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Entries by tag: character: sebastien frey

A Logical Progression, Timisoara

Title: A Logical Progression
Author: cheryl_bites
Team of Choice: Poli Timisoara
Prompt: Nose/knows
Characters: Adrian Mutu, Sebastien Frey
Rating: PG (minor injury)

(Conny wanted more Mutu and Seb.)

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The Proactive Approach, Timisoara.

Title: The Proactive Approach
Author: cheryl_bites
Team of Choice: Timisoara
Prompt: Take
Characters: Sebastien Frey, Adrian Mutu, Dario Dainelli
Rating: PG-13 for drug references.

(Conny requested crack involving Seb, Mutu and a plant. Don’t ask.)

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two drabbles; team of choice: ac milan

Title: Lazy afternoons
Author: caydelaura
Team of choice: AC Milan
Prompt: Mouth
Characters: Luis Figo/Gianluca Zambrotta
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Not true

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Title: Late nights
Author: caydelaura
Team of choice: AC Milan
Prompt: Mouth
Characters: Sébastien Frey/Matteo Sereni
Rating: PG-13, to be on the safe side
Disclaimer: Not true

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two drabbles, team of choice: fiorentina

Title: Untitled
Author: hoppipolla
Team of Choice: ACF Fiorentina
Prompt: Down
Pairing (if needed): Thierry Henry/Bojan Krkic
Rating: R

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Title: The Fear
Author: hoppipolla
Team of Choice: ACF Fiorentina
Prompt: Down
Pairing (if needed): Alberto Gilardino, Sebastien Frey
Rating: G

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three drabbles; team of choice: as roma

Title: Smile
Author: labyrinthically
Team of Choice: AS Roma
Prompt: Food
Pairing: Cyril Rool/Olivier Echouafni, David Ospina
Rating: G
Disclaimer: lies/falsities
Note: For bustedflush. It is snowing outside, and I'm really excited about it. Recently it has also snowed in France. HOW MYSTERIOUS. (Ospina is Colombian, and has only recently seen snow, in France.)

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Title: Dark
Author: labyrinthically
Team of Choice: AS Roma
Prompt: Food
Pairing: Pablo Daniel Osvaldo/Sebastien Frey
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: lies/falsities
Note: For bustedflush.

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Title: Weather or Not
Author: labyrinthically
Team of Choice: AS Roma
Prompt: Food
Pairing: Tomas Ujfalusi/Zdravko Kuzmanovic
Rating: G
Disclaimer: lies/falsities
Note: For bustedflush. They were not supposed to be this emo. Boys.

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Title: Again; Team of Choice: OGC Nice

Title: Again
Author: great_whatsit
Team of Choice: OGC Nice
Prompt: Dark
Pairing: Matteo Sereni/Sebastien Frey
Rating: R
Note: For roadtoharmony, at long last!

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Title: Overture
Author: caydelaura
Team of choice: ACF Fiorentina
Prompt: Hard
Characters: Zlatan Ibrahimovic, Sébastien Frey
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Not true
Notes: Both to be blamed on bustedflush and finnygan in equal parts and therefore dedicated to them. :x

Takes place at/after Fiorentina-Inter last season at which Sébastien denied Zlatan several times. It eventually ended 0-2, but with no goal by Zlatan. (Video recap here, absolutely sick series of saves everyone needs to see at 1:30, fist bump of awesome at 1:50.)

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Title: Prey
Author: caydelaura
Team of choice: ACF Fiorentina
Prompt: Hard
Characters: Zlatan Ibrahimovic, Sébastien Frey
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Not true
Notes: Takes place in the depths of the San Siro after the Milan - Fiorentina match in February, two months after Fiorentina - Inter.

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two drabbles; team of choice: ac milan

Title: Morning After
Author: caydelaura
Team of choice: AC Milan
Prompt: Swear
Pairing: Sébastien Frey/Iker Casillas
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Not true
Notes: written for the lovely finnygan; sort of an answer to her insanely hot, gorgeous fic Influence.

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Title: Start Again
Author: caydelaura
Team of choice: AC Milan
Prompt: Swear
Characters: Sébastien Frey, Juan Manuel Vargas
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Not true
Notes: A little something for bustedflush. *squishes*
Vargas transferred to Fiorentina this season, and the poor muppet looked for all intents and purposes like the shy kid on his first day at school (he's the one on the far left).

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Title: Definitions
Author: caydelaura
Team of choice: FC Barcelona
Prompt: Drama
Pairing: Sébastien Frey/Matteo Sereni
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Not true
Notes: all of these written for the lovely bustedflush who I still owe a million drabbles, give or take.

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Title: Certainties
Author: caydelaura
Team of choice: FC Barcelona
Prompt: Drama
Pairing: Sébastien Frey/Alessandro Gamberini
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Not true
Notes: set after the second leg of the UEFA Cup quarterfinal between Fiorentina and Everton that went to penalties (and cost a lot of nerves). The incident referred to happens here at 0:06. Fiorentina eventually won 2-4.

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Title: Lyon
Author: caydelaura
Team of choice: FC Barcelona
Prompt: Drama
Pairing: Hugo Lloris/Ederson
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Not true
Notes: Both transferred from Nice to Lyon this summer, but Ederson already signed his contract back in January whereas Hugo's decision wasn't made until a few weeks ago.

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Title: Reminiscence
Author: caydelaura
Team of choice: FC Barcelona
Prompt: Drama
Pairing: Hugo Lloris/Ederson
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Not true

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Title: Waiting; Team of Choice: OGC Nice

Title: Waiting
Author: great_whatsit
Team of choice: OGC Nice
Prompt: New
Pairing: Matteo Sereni/Sebastien Frey
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Lies.
Note: For promptress roadtoharmony.

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