? ?
Journal created:
on 11 February 2007 (#12259272)
on 5 January 2014
forbidden roads
Berlin, Germany
Posting Access:
Select Members , Moderated
Here you can find my not football related graphics.
It is my little personal place to enjoy...

1. don't steal, manipulate, alter or hotlink any of my icons or artworks and if you think you have to steal all what I have made - then steal it and make me proud, I believe only very good things are stolen - YEAH I make only the best art *LOL*
YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHH I love to find my stuff all over the I-net!
2. if you take one or more, please credit aglaiya comments would be nice too, if you don't want to credit or to comment I have to live with
3. feel free to friend this journal, I always love meeting new friends
4. most important: don't hotlink, it's not that hard to upload the pictures to your own webspace or using photobucket
5. my resources can be found here
