heidegger donne des richesses extraordinaires pour la pensée. Même si j’ai des doutes que l’exigence obligatoire de débattre des Cahiers noirs fonctionnerait dans la même manière, cette intervention a eu une seule touche: c’est la centralité de la lecture in lento que nous avons appris de Nietzsche et Heidegger, et que Heidegger, pour devenir Heidegger, a employé dans son travail. C’est ce qui est nécessaire pour lire Heidegger.
Aujourd’hui nous lisons trop rapidement, nous lisons comme des philologues digitalisés (ou peut-être avons-nous besoin d’un terme plus précis) en chasse pour le texte qui révèle la clé de l’antisémitisme de Heidegger. Car si nous commençons, comme nous le faisons en parlant comme Peter Trawny suggère attentivement que nous devons parler de l’histoire mondiale, de l’onto-historique antisémitisme de Heidegger, nous finirons commenous avons commencé avec une connaissance tout court de son antisémitisme. Nous sommes tous, comme Adorno l’a souligné, que Sartre souligne, antisémite, que ce soit d’une façon ou d’une autre. Nous sommes tous, comme Heidegger le souligne dans Être et Temps, déjà coupables, impliqués à l’avance.
Nous savons qui sont ces Juifs de Heidegger, nous les condamnons, Hannah Arendt en première ligne, mais d’autres aussi, quand et si elles ne s’acharnent suffisamment de se distancier de Heidegger et de le dénoncer, ce qui a toujours été, comme disent les Allemands, keine Kunst. Donc, nous avons surtout perdu la manière de lire qui nous permettrait de lire les Cahiers parce que comme je l’ai affirmé nous considérons le contexte de la préoccupation de Heidegger avec la technique et la science comme une distraction (c’est aussi la raison pour laquelle nous ne lisons pas Anders). Nous commençons donc comme nous finissons en lecteurs qui se sont passés du context. Ceci serait une question de technique, d’une lecture au-delà des clichés de «science allemande» comme Pierre Duhem nous l’avait montré et qui aujourd’hui, sans le moindre soupçon pour l’importance que Duhem trouvait dans la « science française» : on sacrifie au dieu de scandale, hélas pour Bachelard et Serres mais aussi hélas pour l’auteur nous oublions parce que nous le lisons pas, Louis Basso. Et mon point ici est que la plupart de vous ne connaitrons pas son nom.
Nous avons à faire avec un silence non seulement sur les noms réputés insignifiants dans l’académie, mais sur les noms des juifs dans le cercle de Heidegger. Hannah Arendt avait raison de se plaindre, comme je l’ai fait valoir , car beaucoup de ses textes avait inclus en code (mais pas si codés qu’on ne peut pas les voir) des références prévues pour les yeux de Heidegger.
Peut-être qu’elle a fait cela dans le seul but de le tester ou pour voir, comme le font des amis qui sont écrivains avec des amis qui sont écrivains dans le même domaine ou qui se chevauchent, de voir si l’on est lu du tout.
Heidegger a échoué à tous les tests d’amour que Hannah Arendt lui a présentés et elle a répondu comme le font les amants, en l’aimant encore, quand même, comme elle a fait valoir dans sa dissertation sur l’amour et Saint Augustin : c’est ce que fait l’amour.
Est-ce que la philosophie aime toujours, si nous savons qu’elle est réduite à des trivialités analytiques (comme elle l’est trop souvent)? Si elle est pratiquée par des universitaires, fonctionnaires qui ont perdu leur amour pour la pensée et pour questionner, ne pensant qu’au bien des emplois qu’ils occupent ou, et cela vaut pour les jeunes plus ce qu’ils s’imaginent, qu’ils envisagent d’occuper ou organiser? Peut-on encore questionner dans le sillage de la technique?
Chapter 10 from Babich: Günther Anders' Philosophy of Technology
Ch 6 from Babich, Günther Anders' Philosophy of Technology (London: Bloomsbury, Paper: 2023 [2022])
Babich, The Hallelujah Effect: Philosophical Reflections on Music, Performance Practice, and Technology (London: Routledge, 2016 [2013]), 121-164.
Babette Babich: Nietzsches Plastik. Ästhetische Phänomenologie im Spiegel des Lebens. Oxford/Berlin/Bern: Peter Lang, 2021.
Lebens. Vorträge und Aufsätze
Oxford/Berlin/Bern Peter Lang 2021
ISBN 9781800793057 (paperback)
Neben seinen Vorlesungen über vorplatonische Philosophie behauptete Nietzsche in seiner „Theorie der quantitirenden Rhythmik“ die Aussprache des Altgriechischen aus dem ‚Geist der Musik' heraus ‚entdeckt‘ zu haben. Dieser Geist spiegelt sich in Nietzsches Auseinandersetzung mit der klassischen Musik wider, insbesondere in der mit Beethoven. Die Beiträge in diesem Buch stammen aus Aufsätzen und Vorträgen zu Nietzsches weniger bekannten Überlegungen zur klassischen Antike zwischen Aufstieg und Dekadenz. Zu den behandelten Themen gehören Lukian und Zarathustra, die Gartenphilosophie von Epikur sowie Wissenschaft und Religion. Über Literaturwissenschaft und Philosophie hinaus, stellt dieses Buch die Kunstgeschichte in den Vordergrund.
