? ?
06 September 2011 @ 05:55 pm
Title: 2 Untitled drabbles
Rating: G
Word Count: 978
Pairing: Gerard Pique/Cesc Fabregas; Adam Johnson/David Silva
Warning: None
Disclaimer: This is all untrue, and is simply a product of a boring afternoon at work.

A Monday evening, 2 cities, four boys being annoyingly in love.

BarcelonaCollapse )

ManchesterCollapse )

Notes: The Johnson/Silva fic wouldn't exist if it wasn't for ladytelemachus's Four and Twenty Million Doors which everyone should read because it's amazing.
07 May 2011 @ 05:20 pm
This is an old fic of mine. There was someone who wanted to see it, so I'm posting it here in case other people would enjoy it, too. Obviously, this was written while Zlatan was still at Inter, which is already quite some time ago, but I hope it's still enjoyable.

TITLE: Four Things Zlatan Loves about Inter and One He's a Little Confused About.
RATING: PG, I suppose.
DISCLAIMER: This is fiction. You know, made-up stuff.

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26 February 2011 @ 11:41 pm
Title: Your secret is safe with me
Rating: PG.
Characters: Raúl/Carles Puyol, through the eyes of a stranger.
Disclaimer: Lies and made up stuff.
Prompt: Written for the Songfic challenge at footballverse. The song used is Madonna's "La Isla Bonita", but the fic itself doesn't actually have much to do with the song.
Word count: 946.

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22 February 2011 @ 11:25 am
Title: It takes a stranger to tell the truth.
Pairing: Peter Forsberg/Diego Forlán.
Rating: PG-13.
Notes: Peter is a (now retired) Swedish ice hockey player. I wrote a little fangirl post for him here.
Disclaimer: I obviously made this up.
Word count: 659.

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17 January 2011 @ 04:47 pm
Title: Blindfolded
Characters: Diego Lugano/Diego Forlán.
Rating: I think it qualifies as NC-17?
Disclaimer: Lies, lies and more lies.
Word count: 503.

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30 June 2010 @ 08:09 pm
title weight
rating pg
word count 555
prompt 006. portugal
pairing sergio ramos/fernando torres
summary fernando needs some cheering up

When Fernando opens the door, he just looks tired.
14 June 2010 @ 11:38 pm
title gravitational pull
rating pg. pg-13 at most.
pairing fernando torres/sergio ramos
summary in which raul is wise, sergio is practical, and fernando has a few epiphanies.
word count 2,017

That’s not what I’m saying." Raul reprimands quietly, and Fernando knows that beyond a shadow of a doubt, he is talking to his captain right now.
08 June 2010 @ 09:59 pm
title the end of the day
word count 1,297
summary celebrating fernando's return to form
pairing sergio ramos/fernando torres
rating nc-17
prompt 023. lovers

it's celebration time
08 June 2010 @ 04:52 pm
title the aeroplane over the sea
pairing sergio ramos/fernando torres
rating pg
prompt 037. sound
word count 597

what a curious life
02 May 2010 @ 08:58 pm
title in retrospect
pairing sergio/fernando
word count 1389
summary five times fernando surprises sergio

uno dos tres quatro cinco