We promised you to revive this community at the beginning of the year and now we'll finally live up to that promise -
we brought you a challenge and slightly changed our usual ways... Hopefully this will suit all of our writing better and perhaps help to get this tree to grow strong... ;)
So, for this new tree we will no longer have a starting ficlet to get your ideas bouncing, but a list of ten individual sentences instead.
You can pick, mix and match these sentences after your own liking; the only thing you have to do is write a ficlet (or a drabble) around them and then post it in the comments of this entry. There are no limitations to your imagination, you can pick all the characters, pairings, raitings and genres you like - as long as it can be classified as 'football slash', you're good to go!
[This also means that you can take all of the 'he','him','his' etc. and turn them into 'she','her' etc., or replace a name x with y!]
As for the challenge: Of course you can pick the sentence you like best, but why not tickle your muse(s) and try to write a ficlet/drabbles for each one of them?
The Sentences:
1 His phone buzzes in his pocket so he reaches for it and sighs when he sees the screen.
2 He came up to me suddenly, grabbed my chest and pushed me against the wall. (x)
3 This is not enough; sex is not enough. (Cold Red Light, IAMX)
4 His skin was thicker than mine and a gorgeous shade of toast. (The Help, K. Stockett)
5 You have every reason in the world to hate me, yet somehow I thought you were the one person to give me half a chance. (x)
6 I miss the way you say my name.
7 The dialing tone becomes his heartbeat as he waits for him to pick up.
8 If you really love me, you'll stay up and watch Game Of Thrones with me tonight.
9 The stadium lights around him become brighter, then flicker, then fade.
10 And then X knows Y knows what he did in the dark.
Once our tree starts to grow (= once there are ficlets/drabbles in the comments), our usual way of things gets back into order: you can pick any sentence or part of a sentence you find in the comments, write your own ficlet/drabble for it and then post it as a reply to the comment you took your starting sentence from. That's as easy as it gets!
We mods hope that this new way of starting off a tree is to your taste, too - Happy Foresting! ;)
(If you have any questions, please address them to the help post. // Wrote a ficlet and you would like to give others the chance to give you some feedback for it? Want to give feedback yourself? Here's the place for it! // Wrote yourself into a frenzy? Check out our awesome affiliates, too!)