Hery Kurniawan
Phone: +62380 823 357
Address: Forda mof (Forestry Research and Development Agency, Ministry of Forestry
Address: Forda mof (Forestry Research and Development Agency, Ministry of Forestry
Related Authors
Arief Darmawan
Lampung University
Trimanto Trimanto
Indonesian Institute of Sciences
Papers by Hery Kurniawan
found plantation forest of Teak (Tectona grandis), Ampupu (Eucalyptus urophylla) and mahoni (Swietenia
macrophylla) spread on many place, in which the carbon stock potentials have not been identified yet. This research was
aimed to achieve carbon stock data for teak species in mineral land plantation forest with extremely dry climate region
through allometric model for improving forestry green house gases sequestration factor of two regencies in the Province.
The result shows that highest carbon stock of teak forest in Kupang Regency refer to Ketterings allometric is 148,48
ton/ha, and referring to PĂ©rez, L.D. & Kanninen allometric is 145,32 ton/ha, which occured in class III age. The
lowest carbon stock refers to Ketterings allometric is 106,59 ton/ha, to PĂ©rez, L.D.& Kanninen allometric is 107,04
ton/ha, It's occurred in age classV. The highest carbon stock of teak forest in Belu Regency refers to Ketterings allometric
is 205,41 ton/ha, and refers to PĂ©rez, L.D.& Kanninen allometric is 203,43 ton/ha, which occured in age class VIII.
The lowest carbon stock refers to Ketterings allometric is 63,65 ton/ha, to PĂ©rez, L.D.& Kanninen allometric is 69,29
ton/ha, It's occurred in age class IV. Both, Ketterings and PĂ©rez, L.D. & Kanninen allometric gives the near same
results. The trend of Carbon sink among age class of teak forest area in Kupang regency could be estimated and drawn by
a very low slope line, and just the same in every class age wether refers to Ketterinsg or PĂ©rez, L.D.&Kanninen allometric.
The trend of Carbon sink among age class of teak forest area in Belu regency shows a rather high slope and upraising line
gradually, in line with upraising of age class.
Keyword: carbon stock potencies, teak forest, East Nusa Tenggara,
economic value, but also as a symbol that unify people or community and culture wisdom in
NTT Province. The management of cendana had been passing many time and period, which it
has having good and bad experience depending on several factors. Some of these are regional
regulation which did not support the efforts for developing cendana plantation. This research
was aimed to know cendana crown stratum and competition index especially in private land.
Achieving information and data on cendana habitat for supporting the implementation of
Cendana Master Plan in NTT Province become the targets of the research. Metodology of the
research is descriptive quantitative which based on directly field survey. Data collection was
conducted by three ways, which were interviewed with the stakeholders, direct survey and desk
studied of secondary data. The result shows that Santalum album trees tend to grow at stratum
1 and 2 of the overall plantation in one area. And the average of competition index of Santalum
plantation in TTS regency is 0,18; in TTU regency is 0,07; and Belu regency is 0,1.
home industry. People utilize it by cutting down the growing productive trees, causing the sustainability of gewang becomes threatened.
Province of Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT) is natural habitat for gewang distribution. On the other hand, stands have ability or
function as carbon absorber and sinker also. Because of this, the existence and regeneration process should be guarded as this function is in
line with the efforts to increase carbon stock of savanna forest in NTT. Information of carbon sink in trees became important,
because of with this information could be understood the most feasible size/dimension of gewang to be harvested. Up to now there is no
allometric equation which is specifically developed to estimate carbon stock potential on gewang's savanna . In order to provide
data using of accuracy level 3 Tier 3 , carbon stock estimation was done by estimating biomass and carbon, modell for specific species and
site. This paper constructs allometric equation model for estimating gewang biomass with destructive sampling method. In
addition, allometric equation for estimating carbon stock of gewang was constructed by direct estimation using carbonation method. The
study result in allometric equation model for estimating gewang stem biomass y = 19703x , for leaves biomass y = 8449x and for
midrib biomass y=16855x .Allometric equation model to estimate carbon stock for gewang leaves y=10704 x , for midrib y=
15069 x and for stem y=27110 x
Allometric equations, biomass, carbon, , conservation
Related to the provision of data in tier 3, the estimation of carbon stocks begins with the estimation of biomass using species and site
specific model. This study aims to reduce uncertainty in estimating carbon sink in Eucalyptus alba savanna forest and to improve its
accuracy. The study was conducted in TTURegency,NTT Province (West Timor). It estimated tree biomass by direct measurement using
destructive sampling. Fifteen trees from five different diameter classes were cut as sample trees. Whole stem volume was measured. Wet
weight of all parts of the branches, leaves and twig weighed. Then samples were taken from each component to be dried in the laboratory to
determine the biomass dry weight. The allometric equations were then developed using the best equation of regression. The results showed
the best allometric equation for stem biomass is y = 7.725e , leaf biomass is y = 0.010x , branch biomass is y = 0.005x , and
for twig is y=0.015x .
wrong government policies and public apathy to replant sandalwood plants. Though there are
other actors who are concerned with the sandalwood market/entrepreneur, given the sandalwood
is economically valuable commodity. Therefore, the involvement of market/business
management program sandalwood also an important role.
