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Entries by tag: prompt: armband

We have a winner!

Thank you very much to all our participants this week - we had nine icons, and fifteen drabbles all about armbands.

The most captainly of allCollapse )

One for Workington

Title: Armband
Author: cheryl_bites
Team of Choice: Workington
Prompt: Armband
Character: Christian Chivu
Rating: PG-13 for Foul Language.

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five drabbles; team: atletico de madrid

Title: .everything blows at some point.
Author: ladyrocketdale
Team of Choice: Atlético de Madrid.
Prompt: armband
Pairing (if needed): sort of Gaby Heinze/Fabián Ayala.
Rating: PG.

the meaning behind and the idea of powerCollapse )

Title: .stop, turn around.
Author: ladyrocketdale
Team of Choice: Atlético de Madrid.
Prompt: armband
Pairing (if needed): sort of Fabián Ayala/Javier Zanetti.
Rating: PG.

taking the captaincy of it is something hugeCollapse )

Title: .alongside.
Author: ladyrocketdale
Team of Choice: Atlético de Madrid.
Prompt: armband
Pairing (if needed): Gaby Heinze/Fabián Ayala.
Rating: PG-15.

since the olympics started practicallyCollapse )

Title: .dress up like the hero you are.
Author: ladyrocketdale
Team of Choice: Atlético de Madrid.
Prompt: armband
Pairing (if needed): none. (Characters are Daniel Montengro and Lucas Pusineri)
Rating: PG.
(note: inspired by this, and named after it.)

the armband isn't his on first placeCollapse )

Title: .empty spaces.
Author: ladyrocketdale
Team of Choice: Atlético de Madrid.
Prompt: armband
Pairing (if needed): Claudio Yacob/Matías Sanchéz (one sided). Matías Sanchéz/Maxi Moralez.
Rating: PG.

being always the second choiceCollapse )

Four for Worky.

Title: To Boost His Sexual Performance
Author: cheryl_bites
Team of Choice: Workington
Prompt: Armband
Pairing: Bogdan Lobont/Adrian Mutu, Christian Chivu
Rating: R

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Title: Strata
Author: cheryl_bites
Team of Choice: Workington
Prompt: Armband
Characters: Adrian Mutu, Christian Chivu, Javier Zanetti
Rating: G

(This happened – the manpile thing, that is – but I just can’t bloody find the pictures or video. DX)

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Title: Without A Paddle
Author: cheryl_bites
Team of Choice: Workington
Prompt: Armband
Characters: Javier Zanetti, Leo Messi, Walter Samuel
Rating: PG

(Ahem. The next two drabbles owe their entire existence to this photo, which was posted by equusdraco at the Inter Fangirl’s Guide. Conny suggested that WuSam looked as if he was about to spank Javi with a paddle, with which I concurred.

Caveat reador: the first one is silly, but THE SECOND ONE ISN’T. Very. DON’T SAY I DIDN’T WARN YOU.)

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Title: Proud Of Their Meat
Author: cheryl_bites
Team of Choice: Workington
Prompt: Armband
Characters: Er... half the Argentinia NT
Rating: R

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Now; team: Roma

Title: Now
Author: tie_dyed_vision
Team of Choice: Roma
Prompt: armband
Pairing: Daniele De Rossi/Alberto Aquilani
Rating: PG-13

read it hereCollapse )

Time to vote!

Submission has now closed for the icon prompt over at shoot_and_score. Please go here to register your vote for your favourite icon - remember, the winning icon earns the team of choice three additional points.

Thank you - and it's not too late to submit a drabble or six!

Memories (Juventus)

Title: Memories
Rating: PG
Pairing: Paolo Maldini/Andrea Pirlo - Andrea's POV.
Prompt: Armband
Team of choice: Juventus

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enough. team of choice, arsenal.

Title: Enough
Author: louis_quatorze
Team of Choice: Arsenal
Character: Freddie Ljungberg
Rating: PG

Enough.Collapse )
Title: Yes Captain
Author: hoppipolla
Team of Choice: Inter
Prompt: captain's armband
Pairing (if needed): Javier Zanetti/Nicolas Burdisso
Rating: PG-13

captain's armbandCollapse )

New season, new start

Mornin', all!

Today is the day footie_100 comes back to life after the closed season. Transfers have now all been done [thank goodness], seasons have resumed, things are back to normal. To break us back in gently, the prompt for this week is armband. New captains, experienced captains, armband rivalry, armband UST, other armband shenanigans - what you do with the small rectangle of plastic and velcro is up to you.

I hope that it will inspire some wonderful D/s captainly-related ficcage. Remember, you can submit as many drabbles as you like, but no more than ten can be allocated to one team. Make your team be the first winner of the new season!

Closing date is Sunday 7th Sept at 10:00pm GMT. The very best of luck to you all.



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