Erscheint: 17. Dezember 2020
Friedrich Nietzsche, Greek Music-Drama
Helmut Müller-Sievers, “A Tremendous Chasm”: Nietzsche,
The Birth of Tragedy, and the Measure of Poetry
Dieter Jahnig, Liberating Art’s Knowledge from Metaphysics
in Nietzsche’s The Birth of Tragedy
Holger Schmid, Heidegger, Nietzsche, and the Problem of
Tracy Burr Strong, The ‘Optics’ of Science, Art and Life:
A Reading of the 1886 Preface to The Birth of Tragedy]
Gary Shapiro, Übersehen: An Architecture of Tragic Vision
Friedrich Nietzsche, The Dionysian Worldview
James Whitman, Nietzsche and the Magisterial Tradition
Louis A. Ruprecht, Jr., Wilamowitz vs. Winckelmann:
The Romantic Roots of Nietzsche’s Birth of Tragedy
Babette Babich, Winckelmann’s Apollo, Nietzsche’s Dionysus:
Color and Music
Also includes summary references to the contributions in the book collection: Reading David Hume's 'Of the Standard of Taste'
Paperback released end of December 2020
Hermeneutic philosophies of the social science represented in the present collection of essays draw inspiration from Gadamer’s work as well as from Paul Ricoeur in addition to Michel de Certeau and Michel Foucault among others. Special attention is given to Wilhelm Dilthey in addition to the broader phenomenological traditions of Edmund Husserl and Martin Heidegger as well as the history of philosophy in Plato and Descartes.
The volume is indispensible reading for students and scholars interested in epistemology, philosophy of science, social social studies of knowledge and social studies of technology.
Now in paperback.
Limina: Journal of UAP Studies Inaugural Symposium
Feb 3-Feb 5
Link to lecture here: https://youtu.be/jJ7S6ZaFJCk
Abstract: How is the philosophy of science to engage with unexplained phenomena of a ‘close encounters’ kind, that is with respect to unidentified aerospace phenomena? Notice that I am not here talking about whether or not philosophers might modify Nagel’s ‘what’s it’s like to be a bat?’ in line with linguistics via Chomsky, although these perspectives are valuable, or Nick Rescher’s “Extraterrestrial Science.” Instead at issue is the concept, key to philosophy of science, of ‘saving the phenomena’ and the politics of science theory and practice in addition to the status of the scientific object and whether or not it might be counted among the items of Eddington style world-furniture or Husserlian ‘things themselves.’ In addition to discussing philosophy’s long standing concern with extraterrestrials, the discounting of UAPs will also be explored as part of the politics of ‘science’.
Heidegger Circle
Jim Bahoh, Convenor, University of Memphis, 26-29 May 2022
Video Link here:
Part of a Panel on
Animal Rights? The Liberal Limits to Human Emancipation
organized by Peter Bratsis and Bruno Gulli
Where: Left Forum 2015: John Jay College of Criminal Justice, 524 W 59th St, NY, New Building,1.90
When: Sat, 20 May 2015, 3:15-5PM
Diversité linguistique et culturelle, appropriations, réceptions
Francophonies, formations à distance, migrances
Tours, 3 rue des Tanneurs
Université François Rabelais – Tours – France
08-10 Juin 2016
Direction: Isabelle Pierozak, Valenti Feussi, Emmanuelle Huver Formations à distance - francophonies – migrances : des transversalités épistémologiques
Bibliothèque Nationale de France
Centre Culturel Irlandais - Paris
22 - 25 janvier 2015
3 February 2023
Video link (copy and paste to view):
Video link here:
Text by Pierre Hadot from Philosophy as a Way of Life
Can be ordered for your university or local library.
William J. Richardson, S.J. Reflections in Memoriam.
Die Freundschaft mit WILLIAM J. RICHARDSON, SJ hat mein Leben über sechzig Jahre lang mitbestimmt und mitgestaltet. Wie kein anderer Philosoph hat er durch seine tiefe Menschlichkeit, seine Selbstlosigkeit und die Offenheit seines Denkens meinen eigenen Weg begleitet und vertieft.
See for the entire collection: https://www.amazon.co.uk/William-J-Richardson-S-J-Reflections/dp/1949766004
First three pages. See full text: https://babettebabich.uk/2024/12/05/anti-conviviality/
Boston Phenomenology Circle
Boston University
6 April 2024
Harvard Review of Philosophy Annual Lecture
Date: Friday, March 22, 2024, 3:00pm to 5:00pm
Location: Emerson Hall 210
Lecture: Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University
25 February 2022
Lecture invited for the NYC PSWIP 2nd Annual Colloquium
Great Men, Little Black Dresses, & The Virtues of Keeping One’s Feet on the Ground: On the Status of Women in Philosophy
Wednesday, April 8th 2009, 2-4 PM
New School for Social Research
Machinist Conference Room, Mezzanine
65 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10003
in: Babette Babich, ed., Hermeneutic Philosophy of Science, Van Gogh's Eyes, and God (Dordrecht: Kluwer, 2002)
originally invited for a print issue of a journal dedicated in its entirety to reviews of McLeish's book.
Part II
The preface to the B edition of Kant's first Critique lists the spagyrist, Georg Stahl (1659-1734) together with Galileo and Toricelli as scientific exemplars, Stahl being the least familiar name. The context of Kant's illustration is worth citing to begin with: Dem ersten, der den gleichseitigen Triangel demonstrierte (er mag nun Thales oder wie man will geheißen haben), dem ging ein Licht auf; denn er fand, daß er nicht dem, was er in der Figur sah, oder auch dem bloßen Begriffe derselben nachspüren und gleichsam davon ihre Eigenschaften ablernen, sondern durch das, was er nach Begriffen selbst a priori hineindachte und darstellte (durch Konstruktion), hervorbringen müsse, und daß er, um sicher etwas a priori zu wissen, er der Sache nichts beilegen müsse, als was aus dem notwendig folgte, was er seinem Begriffe gemäß selbst in sie gelegt hat. (B xi-xii) Kant details expressly experimental references to Galileo rolling balls down an inclined plane (B xiii), followed by Torricelli's hydrostatic experiment, the so-called 'Wassersäulenproblem', to culminate
This is an unpublished draft.