The role of research institutions in the development of sandalwood plants through the
discovery of technology packages which are easy to implement and reliable success in the field,
deciding research priorities and new discoveries and breakthroughs that can increase the economic
value of sandalwood.
found plantation forest of Teak (Tectona grandis), Ampupu (Eucalyptus urophylla) and mahoni (Swietenia
macrophylla) spread on many place, in which the carbon stock potentials have not been identified yet. This research was
aimed to achieve carbon stock data for teak species in mineral land plantation forest with extremely dry climate region
through allometric model for improving forestry green house gases sequestration factor of two regencies in the Province.
The result shows that highest carbon stock of teak forest in Kupang Regency refer to Ketterings allometric is 148,48
ton/ha, and referring to PĂ©rez, L.D. & Kanninen allometric is 145,32 ton/ha, which occured in class III age. The
lowest carbon stock refers to Ketterings allometric is 106,59 ton/ha, to PĂ©rez, L.D.& Kanninen allometric is 107,04
ton/ha, It's occurred in age classV. The highest carbon stock of teak forest in Belu Regency refers to Ketterings allometric
is 205,41 ton/ha, and refers to PĂ©rez, L.D.& Kanninen allometric is 203,43 ton/ha, which occured in age class VIII.
The lowest carbon stock refers to Ketterings allometric is 63,65 ton/ha, to PĂ©rez, L.D.& Kanninen allometric is 69,29
ton/ha, It's occurred in age class IV. Both, Ketterings and PĂ©rez, L.D. & Kanninen allometric gives the near same
results. The trend of Carbon sink among age class of teak forest area in Kupang regency could be estimated and drawn by
a very low slope line, and just the same in every class age wether refers to Ketterinsg or PĂ©rez, L.D.&Kanninen allometric.
The trend of Carbon sink among age class of teak forest area in Belu regency shows a rather high slope and upraising line
gradually, in line with upraising of age class.
Keyword: carbon stock potencies, teak forest, East Nusa Tenggara,
economic value, but also as a symbol that unify people or community and culture wisdom in
NTT Province. The management of cendana had been passing many time and period, which it
has having good and bad experience depending on several factors. Some of these are regional
regulation which did not support the efforts for developing cendana plantation. This research
was aimed to know cendana crown stratum and competition index especially in private land.
Achieving information and data on cendana habitat for supporting the implementation of
Cendana Master Plan in NTT Province become the targets of the research. Metodology of the
research is descriptive quantitative which based on directly field survey. Data collection was
conducted by three ways, which were interviewed with the stakeholders, direct survey and desk
studied of secondary data. The result shows that Santalum album trees tend to grow at stratum
1 and 2 of the overall plantation in one area. And the average of competition index of Santalum
plantation in TTS regency is 0,18; in TTU regency is 0,07; and Belu regency is 0,1.
home industry. People utilize it by cutting down the growing productive trees, causing the sustainability of gewang becomes threatened.
Province of Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT) is natural habitat for gewang distribution. On the other hand, stands have ability or
function as carbon absorber and sinker also. Because of this, the existence and regeneration process should be guarded as this function is in
line with the efforts to increase carbon stock of savanna forest in NTT. Information of carbon sink in trees became important,
because of with this information could be understood the most feasible size/dimension of gewang to be harvested. Up to now there is no
allometric equation which is specifically developed to estimate carbon stock potential on gewang's savanna . In order to provide
data using of accuracy level 3 Tier 3 , carbon stock estimation was done by estimating biomass and carbon, modell for specific species and
site. This paper constructs allometric equation model for estimating gewang biomass with destructive sampling method. In
addition, allometric equation for estimating carbon stock of gewang was constructed by direct estimation using carbonation method. The
study result in allometric equation model for estimating gewang stem biomass y = 19703x , for leaves biomass y = 8449x and for
midrib biomass y=16855x .Allometric equation model to estimate carbon stock for gewang leaves y=10704 x , for midrib y=
15069 x and for stem y=27110 x
Allometric equations, biomass, carbon, , conservation
Related to the provision of data in tier 3, the estimation of carbon stocks begins with the estimation of biomass using species and site
specific model. This study aims to reduce uncertainty in estimating carbon sink in Eucalyptus alba savanna forest and to improve its
accuracy. The study was conducted in TTURegency,NTT Province (West Timor). It estimated tree biomass by direct measurement using
destructive sampling. Fifteen trees from five different diameter classes were cut as sample trees. Whole stem volume was measured. Wet
weight of all parts of the branches, leaves and twig weighed. Then samples were taken from each component to be dried in the laboratory to
determine the biomass dry weight. The allometric equations were then developed using the best equation of regression. The results showed
the best allometric equation for stem biomass is y = 7.725e , leaf biomass is y = 0.010x , branch biomass is y = 0.005x , and
for twig is y=0.015x .
wrong government policies and public apathy to replant sandalwood plants. Though there are
other actors who are concerned with the sandalwood market/entrepreneur, given the sandalwood
is economically valuable commodity. Therefore, the involvement of market/business
management program sandalwood also an important role.
The role of research institutions in the development of sandalwood plants through the
discovery of technology packages which are easy to implement and reliable success in the field,
deciding research priorities and new discoveries and breakthroughs that can increase the economic
value of sandalwood.